The battle of the Placidium.

The second squadron was moving southeast towards the enemy vanguard. It was already night and they only have a couple hours to inflict the greatest amount of damage towards the enemy vanguard and also get some intelligence regarding the enemy troops.

The various leaders knew that Noxus didn't only brought with them infantry and mages. There were rumours of strange beasts cladded in armor.

Thus the second squadron would use the attack and attention Renzo would create to get whatever they can.

At the same time, they also have to prevent enemy assassin's to get their hands on Renzo.

It would be an extremely long and tired night. But with luck, they would give the southeast front a large advantage.

Sadly for the defenders in the other fronts, Renzo couldn't move and do the same tactics towards the other Noxus armies. As not only they would have to move in long distances, but the time would be tight and would reduce the capabilities of Renzo during the day, aa with him being exhausted and not in his top-notch form, they could get some troubles.

As they were advancing, Renzo was closing his eyes trying to meditate as Yi's advice. Mostly to prevent his mind from drifting thoughts that could affect his performance later on.

These days his mental health was tested various times, and he fear that something irreversible might happen if he keep ignoring it.

Renzo was starting to understand the horrors of war, a thing he thought previously he was ready to face. Reality however showed him otherwise.

Restless nights, a constant feeling of danger, a tight feeling on his chest and a growing insensitivity towards life and killing.

Those were the signs, and Renzo was willing to put an effort from his parts to maintain his head clever head and free of any kind of problem that could cloud his judgement.

'This isn't working, my head keeps wandering with these thoughts.' Renzo lamented to himself as he opened his eyes and looked ahead.

He was currently wearing the mask that Kaeri gifted him, an order given by Shun Ti.

Both Shun Ti and Kaeri wanted Renzo to become a significant figure in this war. If words of an almighty figure wearing a skull mask while killing thousands with his fists spread through the rest of Noxian troops, it would undoubtedly add the psychological effect they wanted.

Not that they both knew what psychological warfare means, but they knew the fear that renowned figures could give when facing them.

"Enemy at front, Renzo prepare yourself!" Shun Ti informed him as he received Kaeri's report.

Near eight thousands noxians were marching, acting as the vanguard for the south army that was lead by one general from Noxus.

The vanguard was divided into four thousand infantry man, two thousand ranged units, one thousand battle mages and one thousand men that held various positions such as medical units, cooks, etc.

They were marching in four columns orderly and with great discipline. The officers carrying the lanterns to give vision.

"Halt!" Suddenly the voice of an officer in the front row roared through the night, making the soldiers to stop on their spot.

"Ranged units and mages, prepare to open fire!" Roared the officer as various soldiers moved through the line towards the front, while arcana and magic started to gather in a few individuals that were moving to the front or starting levitating.

"Fir-" Just as the officer was about to order fire at will, the space in front of them started cracking as everyone's ear in the noxians vanguard started bleeding.

Quickly screaming in pain while grabbing their heads, the entire army was unable to resist the following shockwave and vibrations.

A mist of blood engulfed the latter rows in the first column, while the rest of army fell to the ground with blood oozing from their orifices.

The warbands leaders that were acting as the second in command, where the only ones that could defend against the powerful attack, as their runic swords alongside other objects or simple reflexes, enable them to survive while shielding themselves from the vibrations and booming shockwave that destroyed their soldiers eardrums early on.

When the captain at the front recovered from the attack, he was welcomed by a punch on his stomach that sent him flying back.

Feeling his armor dent in, he tried to stand on his feet while wiping the blood from his mouth. Feeling dizzy, he raised his weapon at his front while his instincts screamed danger.

Another powerful blow met his raised weapon, as the hardened metal that was masterfully forged was blend backwards.

The hand grabbing the weapon quickly let it go as a numbling pain spread through his arm. A terrifying vibration run amok through his hands tearing apart his muscles and tendons.

Unable to withstand the pain and dizziness he raised his remaining good arm as he received the last punch.

A white light was the only thing he saw before darkness engulfed him.

Seeing the enemy captain head blowing off from his punch, Renzo gulped down and continue to search for another enemy that wasn't being engage by the rest of the squadron.

At least three dozens of enemies survived his initial attack.

Fighting against the various officers, captains and mages proved to be somewhat difficult, as they not only were incredible talented fighters, but they also held their runic swords or tricky techniques.

The Noxus lieutenant in charge of this vanguard was winning against Shun Ti and Hyuna joint attack even.

Quickly running towards their position, Renzo kicked at the air as if a wall was there. Launching himself with incredible speed, he put his left hand in front of him as the epicenter was quickly forming on his fist.

The lieutenant feeling the danger approaching from his back, made a sweep through the front as he forced both Shun Ti and Hyuna to retreat while he regained position and brace himself for the impact and incoming attack.

Casting a shield around him, his face quickly changed expression in horror as he watched the shield blown to pieces.

A terrifying boom was all he could hear before being thrown away by a monstrous attack on his chest.

He flew near one hundred meters away before his body could hit the ground, the inertia kept pushing and at the same time hurting him even more, his limbs deforming into positions that they shouldn't be naturally.

The lieutenant who at this point was barely holding alive, started to drown into his blood, as a nasty wound was on chest. His chest was cave in and the bones alongside his armor perfored his lungs.

But if that wasn't enough, his heart was shattered into pieces alongside his respiratory system.

A minute later, the lieutenant finally was in the hand of the Kindred, while Renzo looking at his position.

Shun Ti and Hyuna moved to help others members while they simply nodded at Renzo for his help.

Moments later the battling sounds came to an end, as the second squadron killed the remaining enemy.

The group took a brief break as they tend their wounds and regained their breath.

Then, they continue marching forward to the enemy position. Kaeri have already spotting the other groups of enemies that moved alongside the recently killed vanguard.

As the night passed by, booming sounds and screams could be heard around the Placidium. Both the defenders and attackers that were on their way couldn't help but grip their weapons and whatever was on their hands in fear.

When the morning came, the south army of Noxus was marching in the previous battlefield.

When the soldiers looked at the carnage that happened in the place, they felt their scalps went numb in fear, while others couldn't help but wonder how the Ionians were capable of being able to destroy the whole vanguard unit.

When the leading general saw the gory sight after being reported, he couldn't help but grith his teeth while looking ahead of him.

General Swain was right, if they happen to wait more before attacking this place, they would have pay dearly.

"Do we know how they've done this?" Asked the general to his man.

"No sir, but it fits with the reports of the missing battalions on the west. The same signs and exact way of killing them." Reported the soldier while remembering the reports from their spies.

'I guess we would only know how they did this once we reach the Placidium.' He thought to himself while dismissing his men.

As he ordered the army to keep moving, various reports from his scouts started reaching him, the other twenty battalions send to encircle the Placidum were also completely wiped out in the same way the vanguard was.

Minced meat in bloody pools alongside bodies with blood oozing from their orifices. Some bodies also started to swell up from within.

It was a massacre.


Meanwhile in the Placidium, the second squadron was resting on their tents, they would be called once the enemy was on sight as the leaders ordered for them to rest the most they could.

Renzo didn't minded the blood as he collapsed on the blankets and sleep. His mind was numb after this night and he only wanted to find some sleep.

Meanwhile the captain of the second squadron, Shun Ti, was reporting to the leaders.

Expecting the outcome and hearing the grim news they dismissed him after he finished.

"Twenty thousand noxians on that side, even after killing twelve thousands more. Just how much soldiers Noxus sent to our homes!?" Yenma couldn't help but roar in anger.

Ikko nodded while looking grimly.

"It's worse than we first thought. And we were so foolish to believe they only sent around thirty thousand! Hahaha, that was just one army!" Kae couldn't help but mock themselves while clenching his fist.

Master Baijo sighed as he said to them "And more Noxians troops are currently laying siege on Ionia City while we're talking right now. Noxus greed know no bounds."

"I can't really fathom what would have been of your rates Master Baijo if we weren't happen to reinforce the Placidium." Yenma said while gulping down.

The Placidium only have around three thousands people capable of defending, while another four thousands were civilians unable to fight back, in their midst were various children's that were sent previously to learn ancestral knowledge and refine their skills.

"It's enough, we need to prepare ourselves for the battle ahead, we cannot waste more time thinking idle, head in the present and focus on the battle!" Ikko's voice spread through the room while standing up.

"I'll be going to the west side, I hope to see you alive after the battle." As he finished, he walked away.

The rest of the leaders stayed in the room while looking at the departing figure of Ikko.

Meanwhile in the west camp of the Placidium, the young Irelia Xan was cleaning the blades from her family heirloom.

"Have you heard it? They say that even with our numbers we won't have enough people to face the Noxians." Said one warrior while looking downcast.

"And what about it? We already know that we would die here, just a few numbers more won't change the outcome." Answered a female while keep smoking.

"B-but we would just simply die here meaningless!? I don't want to die just for the Noxians to still get the Placidium!" Screamed the warrior while his companions started to approach him.

"Hey calm down Yun, don't lose your mind right now!" Said one warrior while he patted the man shoulder, who only went to his knees and started sobbing.

Seeing this, Irelia clenched her fist as she tried to calm herself. A few moments later she started to dance unconsciously while trying to calm her mind.

When the surrounding soldiers started to see the young Irelia dancing the well known dance, many let go their thoughts while watching the talented youngster.

Someone out in the bunch started using his flute and playing a regional song. Irelia quickly started to adjust her dance move to follow the song, eyes closed and immersed in her thoughts.

A warm feeling started engulfing her chest while remembering her O-ma encouraging words when she was little. The faces of her family appeared on her mind while tears started to fall.

The soldiers around couldn't help but feel a tinge of pain seeing the ethereal youngster crying while dancing in such beautiful way.

They were remainded of their pain and the reason they were fighting for.

A glow suddenly engulfed Irelia as her blades started floating around her. With each movement from her hands and feet the blades sweep the place in such elegant manner that many were unaware of the danger they held.

Feeling more energetic as the song keep going, Irelia's moves improved as every movement that she made during her dance was deadly, yet beautiful.

Lost at the marvelous sight, everyone was caught off when the song finished and Irelia opened her eyes after stopping. Seeing the crowd around her she just smiled and bow her head.

The people started to applause while cheering her.

Different scenes could be seen around the two other fronts, in the north side, where Yi was stationed, a gloomy atmosphere was in the air as many started to accept their deaths and get accustomed to the idea.

Yi was unwavered by this, as he keep meditating floating in the air with the sword resting on his legs, various other monks were around him doing the same, they were the few individuals that weren't affected by said atmosphere.

They could perceive the spirit of the man in front of them, his light shinning brightest among the people. His aura giving more peace to their minds.

In Renzo's side however the air was completely different.

Here the vast majority of the soldiers were carrying beaming smiles and were laughing heartily.

They were after all from the Brotherhood headquarters, and they already knew of the man resting in the second squadron campment.

"The Fist of The Brotherhood" That's how the started calling him since the news about him and his deeds spread through the village back then.

A rumour that took force just a few hours ago, when various reports from the destroyed battalions and groups were spread by Shun Ti.

He knew the importance of morale in the incoming battle, and giving his men's the assurance necessary to keep them with high spirits was his utmost priority.

Knowing that a figure that could destroy the enemy with his fist was with them, would undoubtedly give them trust to survive the incoming battle.

Like this, with preparations going on and various people running back and forth between the various fronts, the hours passed by.

It was around noon when alarms were raised in the west front. Followed minutes later by the north and south east.

The Noxians were here.


Jericho Swain was currently overseeing his army preparations to launch the attack.

The enemy received reinforcements and where now defending the Placidum in three different fronts.

'The plan didn't go according, but at least we prevented more Ionians to reach this place. It depends in us now to conquer this place and continue onwards.' He thought to himself while looking at the figures of the various warleaders, nobles, and captains under his command.

He was currently leading the biggest army of the three.

Different from the others, his current troops were mostly recent reinforcements that came from the gained lands from Shurima.

Forty thousand men alongside two hundred battle beast were preparing to lay waste on The Placidium of Navori. It was an already winning battle in theory. However he knew better than anyone that variables could occur, just like the entire warbands under Gallesi, who was told to regroup with his or the south east army.

But the warlord was killed alongside his warbands by the Ionians, who were now waiting for him in the Placidium.

This variable, alongside the various reports from fearful swordsman that moved like lightning, were enough signs to talk about the power laying dormant in the land.

"Have mages to initiate the attack using their spells while taking distance, If they don't decide to attack us, we would kill them with our spells and arrows." Said General Swain while relaying his command.

He held the advantage here, not only in numbers but quality at that. His soldiers were battle hardened veterans, alongside his Captains, warleaders and generals.

The enemy however, were only a bunch of peasants, monks, apprentices and few masters that never went to a war.

'Even with that into account, these master could create a lot of troubles with their abilities.' He thought to himself.

Thus, knowing this, he would make the enemy lose their advantage in defense and force them to attack him if they didn't want to keep losing their men under his mages attacks.

"General, should we use our artillery to attack alongside the mages?" Asked a captain to Swain.

Swain went silent for a moment until he responded "Order them to keep firing until the enemy decide to attack us, when that happen order them to hold fire and prepare for our orders."

The captain nodded and went towards the artillery direction while Swain remained gazing at the Placidium.

They were currently in the valley between the mountains surround this place and the various hilly forest that were around the Placidium.

The forest could prove to be a problem, Swain however didn't order to his main to set it fire. As the place could prove to be helpful in case of the enemy somehow defeat his troops, or decided to ambush them.

If they decided the latter he could force them to maintain their position while burning them alive.

"Do we have any news regarding the other armies?" Asked after a while.

"There wasn't any report from the north army, the south east however informed that their vanguard alongside their side of encirclement was eliminated by the enemy." Reported a Captain.

Swain furrowed his brows. Their vanguard were successful to advance in their designated position and were now waiting for his order to attack, there were also various battalions encircling left and right flanks. While others stayed behind to prevent any reinforcement to came from their back.

This was the tactic that all armies should use during this battle, having the south east compromised could prove to be a dangerous variable to them, with the chance to be flanked by the same enemies that destroyed the vanguards and battalions.

"Have two warbands stationed to our east, covering the forest." Swain ordered as a Captain relayed his order.

He then glanced at a light passing through the sky and landing on the Ionian defenders.


And explosion engulfed the zone as the enemy started to take cover.

Seeing the mages starting the attack, Swain remained unfazed as he waited for the enemy to make the first move.

At the same time, in the east front.

The south east warhost finally reached the position, and was closely followed by a warm welcome from the Ionians.

Various mages and ranged individual started to open fire at the Noxians, who returned the fire.

However, different from the west front, the Noxians attacks were halted in the air, as an individual wearing a skull mask stayed at the front of the defenders.

Both hands in the air, as if he was holding something.

With the ranged attacks stopped from both sides, the battle reached an stalemate where no one opened fire.

However, minutes later It was broken when the skull figure started charging forward. Closely followed by various other individuals.

Seeing the Ionians charging at them, the warhost general ordered a charge from their side too while ordering his mounted units alongside warbeast to position on the flanks.

However the incoming crash among the armies didn't happened, as before the Ionians could reach the Noxians soldier charging, a loud shout was heard, followed by a booming sound in the area.

What was followed next made the warhost general face turn grim.

The air in front of the skull figure started to form crackwebs and a shattering sound could be heard.

He saw from his position the air in front of the figure to distort as a mist of blood engulfed the place.

The earth started shaking, the last thing he saw while standing was his front troops getting destroyed into bloody pieces while the rear of the charging troops fell to the ground bloodied.

In just a moment near six thousands soldiers were killed. And the rest were heavily injured, only those at the far sides being in good condition, if one didn't take into account the bleeding ears.

When the warhost general got into his feet again, he felt his whole body shaking as the shockwaves and vibrations passed through him.

The blood vessels from his nostrils and eyes exploded as blood sweep through his eyes and nose.

The men alongside him were not better. Just a couple individuals were unscathed as they took their weapons and charge at the enemy, who used the advantage given by the bloody figure to attack the stunned and injured Noxians.

A battle was quickly unfolded, with the Ionians having the advantage as they sweep through the Noxians soldiers who could only defend themselves while gritting their teeth from pain.

Various techniques and flashy skills were going all around the place, high speed battles alongside rough close quarter combat were all over the place.

It was then that another booming sound could be heard and the general saw his warbeast battalion get blow apart in bloody pieces as the skull figure passed through them while punching at the war elephants and other giant beasts.

Seeing that the battle was lost, the general could only swallow his pride and anger "RETREAT! WE WOULD ORDERLY REGROUP WITH THE WEST WARHOST, RETREAT!" As he roared his order, the various officers started to relay it while making sure to give enough cover to retreat.

They needed their troops to not panic and hastily retreat, since this could only give free pass to the enemy to eliminate them all.

Thus, the Noxians slowly started to retreat orderly while losing more troops.

Those who couldn't walk or continue were left behind and quickly killed by the Ionians who were trailing the enemy.

Seeing this, Renzo quickly mounted and run forward the West front.

In the meantime, at the north, the Ionians were fighting fiercely back the Noxians.

Master Yi alongside the various monks lead the offensive as he sweep through the Noxus ranks like lightning.

In just a couple seconds hundreds were killed as Yi moved further and further into the enemy ranks.

The monks followed by in two flanks as they unleashed their techniques and skills to the Noxians who fighted bravely against the fearsome monks.

The rest of the Ionians who were incensed by the leading figures followed back frantically, trying to kill everything that have red colours and heavy armors.

At the flank of the Ionian group, were two groups of individuals wearing heavy looking laminar armor with Ionian style. These warriors unleashed their masterful sword techniques and held back the charge of the Noxian cavalry and warbeast.

One of the heavy armored individuals took the full grunt of the charge when he positioned his pole arm weapon in front of him, not moving an inch and only moving forward as he cut the throat of the fallen Noxian soldier.

Seeing his troops falling quickly against the green flash, the general did the same at his fellow general in the south.

He ordered a retreat, although this time he didn't intend to head towards the south west, instead he wanted to regroup and organize his troops to a second assault.

Seeing the Noxians retreating, the Ionians started to cheer and roar in relief.

However, different from the north and east, the situation in the west side was critical.

The Noxians inflicted half the defenders numbers in casualties. While the morale was quick plumbing down to a dangerous level.

Seeing this, Ikko decided to take the grim decision to charge at the enemy, he knew that a good amount of them would die while charging.

Thus, unable to continue seeing his fellowmen dying pointlessly, he raised his naginata and shouted "IONIANS, ATTACK!"

As he roared that, he started running fast at the enemy while a light was engulfing his body.

Seeing the general taking the lead, they quickly followed his steps.

Irelia who was hiding behind the remaining of a rock, saw the men advancing. Steeling her heart and fears, she closed her eyes as she followed them.

As the Ionian started to quickly close the gap, the Noxians keep firing at them while the first row prepared.

With a booming roar that echoed the entire battlefield Ikko roared with a murderous glint in his eyes "DIE"

As his figure reached the position of the Noxians, his blade was engulfed in a blinding golden light, and with a sweep, the firmly placed Noxians were cut in half as he jumped to the next row.

With a sweep of his hand, the soldiers around him found their death in a blink of an eye as he continue to lay waste among their ranks.

Quickly following behind him, the rest of Ionians troops clashed with the Noxians.

The unlucky ones died as the Noxians used their weapons while others were able to engage or sweep through them.

It was then they heard a high pitched sound in the air as both Ionians and Noxians saw a figure coming from the Placidium.

"NOXUS TASTE MY SWORD!" Roared Yenma as he sweep through the air while a red light engulfed his body. On his back two pairs of giants wings were flapping furiously.

In just a couple of seconds his figure landed among the Noxians troops in a explosion that killed a good amount of them. Yenma not wasting a moment started to kill merciless and quick at the Noxians that were around him.

However, even after receiving such terrifying attack from the Ionians, the Noxias were steadily killing and pilling up corpses from the remaining Ionians.

Ikko and Yenma quickly found themselves surrounded and couldn't keep up with the kill streak as they have to be more cautious.

Irelia who only killed a handful Noxians, found herself panicking at the sight around her. Her consciousness filled with guilty.

Just as she was about to lose her mind in fright, the same warm feeling started to spread over her chest as the image of her family passed through her mind.

Standing on her feet, she started to dance again, however this time her eyes were opened as she headed towards the nearby Noxian who was fighting against her fellow countrymen.

With a sweep of her hand, the dancing blades cut the man head as she keep moving forwards.

As the Noxians started to appear in front of her she started pilling up more bodies as with each movement from her, the blades found their way and reaped the lives of her enemies.

Seeing another figure raising among their ranks, the Ionians followed behind her as they started killing those she leave behind in her onslaught.

Swain, seeing the three figures creating such amount of trouble, ordered his captains and warlords to directly attack them and finish the problem before it gets bigger.

As more and more Noxians bodies started to pile up behind Irelia advance, he was growing more impatient as a glooming feeling started to engulf Swain's heart.

Just as he was about to move himself alongside his bodyguards, a booming sound followed by the earth shaking could be feel from the east.

He then saw a few of his men flying through the air as he slowly move his gaze towards the direction.

Then he saw it, the warbands that were positioned to cover their flank was lying in a pool of blood and meat, while the rear men of the formations were laying on the ground.

A figure with a white mask could be seen fighting and blowing away, or to pieces, at the various captains and officers.

Seeing the figure finishing off the last standing man in that side, it started to sprint at great speed while making a booming sounds with each step.

Feeling that things were about to go south, Swain closed his eyes and ordered quickly "Let's head back and regroup."

When he said that the remaining nobles and officers around him looked at him with surprised expressions.

"But General Swain, we still have the numbers and advantage here!" Someone couldn't help but explain, Swain however just shook his head.

As he was about to repeat himself, they heard another boom, and this time, they fell to the ground as it started shaking.

When they stand up, they watched in horror how the same figure was punching at the air in front of him as hundreds if not thousand of their men where dying with each movement.

The booming sound of the shockwaves was hitting them like a slap, as they felt their chest and whole body being hit constantly by it.

In just a couple of seconds, the third column of the warhost that held more than eight thousands soldiers, was completely wiped out with only a handful of bodies remaining in the ground.

Horrified by the sight, the troops around started to flee in fright. The figure then locked up his gaze at them and when the officers feel this, even these veterans couldn't help but piss their pants in fear as the sense of fear grasped their hearts.

The figure then jumped in the air as he launched himself with a booming sound coming from his feet.

In just a couple of seconds he traverse the hundreds of meters and appeared above them.

And with a open palm, he slapped down.

Swain quickly tried to cover himself with a runic shield only to feel his entire body shaking violently under the vibrations.

He didn't heard any sound, everything seems to be muted around him. As he tried to move his body to look around him, he saw in horror something.

Everyone except him were destroyed. Just a few remains of their gears was left as blood surrounded him.

With his mouth open and fear in his eyes, he saw the figure glaring at him.

He was standing in front of him, a skull like mask with red lines and blood dripping from it. He was about the same height at him, if not a little bit more.

Both hands cladded in leather armor that was soaked in blood, he saw one of those arms moving towards him. Raising his hands in reflex, he felt a powerful grip from his hand.

Renzo glared at the person in front of him.

Jericho Swain. The iron first of Noxus, and a person with great importance.

He knew he could kill him now. But by doing so, he would cut not only his advantage in terms of knowledge. But also the only chance for Noxus to walk a better path in the future.

Grasping tightly at the struggling hand from Swain he inspected the man left arm as he took off his gloves.

Seeing that it wasnt the same devilish red hand he knew, he sighed deeply at took his decision.

Directing his energy towards his hand, he looked at the man's eye and with a swift motion, took his left arm from his body.

"AAAAARRRRFGH!" With an anguish and pained scream, Swain shakily saw his left arm, or what remained from it, in the hands of the masked figure.

Feeling the blood oozing from his open wound, he started to feel dizzy as his pained mourns started to diminish.

His throat started to feel dry, as darkness started to engulf his vision while looking at the figure slowly walk away.

With grievances in his heart, and unwillingness to depart, he lose consciousness while an unintelligible whisper reached his mind and a three eyed crow appeared in front of him.


As Renzo moved back at the remaining Noxians fighting against the Ionians, he looked around him and saw the cruel scene that remained from his attacks and the Ionian advance.

Thousands of bodies were pilling up behind the Ionians, while everywhere around him was filled with blood, equipment remains, body parts and bodies.

A nauseating stench invaded his nose, it smelled like shit, urine and blood mixed together.

Doing his best to restrain the acid feeling on his throat, he walked towards the last remain Noxians.

When the Ionians saw the masked figure of Renzo, they cheer him up while slashing at the running Noxians.

Irelia stayed behind while helping the wounded injured as she watch the man who changed the course of battlefield with his appearance.

She then watched him finishing off the rest of the troops with three powerful booms, each one making her shake her body in fear.

When no one was left to be killed, the Ionians finally roared and shouted in relief & excitement.

Others just fell to their knees and started crying in relief while others in anguish.

A few ones just remained on their spot, looking lifessly.

The battle for the Placidium of Navori was over. Ionia rouse victorius from the seemingly impossible battle.

A crow with green eyes flew around the various fronts, inspecting every crane and detail. Minutes later it flew westward.