A burning sanctum

James was grieving for his house, or at least Wyatt thought so. He wasn't sure of much, and what he was sure of didn't seem relevant for such an occasion. The entire plane trip James was silent, they had heard about his house being burnt down a few hours after the fire was put out. And when they got there Wyatt thinks he understood why James was in grieving, the basement was full of burnt photos of people in since before history was recorded. There were pictures of women holding children, men holding swords in the air, a woman winning a drinking competition against a big hairy man, and James, with different families and friends. These were James memories. His collection of the lives he had lived, of this Wyatt was sure.

From that point on James was more focused on finding Dylan. Because of this they had caught up to Dylan by the end of the week. When they encountered him he simply made a wall of fire and had arrows shot through it at them. Wyatt had bled that day and Catherine had acted as if he was a baby because of it. She had run out of blood to spill a few months after Wyatt was born, but still she treats him as a child.

Catherine thought of Wyatt as more of a little brother than anything else. So she wished to defend him. He had bled two days earlier, he was young enough to still have blood. She may have lost the last drops of her blood only a two and a half months after Wyatt's birth but she refused to show weakness as to make him worry.

But James hadn't run out of tricks after they're last encounter with Dylan, and they found him two weeks later.

"Are, you going to follow me to the end?" Dylan yelled after two bullets entered his arm.

"Are you going to surrender, then we won't have to." Yelled Garrett in response. Why must he be better then Catherine at speaking responses. Hers always come out sounding unnatural.

"You know you can unload every bullet you have on me and I can still walk away, but if I drop a bus on you then you'll be stuck." Dylan yelled, he was trying to keep a conversation going for distraction. But for what?

"Come on." Catherine ordered Wyatt in a hushed voice, they were going to sneak behind Dylan and kill him a couple of times. And it worked well enough until they were shot in the backs with arrows. And when they tried to get up arrows were show into their hands. They lost Dylan that day.