The warrior in preparation

Alexander sat in his cell, waiting for news to arrive. He didn't try escape. Having been informed of the end of any rebellion he simply gave up. But the world would show some light to him, he hoped. He looked around his cell; it was a bear gray room with perfectly square walls and floors, it had one door and behind that door was another door, each fitted with different keys to keep him from escape. His hands were bound and chained to his legs and he was only given one set of clothes a week, lined with iron to allow for a good shock if he tried anything. Surrounding the cell was four feet of steel plating, and above all else he was twelve stories below ground.

He did not try to escape, he knew he would be stopped two steps through the first door, and he knew that the order gods were in different facilities all together to keep any attempts at escape low.

Then one day a cloud came in and unlocked the doors. Alexander walked out to find all of the guards lying on the ground, most likely unconscious and the air to have a sweet smell that made him tired. He walked out to find a forested area surrounding the metal box he had walked out of. Where was he?

His hole out of the forest had no issues but as soon as he came out of them he was surrounded by men who wore a black and white camouflage uniform with little rectangles of color on their left chest area, most of them having green. He was shocked first but the clothes he had worn were worn out for a reason unknown to him so he got shocked but the clothes were burnt off. He then charged forward before these soldiers could start shooting. He lunged to his right and tackled one of them, taking their gun and shooting them once before shooting the rest of the soldiers. He wouldn't sleep tonight but at least Dylan could have some worry about an escaped god of war.

His travels from this point on took a turn in the least eventful direction as he wasn't confronted until he came upon a small settlement that was being inhabited by more of the soldiers who had guarded his prison.

"What business do you got here?" Yelled one of them while Alexander approached, he kept his head down and passed them,

"I said what business you got here!"

"I haven't got no business anywhere," Alexander responded in his best accent to deter the soldiers of his identity.

"Well if you ain't got no business then you don't belong here, scat!" Another soldier yelled.

"Well I'll just be passing through then."

"You insolent little!" Said the soldier drawing his gun. Alexander made the mistake of reaching a little towards the gun he got from his escape.

"Stand down!" Yelled a soldier, who started walking towards Alexander with his hands raised.

"Just calm down, okay?" Continued the soldier.

"What the hell? You draw a gun on me then tell me to calm down, what kind of army are you?"

"We are the army of freedom." The soldier said in a proud voice.

"And you are trespassing on this settlement," He continued, "So either leave or die."

"Y'know, that's easier said than done." Alexander said, then opened fire on two of the soldiers, one of the remaining soldiers shot him three times in the chest and left arm.

"What, ya mad I can't bleed?" Alexander said jokingly while the soldiers continued to waste their ammunition.

"Look, this'll be a hole lot easier if I just walk away," they continued to fire on him, "alright your funeral." Then he shot them all in one clean swoop with his gun.

Alexander continued on into the settlement and saw after a few minutes, the place full of those soldiers. Clearly they're the one's Dylan has recruited, He thought. But why do they work for him? He passed silently into a bar and sat down at the counter, a few of the soldiers looked at him oddly but other than that he could remain unnoticed, but that wasn't what he wanted. He took his gun and plopped it down on the table with a satisfying clunk.

"Hey, why you packing heat? This is a peaceful place."

"Tell that to the dead guards who are still at their post." Alexander hoped this soldier would be hot headed.

"What!" Shouted the soldier,

"I said I killed some guards." Alexander said checking his gun to see if there were any problems he should fix before this little fight.

He was shot through the head twice by the soldier, "That's not gonna work out for ya." He said as the hole from the bullets began to repair itself. Then he shot back, when he had finished only the bartender remained to tell the story. And that's what he needed.