Justin walks down the stairs of the plain, looking out on the horizon at New York. The city was apparently the base of operations for the order gods and it was where they handled every government. Justin was skeptical of the information Manny gave him but he thought it better to be safe about such things. The plane landed a mile from New York at a private airport the chaos gods had invested in. Justin walked to the offices where he was told his suit was. He found a plain beige cardboard box with a piece of paper taped to the top. The note read: Chaos Fog. Inside was a jacked with metal plates attached to the chest and back, a pair of pants that were the same, a gas mask, and two daggers that could slide into the sheathes on the back of the jacket.
Walking outside with his new armor on Justin felt a sense of peace and simplicity to the world. The car ride to the center of New York was a calm ride with no major detours. When he left the black car he found the street completely empty with light rains having started. There were a few others there consisting of Jordan a businessman man who had some sort of connection to the chaos gods, a god of life, and a hulk with pale white flesh and burnt hands. The battle started with the pale beast collecting the god of the forge from the order god base, destroying the building to keep it unusable. Then the god of life unleashed his beasts upon New York to send a message to the order gods to tell them their end is coming. The message seamed dark for Justin but he allowed it knowing that it would only hurt the order gods, not humanity or Chris.
When the battle had been swayed enough by Justin's fog he had let it loose upon the battle sight engulfing the order gods making them sluggish and weaker. But the storm goddess escaped the fog and flew higher until she struck it with lightning making a cataclysmic explosion engulfing the everything it touched.
After the battle Justin met up with the other chaos gods in Philadelphia south of New York.
"What was that?" Demanded Manny, "Why did everything burst into flames, Dylan wasn't there."
"But I'm here now, and I believe it would be the new blood's fault." Dylan said walking up to their table outside the town hall, it was a nice day with the sun shining but their mood was all but caught up in the previous conflict and the explosion at the end of it.
"I didn't know the fog would explode when it got struck by lightning." Justin defended.
"Exactly, but listen kid, your'e thinking about this all wrong, you are the fog or whatever you want to call it, and the smoke is you." Dylan explained before taking a sip of the milkshake he had, it was pink and had little bits of cherry visible through the clear plastic cup.
"And anyway of course it was explosive, because you were born to be chaotic." Dylan poked Justin in the chest with what Justin guessed was a compliment. And that was the end of it, Dylan must be the leader of the chaos gods or something for them to so easily be swayed by his opinion.
They had left the circle and went to some sort of armory where they held weapons of all ages. Dylan was the first to grab a weapon, it was an old rifle that looked like it was from Justin's birth year. It had red detailing on the improved steel body along with engravings on the barrel. Dylan locked an ammunition clip into a slot on the side of the rifle, the clip also had the engravings filled in with a gold coloring of some sort.
"We aren't going to win a war with petty battles like New York or England, we need to change the tides of every war in the world, every dynasty, every person of the slightest importance will face our decision of this new world. Our world." Dylan said. "We won't stop until every god who dares oppose us will be lain to an rest in any way possible. Any man or woman who dares oppose us will suffer the same fate, every piece of machinery that is used against us will be turned to nothing but ash and when the dust settles from this war, only the fires of chaos will continue to burn."
"Yeah!" Everyone yelled in the small room that was taken up mostly by swords or guns. Justin watched as the others grabbed grenades, clips of ammunition, daggers, swords, axes, staffs, guns, missiles, and gas masks that were different from the one that Justin had, the one he now realized he hadn't taken off. But he didn't want to take it off, it brought peace to him. No one questioned it so it must be normal. He reached for a black pistol and a armful of the clips next to it. They felt heavy in his hands but he knew they meant he could fight a god. So he kept them. Deep inside him he knew something felt off but he couldn't think of it. And he didn't want to ruin his peace.