"Thank God dear, I just called Kirana because I couldn't reach your cell phone, they said you were sleeping." Aska said he couldn't sleep anymore.

"Right dear, I stopped by Kirana's house earlier and fell asleep there." Karin said a little hesitant to talk to about Arion.

"Go to sleep Rin, if you're still sleepy." Aska said with a tone that still looks sad.

"You sleep too? How can I sleep if my husband doesn't want to sleep yet." Karin said with a loving look.

"I still think that person Rin? I still suspect that person is around us." Aska said while rubbing his face.

"Don't think about it with a tired mind dear, let's... let's sleep for a while." Karin said while hugging Aska with affection.

"Hm... right now I need love." Aska said, snuggling his head into the crook of Karin's neck.

"Right Ka, I am always there for you dear. What did that person do, dear?" asked Karin wanting to know more.

"I'm destroying all my tenders." answered Aska trying to be calm in front of Karin.

"Should we come there? or let me investigate there." Karin said wanting to help her husband.

"No need dear, you just take care of Arnest okay." Aska said with a smile.

"It's okay, I'll still take care of Arnest but if I have time I'll visit the company. I'm very curious dear." Karin said seriously.

"Never mind dear...don't think too much, I'm fine and will be fine." Aska said hugging Karin very tightly.


Arion looked at his cellphone, there were several photos of Karin and Arnest already in his album.

"Mr. Arion, Madam Camila wishes to speak." said Nero, handing him a landline.

Arion calmly accepted it.

"Yes Mom...what's wrong?" Arion asked his Momy Camila.

"Is it true that you are now in Indonesia?" Camila asked anxiously.

"Right Mom... why Mom?" asked Arion calmly.

"Arion... your life is good enough dear, what are you looking for? Get rid of that grudge, son." Camila said sadly.

"Can't Mom, I want them to feel what I feel. What it's like to be sad to be an outcast child." said Arion with a hardened jaw.

"Arion... Momy already told you, you're not an outcast baby, it's just that they don't know you exist." Camila said with tears that had already spilled back.

"Listen to Momy, Arion. They are innocent, and this is all because of Momy's fault. Don't continue it, Arion.. you are still brothers, Momy doesn't want you to be a bad person." Camila said in a hopeful voice.

"Momy... Momy should just rest, let this matter be my business." said Arion stubbornly.

"No Arion, as long as you involve yourself with the man Momy loves, then Momy won't stay silent." Camila said in a stressed voice.

"Momy don't worry, I won't hurt them. I just want my rights, Mom." said Arion with a certain heart and must get it no matter what.

"Why are you stubborn Arion, you will regret later. You are my only child, I don't want you to get hurt." Camila said in despair with Arion's stubbornness.

"Momy calm down, I'll be fine. And no one can kill me." said Arion with a smile.

"You are a naughty boy and stubborn, always like that if you worry your parents never really listen." Camila said excitedly.

"Momy, later..I still have work to finish." Arion said, ending the call calmly after Camila called him.

With a smile still on the corner of his lips, Arion opened his whatsapp message and saw Karin's profile picture and status.

"Love grows stronger with loved ones"

"Hm... hope your love is as strong as your status Karin." Arion muttered as he sent a message to Karin.

"Hi...I'm glad you didn't delete my name from your phone." said Arion in the first message to Karin.

Arion's heart is very happy, it turns out that Karin is also afraid of his threat not to delete his name from her cellphone.

It's been a long time for Arion to wait for his message to be read or not by Karin.

"Hm... haven't read it yet, is she busy taking care of Arnest? or her husband?" asked Arion a little angry because almost two hours of waiting for the message has not been read by Karin.

"Mr. Arion." Nero's call came at the wrong time.

"What's wrong? don't you know I'm upset?" asked Arion who had been waiting for a long time but the message had not been read at all.

"Miss Alice came from Singapore to meet you, now Miss Alice is at the front." Nero said shaking slightly.

"Tell me to wait." said Arion while frowning.

"Hm...why did she come here? Was there something interesting that made the female snake come here?" Arion muttered while looking at the message that Karin still hadn't read.

"Karin, you've exhausted my patience." said Arion while pressing the call button on Karin.

"Ahhhh!!! damn why didn't Karin pick up my call?" said Arion with growing curiosity at Karin's figure.

"Mr. Arion...Miss Alice is already waiting for you. Do you want to see her or not?" asked Nero who came back after being scolded by Alice to immediately call Arion.

"Tell Alice to just go home, I'm busy today." said Arion not at all interested in Alice's business coming to Indonesia.

Feeling increasingly annoyed, Arion pressed the call button again on Karin and still didn't pick up.

Arion's finger that intended to press the call button again on Karin stopped motionless when he saw Karin was online but still hadn't read the message.

Arion's heart skipped a beat when he saw Karin reading the message. Yeah .. just read the message without replying.

"Oh my God!! You really exhausted my patience Karin, you've read it but why don't you reply to my message!" Arion shouted getting mad at Karin's attitude of not caring about him.

With annoyance Arion contacted Karin again and again until the countless number of times it came to the call that Karin had received the umpteenth time.