The side of man

Christopher had known something was off when the explosion happened, he hadn't been told mush by Justin, just to see him in New York. Christopher hated to see Justin as the bad guy, and these order gods that wanted some sort of alliance with humanity to fight the group Justin joined didn't help with his nerves for his friend. He continued his walk down the sidewalk listening to the news report on the events from yesterday. And today, he had seen news of a public message to all the world leaders and the order gods to meet the chaos gods at the crater that used to be part of New York at twelve fifteen. It was twelve and Christopher was only a block away from the meeting site. He picked up a hot dog from a vendor hoping to get some business out of the meeting, he wasn't alone stalls and stands of all sorts were being set up across the streets. Christopher was right outside the crater on the other side of the police tape. He lifted the tape and slid down the crater a few feet and began to walk to where the meeting was being set up. All the parties were there already and Christopher hoped he could find Justin and somehow talk him out of this chaos.

"Hey! Chris check it out I got a chair, and I saved you one just in case." James had gotten behind Christopher without him hearing.

"Thanks but I actually came to try to get you to leave." Christopher started.

"Why, everything is going great." Christopher couldn't see Justin's face from behind his mask but he could guess he was happy.

"Yes, but people don't like the chaos gods, you included." Christopher tried to explain.

"But you like us right?" Justin sounded hurt.

"I'm not so sure anymore, I mean, you blew up New York."

"Well then you can leave." Justin didn't sound hurt anymore, or anything he just sounded bored like he had had this conversation before an it ended the same.

"No, you gave me a chair and I'll take it."

"Fine, but don't speak."

The conversation was a mess of political leaders asking the chaos and order gods questions like; why was New York blown up, and what is your plan for the future, or what are the ideals of your group. Dancing around all the questions that needed to be answered.

"Will it happen again," Christopher felt like it was more of a statement though he knew it was a question, but the others didn't hear him. "Will it happen again?" This time he said it louder gaining the attention of enough people and gods.

"We would like to avoid it," Said one of the order gods, she was dressed in blue robes with silver swirls embroidered into the cuffs.

"But will something like this happen again, in China, Africa, Canada, Mexico?" Christopher continued.

"Yes! Will the incident in New York happen again somewhere else?" A diplomat of some sort backed Christopher.

"While all of you worry that these gods will kill you after these proceedings for saying the wrong thing some of us want real answers," Another person said. "And we won't get them from asking what their favorite colors are, we get them from asking questions like that man." The woman finished and pointed at Christopher.

"We do not wish for something like yesterday to happen in the future, but if any of you wish to stand in our way we won't hesitate." Justin said gaining attention from the group.

The rest of the meeting was a blur to Christopher, he was too shocked to find Justin saying things that were ruthless like that. He had expected that from anyone but Justin, even the boy in the order gods group who looked younger than twelve. What had happened to Justin. After the meeting Christopher found Justin and brought him to an ally near by.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

"I grew up, you should do the same. The worlds changing overnight and you forgot to change with it."

"Take off the mask." Christopher demanded.


"You heard me, take off the mask."


"Why? Does it help you sleep through the people you killed?"

"There were no bodies." He sounded wounded again, like this was where to hit him.

"If there were bodies they would have been burned to nothing. Much less found." Christopher continued.


"Stop what? Telling you the truth?" Christopher wouldn't stop until Justin relented and took off the mask.

"STOP!" Justin shouted releasing clouds so thick that Christopher couldn't see inches from his face. He tried to find Justin but he was missing in this cloud along with Christopher.

Then Christopher blacked out, like a force was sucking the air from his lungs and replacing it with smoke and car exhaust.