The deserters pack

Jacob had thought about what the man had said, he'd thought long and hard before he had decided what to think of it. In the end it was evident that the people he had collected were simply pawns in their game, as useless as one can get. But it wasn't just that, these chaos god people felt off to Jacob, like they were made of deceit. He had walked through the encampment for and hour before he had found someone else who thought of these people the same way. He hadn't spoken to him just knew he felt this way.

"So, why don't you trust em?" He asked after sitting next to him in the tent. He had looked away from him to remain inconspicuous.

"Who said I didn't trust them, their trying to bring freedom." He was looking away as well.

"We both know you're lying."

"Fine," He said turning to Jacob, "I don't trust them because they want to burn the constitution because it stole freedom, and if it does then I fought three years for a lie, and I just can't accept that." He let a few tears escape his eyes before sniffing aggressively.

"Well they seem to think of us as simple soldiers, so why would they notice a few of us going missing?" Jacob asked.

"I'm listening," He responded,

"At twenty three hundred hours meet me at the north edge of the camp. I'll get some more people, from there we walk to civilization and try to make it back to america. Bring supplies, that includes guns, food, tents, whatever might be needed."

"Okay, meet you there."

Jacob spent the rest of the day finding a total of four more people who didn't trust the god people in his camp. That night he gathered his things and some ammunition to go with the guns he had collected, and started going to the northern side of the camp. When he got there it was about fifteen minutes till meeting time. When everyone arrived they stole a transport and went out into the night, trying to put as much distance between them and the camp before sunrise.

When the sun finally rose they could see buildings in the distance, with the lights still on it looked almost like a million fireflies. When it was about noon they had made it past the town and had moved on to another larger one. There they stayed in an abandoned building until nightfall. The rest of the trip was about the same. Every night they weren't in a city or town they made a camp fire and talked for a bit before bed. On the third night one of the soldiers named Bob asked, "What are we going to do when we get home?"

"We could stop em from burning the white house down," Suggested another soldier named Ryan, "I heard some of the higher ups talk'n about it when I got food."

"Alright we vote, who says we save the white house?" Jacob asked, everyone raised their hands. "Okay, then in the morning we set out for america double time."

Dylan waited in his tent, he wore a robe of beige camouflage pattern and hemmed with a red metal that could bend easily as fabric but block a bullet. The inside of his robe had a layer of this under the camouflage fabric. His pants had a similar build and his boots simply looked beige because of the sand, under which was the red metal. He could hear the messengers breathing seconds before he burst through the tent flap.

"What is it?" Asked Dylan in a bored tone and relaxed stance, while Grace stood tense in the corner.

"I have this," Said the messenger in between ragged breaths. Presenting a folded piece of paper with damp marks splattered on it.

"You are excused." Dylan says.

He folds the paper slowly, careful not to rip any part of it. It read: A total of seven soldiers deserted in one night. Awaiting further instructions. Encampment 2 G.

"Looks like we have some deserters, lets hope they cant cause any trouble. Or I could send you to deal with them personally."

Grace began to pack such things that would be needed for this venture; knives, a bow, arrows, food, water, and the keys to her pet's cages. Perhaps she could feed them the deserters bodies.

Jacob felt it when they were collecting gas at one of the towns, it was a feeling of fear. He looked out at the crowd around the stage. His eyes locked onto a woman with black hair and hazel skin. Jacob felt a chill shoot down his spine at the sight of her, he knew she was a lie just like the man at the camp.

"We need to go," He said.

"One sec, the tanks half way full." Bob said turning for a moment from watching the dial in move.

"Now!" Jacob said, and pulled out a gun. He drew it and shot three bullets at the woman, all three hit and she fell.

"What the hell!" Ryan yelled.

"Yeah, now we're gonna have to leave on half a tank." Commented another soldier named Fred, "And people are gonna start panicking."

Then the woman got up. They all turned to look as she stood up as though her fall had been due to her heals. But she didn't have heals, she had tennis shoes, with a jaguar pattern dress. Jacob couldn't make sense of it. She then took a bow off her back along with an arrow and fired. She hit the gas pump rendering it useless. She then shot another arrow hitting Jacob square in the chest. Then he couldn't feel anything.