"Nothing, to do it quickly if you want to be free. It's another story if you prolong this problem because you still want to be with me." Said Arion while narrowing his eyes at Karin who looked very angry.

With both hands clenched into fists, Karin sat on the chair beside Arion's bed.

She took the food that was on the bed then took a spoonful of rice and vegetables and fish and fed it to Arion without speaking anymore.

"Uhukkk ... Uhukkk ... Uhukkk"

Arion coughed while holding his chest.

"Water!" asked Arion, staring at Karin, who was too slow to take water.

"What is this dish? Why is it so salty and spicy?" asked Arion, his face flushed and watery after drinking a few sips of water.

"If you want to know, yes..that's the taste of my cooking." Karin said with a sense of satisfaction in her heart having returned her hurt.

"You're on purpose, right?" Asked Arion with a flushed face in anger.

"It's your business if you don't believe me." said Karin smiling with satisfaction in her heart.

"Okay, still feed me and take turns with you." said Arion, who was no less clever than Karin.

"I'm not hungry." said Karin nervously because she couldn't stand the salt.

"Keep eating a little! Or should I feed it like a husband and wife bribe each other?" said Arion with a crooked smile.

Karin's teeth chattered with anger that was already at its peak.

"Fine! I'm also eating." said Karin instead of Arion who fed her.

"Good is that the name is fair and of one heart." said Arion with a chuckle.

With pouting lips, Karin fed Arion again and she joined in to eat a little for her freedom.

After the food was finished Karin immediately ran to the bathroom and vomited all the food. Really her stomach could not accept the salty and spicy food.

"Aaahhhhhh !!!" Karin shouted when she felt a hand massaging the nape of her neck.

Karin's heart jumped in surprise at Arion's increasing brave attitude towards her.

"Let go !!! what are you doing ??? you crazy bastard!" cursed Karin came out of the room and sat on the chair, sobbing.

Really her heart could no longer face Arion's madness that reason could no longer accept.

Arion stood quietly in front of her while giving a tissue to Karin, but Karin ignored it.

"I want to go home, let me go home now ... I can't leave Arnest hungry." said Karin with sobbing tears.

With slow movements Arion contacted Nero.

"Nero, take Karin home..and don't forget the toys for Arnest you prepare to bring Karin as well." said Arion seriously.

Karin lifted her face at Arion's words, who prepared a toy for Arnest.

"What do you mean by giving toys to Arnest?" Karin asked with a questioning look, not knowing what Arion wanted for her and Arnest.

"I'm intrigued by Arnest's cuteness, go home now...before I change my mind." said Arion in a low voice.

Again, Karin lifted her face and looked at Arion's face even more surprised by Arion's changing attitude sometimes crazy and now like someone who holds sadness.

"Give me my phone now, I want to go home." Karin said as she got up from her seat.

Without speaking, Arion took Karin's cellphone and gave it to Karin.

Karin quickly accepted it with a very relieved heart.


Karin looked at her cell phone which suddenly rang with the name ARION DARREL.

Karin looked up and saw Arion who was on the phone and smiled at her.

"I've entered my name on your cellphone, don't delete it.. if you delete it I will chase you even in your dreams." said Arion seriously.

"FORMER!!" Karin said as she left without looking at Arion's smiling face meaningfully.


Arriving at the house, Karin ran quickly into the house and into her room.

"Aska." Karin called to Aska who was holding Arnest while breastfeeding Arnest.

"Thank God, you're home Rin." Aska said a little worried.

"What's wrong? did something happen to Arnest?" Karin asked as she took Arnest from Aska's arms.

"Nothing happened, only Arnest's milk stock has run out." Aska said as he threw his body on the bed.

Karin saw this and was surprised, after holding Arnest for a while and falling asleep, Karin put Arnest into the crib.

After putting Arnest to sleep, Karin walked over to Aska who was sleeping on his back with his eyes closed.

Karin slowly took off Aska's shoes which had not been taken off.

"Dear." Karin called, climbed onto the bed and lay down and looked at Aska's tired face.

Slowly Aska opened his eyes, looking at Karin's face who was staring at him unblinkingly.

"What's wrong honey? is there a problem?" Karin asked while rubbing Aska's tired face.

"I'm tired Rin, it seems that this time I'm dealing with people who are smarter and stronger than me, because to this day I haven't been able to find who has taken the tender from me. The company but who is sitting behind the desk chair I don't know until now." Aska said with a heavy head because he just lost the tender again.

"Why don't you just go to the company and ask him what his goal is." Karin said with her thoughts.

"He never existed, his name was not in the structure. It seems he was deliberately hiding his true identity." Aska said with his eyes closed.

"Well... don't think about it, come here honey, let me massage your head." Karin said attentively massaging Aska's head.

"I'm so tired today honey." Aska said closing his eyes while feeling Karin's hand massage.

"Go to sleep, I will massage you." Karin said with great affection.

"What about your leg Rin? are you feeling better?" Aska asked, opening his eyes to see Karin's ankle which was already bandaged with elastic bandages.

"It's fine dear, I went to the doctor earlier." Karin said yet to tell his that a crazy man had kidnapped her.

"Thank God dear, I just called Kirana because I couldn't reach your cell phone, they said you were sleeping." Aska said he couldn't sleep anymore.