With hesitation Karin pressed Johan's contact button to contact him again.

But before Karin pressed Johan's contact button, there was a knock on the bedroom door.


Karin immediately opened the bedroom door quickly to see who had come.

Karin was very surprised when she saw Johan who was standing in front of her with blood flowing from his chest.

"We have to get out of here quickly, Karin, Arnold's men are after me to take the evidence," said Johan with a pale face.

"Then we'll just go to Aska's Apartment, there's Arion and the others." Karin said to Johan.

"Don't let Arnold's men spread, it's a pity that Arnest will become a victim later. We better get out of here now, you can contact them later when we find a safe place to hide." said Johan as he grabbed Karin's hand and ran away from the hotel through the back where the car was.