With annoyance Arion contacted Karin again and again until the countless number of times it came to the call that Karin had received the umpteenth time.

"Hey crazy people!! Aren't you afraid to die calling me when my husband is at home!!" Karin shouted after Aska returned to work and she had to silence her cellphone because of Arion's crazy calls.

"It's not my fault that I went crazy, if you texted me back I wouldn't be like this." Arion said smiling with a calm heart that he could hear Karin's voice again.

"Now what do you want? Say it quickly!" said Karin who didn't like Arion's reckless attitude at all.

"I want to hear Arnest's voice for a moment." answered Arion earnestly.

"What!! You're calling me like crazy just wanting to hear Arnest's voice? You really are crazy!" Karin cursed getting annoyed and angry at Arion's answer.

"Should I also say that I want to hear Momy Arnest's voice?" said Arion smiling the more he wanted to tease Karin.

"You are really crazy!" Karin cursed as she cut his call Arion.

Arion stared at his cell phone as Karin hung up the call.

With a smile Arion pressed the call button again and again until Karin received the call again.

"What else?" Karin asked desperately angry at Arion who was not considered Arion at all.

"I want to hear Arnest's voice for a moment." said Arion in a deep voice.

"Arnest is still sleeping! Is that clear enough?" Karin said getting more emotional with Arion's attitude of caring for Arnest.

"Well, I will contact you again at the right time, you don't get angry anymore, I can't stand it when I see you angry." said Arion in a seductive tone.

"You're getting crazy!" cursed Karin quickly ended his call Arion.

Arion smiled, his heart was very calm, he could already hear Karin's voice.

"Mr. Arion! It's about time you met Mr. Kim." said Nero with a surprised look, an hour ago Arion's face was very cold and now looks very calm.

"Tell Kim I'll be over there tomorrow to see what he's been working on so far." said Arion in a voice that began to soften.

"Then what about Santos, who dared to order people to kill Master?" asked Nero with a sigh of relief.

"Kill them all, have no mercy." said Arion with a red face because he had been reminded of Santos who had betrayed him by trapping him and telling people to kill him until he was injured now.

"But at this time our movements are still being monitored by the Singapore police, sir." said Nero again who had been told by his trusted people in the Singapore police.

"Quickly close all the existing cases right now." said Arion no matter how much money had to be spent on all that.

"Okay Mr Arion, now it's time for you to take your medicine." said Nero who served Arion wholeheartedly.

"Just get ready I'll drink later after I do something." said Arion with a meaningful smile.

"Okay sir." said Nero then left Arion who was silent thinking about something.

Arion stood up from where he was then picked up something that was left on his desk.

"Karin's bag was left behind." murmured Arion with a triumphant smile.

Arion immediately took a picture of Karin's bag and sent the picture to Karin's whatsapp.

It didn't take long for Karin to contact him.

"Give me back my bag right now, tell your men to take me here before my husband comes." Karin said pleadingly and cursing herself why she forgot her bag.

"No, we have to meet if you want your bag back." said Arion with a smile.

"Not anymore! Just bring it here quickly." Karin said already very annoyed at him.

"Okay, tonight I'll give you the impression of delivering your bag." said Arion casually.

"Nooo!! You don't come! Just tell your men to come here." Karin shouted frantically.

Arion laughed chuckling at Karin's frightened scream.

"For that we have to meet, you just choose your bag and its contents to be mine or we meet." said Arion holding back a laugh.

"Okay..okay...where do we meet?" Karin asked annoyed.

Karin doesn't want Arion to come to her house because there will be problems, Arion is a reckless person and doesn't care about Aska's presence.

"Good, we'll meet in the beautiful garden in front of Collins' company." said Arion with a triumphant smile.

"Okay... at nine in the morning I'll be there." Karin said, thinking of coming to Collins' company to investigate who was the person who had been sitting behind the desk of the main chair causing the Aska subsidiary company to fall apart.

"Okay..I'll wait exactly nine o'clock, I hope you don't change your mind." said Arion hopefully.

With a heart filled with happiness Arion went to his office to prepare all what would be changed in his company.


Karin put her cell phone on the table, then approached Arnest who was standing and holding on to the edge of the bed box.

"Dear Arnest, are you awake boy?" Karin said as she carried Arnest and kissed his ovingly.


"Miss Karin." called Imah from outside the door.

"Come in Aunt, not locked." Karin said while kissing Arnest who laughed happily.

"Miss, there's Miss Kirana downstairs looking for Miss Karin." called Imah while bringing food for Arnest.

"Just come in, Aunt." Karin said while frowning because Kirana doesn't usually wait downstairs.

After a while Kirana came in with a toy for Arnest.

"Hello...handsome boy?" said Kirana with a slightly bigger belly.

"Why don't you just come in Ran?" Karin said while sitting on a chair and letting Arnest play with the toys Kirana bought.

"I thought there was Aska at home, I was just curious about you why did you hang up your phone earlier?" Kirana asked worried about Karin's condition.

"I was kidnapped this morning by someone who has gone mad. Looks like he got shot in the head of a criminal and I was kidnapped from Vega doctor's office." Karin said telling the story with high emotion.