"Are you sure about what you're doing Karin?" Johan asked in disbelief that Karin swapped one week with him for sleeping with him for an hour.

"I'm sure... we'll just do it now, so I can get back to the apartment before they look for me." Karin said seriously.

"Just sleep? not with the others?" asked Johan asking Karin for certainty.

"What do you want to say now, I only have one hour for you." Karin said with mixed feelings of sadness and disappointment in herself.

"I want you in the hour you gave me." Johan said looking at Karin unblinking with his chest beating really fast.

For some reason, Karin wanted it out of necessity, making Johan's heart hurt even more. Johan realizes that Karin did it only because she really loves Aska. Karin is willing to sacrifice for her love for her husband.