The future of war

The chaos gods left once the debating and conversations finished, a helicopter came down to pick them up. James just wondered why Skyler hadn't thrown it from the skies. Most likely to protect the lives of the world leaders present. And anyways they had achieved what the wanted to, an alliance with humanity was in the process of being made. James had seen all of the chaos gods walk onto the helicopter so he knew no surprises would appear.

"So what kind of plans would you put in place to prevent further attacks?" The prime minister of England asked.

"The time of questioning is over, so would you allow my team and I to find the final god in this conflict before the chaos gods can?" James responded, he had grown rather fond of calling the order gods his team.

"Yes, yes and who might that be?" The prime minister continued.

"Alexander, the god of battle and war."

"Are you sure this would be wise, because order and war don't always mix in these kind of situations."

"The situations you just now know of? I always figured a god would have more experience with wars, seeing as we have fought many for you." James was getting annoyed.

"Very well." The prime minister now sounded annoyed and while James did dislike the man, he needed the support of every country in the U.N.. But not for now.

Another helicopter came down to pick the order gods up and bring them to their base of operations for now. It was a simple building in Rochester, it had good enough security with four guards, all minor gods, and other precautions including cameras, motion sensors, and guard towers with humans manning them. They walked in through the twelve foot arch leading into the property. Inside was simple a concrete coating on the ground and a black building that could easily look like a modern house with its block based structure. Inside was a mass of screens on every wall used by only the most trusted people and minor gods that have close ties to the order gods. James remembered building this place by hand along side the first humans to be informed of gods. In the past gods have enlisted humans without telling them their nature. James remembered Dylan building his first empire as pharaoh, he had unleashed the might of the small army he held upon the rest of Egypt and it was quickly defeated. After the defeat Dylan dawned a new name: Khan, and with his immortality he fought wars with his army instead of hiding in fortresses, he had even found beasts such as his iron horse that he would kill entire armies with. But he was eventually defeated by gods who had to step in, finding his chaos a threat. They had underestimated him, James had underestimated him. He escaped again and then lied low until the american revolution in which he had fought in the infantry, he continued to live as a human until the civil war in which he chose to fight for the north, destroying slave plantations and freeing Alexander who found himself stronger during war. With Alexander serving as his conscience Dylan had begun a new era of peace, or violence toward oppression. When the first world began he had fought the first part with Alexander then retired as Alexander began to feel the affects of post traumatic stress disorder. He wasn't much of a war god those days. When the second world war began Alexander found his strengths of battle again with a sense of purpose fighting Nazis. Then the Nazis created the mustard gas which bled gods of their power for a short time. Using this James found a way to eliminate Dylan's fire for a few years but even with this he had found a way to escape once more.

James had missed the entire brief thinking this and now found the largest of the screens with a picture of a mechanical horse.

"This is Dan's current state." A human in a lab coat said. Dan was Dylan's horse, the same he most likely was to want back. It could spit fire from its mouth and run on air. It was the one reason that Dylan wasn't winning this war, and James would pray to any religion or god to keep this horse away from him.