Dylan at War

When war starts, Alexander gains power. Dylan knew this and had planned for this confrontation. But Dylan was prepared. He had planned out the meeting place to be in England due to its importance to Alexander. He had chosen this parking garage because it had recently collapsed and had the perfect vantage point for a sharpshooter. Alexander held two axes and was dressed in black combat gear. Alexander charged with the axes and Dylan waited for one, two, three, four. An arrow lodged itself into the ground in front of Alexander and tripped him, leaving him open for Dylan attack. He brought down a large rock on Alexanders back breaking most of the bones above his waist. But Alexander wouldn't give up that easily, "So, your'e a chaos god again?" He muttered in a hoarse voice.

"I never wasn't."

"But to what end? How many people will you injure, how many will you kill." Alexanders voice showing that the broken bones were mending.

"As many as need be." Dylan said now crouched down, "But never forget, I only rebelled because you stopped me once." Dylan started to walk away but before he left he pulled out a six shooter and unloaded two shots on Alexander.

"It won't happen again." And this time he walked away.

Dylan was on a plane going to Canada before noon and was in Canada by midnight. And he was only two days away from James study. While James was on the other side of the world.

Dylan walked through the front door setting down a ring of keys new and old alike on the table by the entry. The living room was a simple setup with only a couch and a television. In James's study was another story; there were papers and books sprawled all across the room and pinned against the walls. This was James's life work. Dylan knew what to look for, he had done his research as well. He found a file lying on the ground labeled: ORIGINS in green marker. Dylan had what he needed, the rest could be kindling.