The next room

Skyler walked away from the monitor, after a minute of just watching the horse lay on the ground and release puffs of smoke and the occasional spark from its nostril. In the other room was more monitors for much more interesting objects; in the screen two to the left and one down from the center lies a crown made of thorns that would inflict your wounds upon your enemy and leave you unscathed, to the left of that was a fountain that never stopped flowing with holy water, two down from that was a tiger with lightning in its stripes. This magnificent beast was Nyuntec, the tiger of clouds with it's light blue and grey fur and bright white stripes that shifted in lightning patterns. It was the sacred beast of Skyler and the only reason it was in this place was due to it's hunger for godly flesh. Now Skyler could give reason to set the beautiful creature free from it's gray cement room.

"I know what your thinking and no, Nyuntec can't hunt Dylan." James said walking into the room. "You try to come up with a reason to set her free even in times of peace." It was true, but Skyler had too much pride to admit this.

"But now Dylan is threatening all the peace we have built with Nyuntec in her shackles. So what harm would it do to set her free for the hunt of Dylan?"

"And what happens when Dylan is defeated, or if he wins? Then would she stand down or run wild and tear apart cities until humanity tears her apart."

"She wouldn't die, we both know she is as immortal as any of us." Which was almost true, while Nyuntec could regenerate from ash she would do it over the years instead of seconds.

"The last time she was released she killed more people than war could and destroyed the Icarus wings, and those were difficult to create, even at my hands."

"But this time she'll be tame." Skyler was getting desperate, but she would free her soulmate.

A thundering sound echos through the facility killing the power and with it the lights. Skyler hears the heavy breathing of everyone in the room. A scream is heard from one of the workers. She decides it would be too risky to make a spark seeing as she can't even see a foot from her face. She instead began to feel around her to try and find a wall. Instead she finds a person, though she isn't sure who but they stiffen up at her touch. "James?" She whispers, "Aah!" yells the man then she sees a black deeper than the room grab the worker and tear him into pieces. Now she ran not caring what she ran into she simply ran. She hit a wall bruising her head at least but she had found a wall. A foolish grin covered her face at the small victory. She followed the wall until she found a door to another room. She followed this room to an empty cage where Dylan's horse should have been, she followed the rest of this room to find Nyuntec still in his cage waiting knowing Skyler would come. Around the tiger was a light of blue making it visible to Skyler. She ran to him and wrapped her arms around his neck muttering her apologies.

Skyler and Nyuntec ran out of the room now radiating light without caution. Skyler looked around the room with the others in it, both James and Catherine were missing along with some more of the workers, the workers seeing Nyuntec hurriedly ran away to the other parts of the room. Three of them were taken by a monster that looked like a spider with an eel for a head. It quickly snapped down it's head and bit one of them while the legs which appeared to have humans hands grabbed the other two. Nyuntec charged first saving one of the workers while the other was crushed by he monster. With one arm bloodied up Skyler charged with lightning coming from her hands, she grabbed the monster by the neck and let loose lightning upon it until it started to smell of burnt chicken.

"I will stand by you in any battle, but first you must be sure you can win." She told Nyuntec, but he was sniffing out what Skyler assumed was more of the monsters. They found another one in the kitchen this one was easily killed by Nyuntec with him biting the neck of the monster. The monster soon died of blood loss but Skyler and Nyuntec had moved on to the next room. Once the monsters had been dealt with Skylar and Nyuntec found the corps of James and dragged it into the main room that held the remaining twelve humans and the other gods.

"Wait!" Said Garrett, what about that horse thing, wasn't it Dylan's?"

They all turned to look at the monster where no horse was too be seen.