The battle of freedom

Jacob sputtered blood from his mouth. Then woke up to see the other soldiers shooting at the lady, Ryan and another soldier named Greg were both dead. And Jacob looked down at the arrow in his chest. He took it out and sat up blinking out the weird feeling in his head. He stumbled over to the transport and grabs another gun, the one he had was gone most likely taken by someone else who's still in the battle. Jacob opens fire on the lady so it gets harder for her to get up. Bob looks over at him for a moment then back at the lady, then back at him with a confused and scared look on his face. He says something but the gunfire is too loud for Jacob to hear. They both stop shooting for a moment and Bob asks, "Aren't you supposed to be dead right now?"

"Guess not." Jacob says,

"But you were shot, and in the heart. Also where's your wound?" Bob said while pointing at where the wound should have been. Then voices screamed in Jacobs head, 'Your a god, your a god, your a god'

"NO!" He yelled, dropping his gun to cover his ears but the voices didn't stop. 'Your a god, your a god, your a god'

"What do you mean 'no', you just died, and now your fine. I think your what was explained as a god." Bob said. 'Your a god, your a god, your a god'. Jacob focused on the gunfire that echoed around him and grounded himself in the battle. He picked up his gun and began to shoot the lady. She shot him again, and again, and again. Each time it took him less time to get back up. And each time he lost a little less blood. And each time the voices got more and more clear.

Jacob couldn't stand it any more and ran straight at the lady who now held a sword and was surrounded by animals of all kind. He charged dropping his gun and exchanging it for an army knife. He lunged at the tiger that faced him first. He slashed the eye and continued down the body to end around the front leg. He continued past the gazelle and cut the lady's throat. Blood spilled but she in turn stabbed him in the gut. He stepped backwards while holding on to the sword, she didn't appear to have another. But she drew an arrow and threw it at his head. His eye was hit and a blinding pain shot through the left side of his head. He grabbed the arrow and pulled. The pain was still bad but he could still see out of the eye. He then looked down at the arrow which still had his eye. He was kicked in the jaw and toppled over to the ground. The lady walked past him towards the other soldiers. Jacob heard guttural screaming from the soldiers. Then darkness.

Jacob awoke to see the area still empty save the few people waking around. The arrow with his eye was stabbed into his nee and he couldn't seem to move it without first taking out the arrow. The voices in his head were quieter and he felt a need to take his eye fro the arrow. It felt hard and upon further inspection he found the iris to be golden. 'The eye of truth, the eye of truth' the voices said again and again, and against better judgment Jacob put the eye in it's empty socket. The world began to glow a golden color and then went back to normal. He walked to the transport where the bodies of the other soldiers now lay. He took the bodies and took one of the working pumps and filled all the gasoline he could in the transport along with thirteen gallons of it in separate containers. He drove north until noon then burned the bodies. He kept the dog tags and they dangled around his neck as he continued to drive through the night. He would make these chaos god people pay.

The army of freedom as was named by Dylan led a ferocious attack on Morocco, which soon surrendered and in doing so executed its leaders. The army picked up triple the soldiers it lost and continued onward to Spain on boats. There they conquered town after town, city after city, until they had conquered it as well. They continued this campaign until they had conquered half the world and had an army of hundreds of minor gods and an army of people thousands of times bigger. The rest of the world soon fell after nuclear missiles were launched at the Americas. And with them fell any resistance. Alexander resurfaced for a while to fight Dylan but soon after was imprisoned along with James and Skylar who were both caught in the fighting and brought to this god prison as well. And while this world was in chaos there was one rule plastered to any surface the army of freedom could put it on; no governments except the one orchestrated by the king of gods: Dylan.

And with this freedom fell.