The battle for New York

Wyatt followed Garrett and heard Catherine stumbling behind him, struggling to keep up on the unbalanced terrain of the battlefield. Wyatt found himself at peace in this place, normally he would fidget continuously. But now he was calm, he seamed to be able to predict when things would happen, he knew that an elephant with eight tusks and red fur would smash through a building before it happened, he knew that Catherine would fall unless he would stop. So he did for a moment, and she didn't fall. Then things got lucid in terms of Wyatt's perspective. He was running along a piece of rubble that made a sort of long ledge then he jumped off of this ledge to reach the brute who was holding down Garrett crushing his organs. Wyatt doesn't know what happened next but the next thing he knew he was lying atop the corpse of the brute, but the brute was cut in half down the middle. And in Wyatt's hand was a sword of medieval times, in his other a shield bearing a crest of the the top right and bottom left corners had blue squares reaching to the middle where a green diamond rested studding out of the shield. Wyatt had clearly made the transition from demigod to god.

Skyler rushed at a man in golden armor and a crown while trying to summon a hurricane to strike down him and all his allies. But no matter how hard she pushed for winds to form the skies remained clear as before with smoke floating upward. She settled to continue charging at the man and shouldering him in the chest. He fell backwards with a satisfying grunt escaping him. Skyler found this good enough and walked back to the battle where she saw the others having more struggles than her, or at least James. It seemed one of his little agents had become a god.

She rushed towards a giant worm that had just surfaced and was coming straight at her, obviously sensing either the energy coming off her or sensing her as a threat. She didn't care, either way violence was inevitable. She charged at the worms mouth and summoned the largest bolt of lightning than ever before and used herself as a conductor for it to enter the worms insides. She walked out to find all the others on the ground surrounded by a sort of fog. The fog was crawling towards her in a menacing way, even though it was only fog Skyler couldn't be careless. As she was walking away the fog rushed forward in a pillar and in instinct she managed to create a bolt of lightning that made contact with the fog. The fog was everywhere, but Skyler only realized this once her lightning had struck, igniting the fog and creating an explosion that reached through the area the battle was taking place.

Everything was black, this hadn't happened to Skyler before and she began to panic. Her eyes began to open. The world was burnt as memories rushed back to her from the few minutes of battle that had come before the explosion. Around her was smoke from the wreckage of New York that she now lay in. Her clothes had been burnt from the explosion but she thought she was done regenerating. Upon standing her leg gave way beneath her. She looked down to see a stump inching outward to form the rest of her leg. Upon further perception Skyler saw she was missing her leg and part of her chest.

Once Skyler had finished healing she went to go find the closest stash that wasn't on fire. Once she found this she dressed and went back out to see the rest of her group arriving at the center of the wreckage.

"What the hell was that!" James yelled as soon as Skyler was in earshot.

"Don't know, but whatever it was it's gone now." Skyler returned. "But the better questing is about the people who lived here and the witnesses. They won't be ignored after this, and the beasts may have escaped the explosion."

"But with that considered we could go public and try at the support of humanity."

"Too high of a risk, I think it better to find Alexander. He should have felt the war beginning at this point."

"But what of his alliance with Dylan?"

"James, that was your guess not mine."

"But I think it at least considerable," Skyler was now only a few yards from James and she knew the others were close enough to hear their conversation.

"I say we have a vote, America has done it with success so why not us?" Garrett questioned.

"Fine, I vote we try and alliance ourselves with the world powers." James said, "If you agree raise your hand." Catherine and Garrett raised their hands in response.

"And raise your hand for Skyler's idea of siding with Alexander." Wyatt and Garrett raised their hands in response and Skyler knew she didn't need to raise hers.

"Don't tell me to choose one side or another because both are the right one, though strategically it is better to recruit Alexander before going to humanity. To show power."

"Alright then we shall go to Alexander then humanity." James said with Skyler surprised to see him swayed so easily.