A storm

Justin hadn't known when he had lost trust in the chaos gods, it may have been when Chris left, or when they made the law eliminating government. But now he was wandering through the wastelands of the Wall of China, more accurately the great pile of rubble. It was torn down in the eastern charge of battle not too far away from where Justin had deserted. He stepped over the rubble and climbed to the eastern side of the rubble, he was now in old China.

He traveled discreetly through the small town that had popped up only a few nights before as a simple trading post. He passed through a tent flap into a small restaurant if you could call it that, it was a back office where the food was made, a counter, tables and a roof. Justin searched the few people in the tent to see if Chris was here but to his dismay Chris wasn't here either.

"Ya gonna buy anything or continue staring?" The woman behind the counter asked.

"I'll go," Justin began.

"Hold up, you look like trouble and my god this place is boring." She said walking over to him. "So you got a name, trouble?"

This woman was making Justin uncomfortable so he did the very thing he shouldn't have; he released a small amount of gas from his hands and forced the woman to feel tired. She fell to the floor and when Justin looked back up every eye was turned to him. One of the people at the tables took their gun and shot twice at him. Justin dodged one shot but the other grazed his shoulder. He released more gas on the crowd to make them all docile and tired. They slept while Justin took some rations and left.

He collected no more odd glances as he passed through the streets and rubble, but he had a strange feeling of being watched, he turned a few more corners and stopped. He knew he was being followed now. He jumped around to see nothing, then a searing pain entered his calf. He was now buckled over in pain as someone walked over. The pain subsided and Justin got back up to see a man with a golden eye.

"You are a lie." The man said, putting his hands in his pockets before a burst of light came from his golden eye and entered Justin's gut.

"What the hell! That didn't work first time idiot, so why would it work now!" He yelled, this guy was more of an annoyance than anything. He shot gas at the man but he just breathed in a couple breaths and shot him with the lazar again and again.

Eventually Justin thought to stay perfectly still, the blasts stopped and the one shooting said, "I'm not an idiot, I know your a god and I know your playing dead,"

"Okay, well you stopped didn't you?" Justin said, getting back up.

"And I know your an anarchic god." He finished.

"Ex-anarchy god if you please. And anyway how did you know? Those people in the restaurant were gonna shoot and I only made em sleep."

"I know, and I know your looking for someone." The man said with his golden eye glowing. Now Justin could focus on him, he had blonde hair and a longish jaw with a little stubble on it, his hair had grown to a handsome ruffled length. His eye that wasn't gold was a deep brown with a darker color that his hair, while the other had no eye brow. His nose was a good size and shape for his face. Over all pretty rugged and a good fit for a magic apocalypse.

"That's a new one, heard most of the other stuff before. But how come you weren't affected by my gas?"

"It isn't my truth, so it fails to affect me."

"Alright, well I'm, bye." Justin said in hopes to get rid of this guy.

"Not yet, I will travel with you until you reach this person."

"Okay, well I don't know where he is so that's gonna be hard."

"He is twelve miles north travelling to another settlement," The man said now looking towards what Justin could only guess to be north.

"So it is best that we begin travelling now." The man continued, and began walking towards the edge of the settlement.

"And my name is Jacob." The man says over his shoulder.