Runeterra: Earthling Among Legends

Runeterra: Earthling Among Legends

Video Games41 Chapters1.1M Views
Author: Xerstoren
Table of Contents

Renzo was a simple guy who loved MOBAS, one night he found himself surrounded in a forest, later to find out he was into one of his favorites franchises. League of Legends.

Follow him into his journey on the lands of Runeterra, where incredible figures would wait for him. Where danger lays in every corner alongside marvelous sights and adventures.


All fictional characters depicted in this novel belongs to Riot Games.

The art cover does not belong to me, all rights reserved to it's author.

53 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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stumble upon this jewel by accident. a fanfic about league :√ readable grammar:√ MC is OP but need train and not overly OP(maybe?):√ update: so far so good. plz keep it up and don't drop it.

3 years ago

Despite having a good univerce, there are not many LOL fanfics out there. I am really glad that i was able to find this gem. I have read some fanfics which features Lol but i think this ones starting is really interesting. The start of the MC is not typical(like some random ROB finds him) and he doesn't know anything. His power is not too op considering that there are some beings whom can destroy universes. The update rate is pretty good with 1-2 chapters a day with a lenght of at least 3k characters, so the chapters are no way short. The character dev is not much but its starting so i can expect some good stuff there. The timeline is in line which what i like so i am expecting more of this! Keep up the good work and have fun writing it!

3 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

3 years ago

love it. The Story is interesting and not boring. The Mc is well written and there is development. There arent many league of Legends Fanfictions so its nice to see a so well written one.

3 years ago

Good LoL fic, The only bad thing about this fic is the mc himself as when he meet champions or saw them he act like a giddy kid meeting their favourite superhero being cosplayed, Like cmon he's a grown up not a kid who would suddenly blurt a champions local nickname that he know shouldn't know about

3 years ago

very interesting even despite the fact that this is fanfic, the quality as for me is at a good level among others and the plot itself is interesting. I look forward to continuing. I will say this, all good books are written for a long time and this is one of these

3 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

2 years ago

Скучно и глупо. MC изначально имеет всю силу Белоуса, но не может ее правильно контролировать! Серьезно... Эйсу потребовалось 2 года что-бы достичь звания 2 командира, при этом его можно считать гением(по крови) 7 плодов вообще ненужная вещь... как он их еще не потерял и не уничтожил во всей этой войне? Да еще и никому их не скормил что бы сделать сельсине, если бы кто-то из друзей погиб в войне это было-бы великой глупостью! Весь твой мир плоский, твоя фантазия явно плохо ложится на текст. А сюжет до боли скучный! Тысячи убийств... очень интересно читать одно и тоже. Блин тут вообще ничего о окружающем мире нету! Еда, жилье, деньги, социальные отношения. Все это мусор! Я бросил когда они герои прибыли в спасенный город и спали в грязи у телеги.

3 years ago

Only 8 chapters in and even though it is not quite enough to give an appropriate review, it’s been going pretty well so far. There are some grammar mistakes but they don’t disturb that much. Character development is pretty good I must say. No insta chad mc that kills without batting an eye and stuff. A somewhat normal guy trying to get used to another world. I recommend reading it if you came this far, it is a good read. Hope the author doesn’t drop and keep up the good work!

3 years ago

I will Go through all criteria this site has. Writting quality:St the Start it was bearable But it sadly degraded in later chapters. Story Development: it runs paralel to the noxian Invasion ans since there is Not much know about the Invasion I can t judge it Charakter design: its okay just nothing revolutionary. it gets worse because of the writing quality. Update stabillity: it seems stabil. World bullding: runeterra is a large and beautifull World that the author doens't always know how to utilise.

3 years ago

A hidden gem of league is hard to come by so keep up the good work and may your creativity never run dry....................................

3 years ago

This is one of my top list so far in fanfiction, there's current no LOL fanfic that caught in my eye...but this is definitely top tier so far... A gem one as they say

3 years ago

I know people will hate me but this needs a harem. LUL. There is wayyy too much good possibles waifus and I don't want an NPC to be the Female lead

3 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

3 years ago

This is a Great Story I personally really enjoyed it. The Characters are all fun and enjoyable the only thing I dislike is the whole other Devil Fruits seems kinda sus to have to those things. MC is OP but he needs to train or he's body will break down, all in all the story is good And I recommend.

3 years ago