Anime Training

It was noon and the sun was starting to shyly appear among the clouds in the sky of Ionia.

Six people could be seen walking merrily as they headed north through a path.

Renzo and the rest were just a village away from the Placidium and were in high mood.

Not only did they didn't encounter any remaining Noxian troop around the zone, but the previous village they pass through was starting to show signs of improvement.

They were also recognized, mostly Irelia, as members of the resistance and were kindly welcomed by the people.

"Renzo, do you want to give a name to our group or something? I'm saying that because that way people can recognize us and separate from the Brotherhood." Said Hyuna while the others raised their ears in curiosity.

Renzo put a thoughtful expression on his face while he whispered some words with Karya, then he answered hyuna "I haven't think of one yet, so it would be good if we start thinking of one in the meantime."

Surprisingly for everyone he said in Ionian. But looking at how Renzo keep looking at Karya and how misspelled some words, they understood that it was mostly Karya that said how to say it for him.

Tahru raised his thumbs up for him while saying "Nice job" And Irelia nodded at him.

When Hyuna heard his words, she completely overlook that he say it in Ionian and with stars on her eyes she started to break her brain thinking about one.

"What about "Ionia Pretty Resistance'?" As soon as those words escaped her lips she received stares from everyone and quickly said "Just joking, just joking!"

Meanwhile Ymir and Irelia started giving ideas while Renzo asked Karya "Can we please look for those ingredients to make me a few tattoos, I want to get one after this travel." He said to her with puppy eyes.

Karya just frowned at him and asked "And why would you want one right now? Didn't you said before that you would get one in the future?"

Renzo looked back at her as if she was stupid and said "Duh, we're in the future right now, dont we?" Karya slapped his shoulder but couldn't help but agree with his answer "... Although I thought I would be a few years in the future by that..." She muttered.

"Well, I also do think the same before but after today events I'm itching for getting something done or change within me." Renzo said while looked at the road ahead.

Tahru moved his head near them and asked "What is it?" and Katya told him what Renzo wanted to do.

"oh, well it's understandable, he wanted to get some kind of confirmation for his change, don't he? I say its pretty good if its only a tattoo." Said Tahru after hearing Karya's words.

He himself knew how much some people could do just to feel or get some sort of confirmation for their changes.

Some would get a haircut, others some sort of actions that went different from how they acted before, while others like Renzo wished to showcase such change in their bodies.

"Yeah, but doing it now? I dunno, I feel like he should wait a little bit more." Said Karya agreeing with Tahru.

It was then that Renzo said something that took her for surprise "I may not be able to do later on, they might not be able to penetrate my skin if I let some years pass." He said.

When he said that Karya couldn't contain her curiosity and asked "And why's that?"

"Well, everyday my power just keep strengthening my body and every single fiber of it, in comparison just today I could swear that I was about to cut my finger with the bone from the meat, but it simple broke after getting pushed against my skin." He said with a nonchalant expression on his face.

Karya raised her eyebrow in surprise and asked "How's that possible?" Her question was understandable as she didn't thought that Renzo's magic was capable of such thing.

"Want to hear the large explanation or the short one?" He asked her with a teasing smile.

Karya thought carefully as she analyzed the willingness she had to hear him rambling for hours non-stop.

It was then that she sighed and asked him "Could you please give me the short one and then the large one when we reach the Placidium?"

"Deal!" Renzo simply said and started explaining to her the basic theory he believe was happening with him.

It was basically a 101 class of what happen to one's body in the gym, but with steroids at four hundred percent with magic included.

Karya was able to get the grasp of the idea but still have some questions she would ask him later on.

"So that's how you do it.." She muttered, it was then that Renzo asked her.

"Why don't you try to do it with your body? It much tame scale of course, we dont want you to kill yourself." He said to her and Karya started pondering about the possibilities of such thing.

"I would need a lot of control, and I mean A LOT." She said to him and Renzo nodded in agreement, he also knew that during all these day that he got the Gura Gura No Mi, what he lacked the less after all the training was control.

It could be said that he compensate strength with extreme amount of control with the fruit.

It was easier for him after all somehow.

'It might have to do with the knowledge, who could believe that school actually work!' He mocked on his head.

"Try tell the other to try also that, it might help all for getting stronger." He said to her and Karya nodded, although she looked conflicted.

Mostly due to Hyuna, who was the most likely to get injured while trying such a thing.

"Ehem, guys, hear me out for a second." She shouted and everyone started looking at her.

"Renzo just shared me an interesting information that might help us to get stronger, however I want to heavily emphasize the words MIGHT HELP US." Said Karya but on everyone's ear this mean a new training.

Just as Hyuna was about to open her mouth, Karya continues "Basically what he said to me is to use magic or some sort of training to hurt our bodies and let it heal itself. Repeating a continue cycle everyday nonstop." She said to them and saw Tahru looking at her as if she was crazy.

However Hyuna seemed to have just hear sacred words that she seemed eager to try hurting herself.

Renzo, noticing the bad choice of words and the dangerous look on Hyuna face roared at Karya "You fool! Look after the words you used! That's not how it is!" But even himself knew that she got the concept but was badly point out.

' It's not an M training for Christ's sake!' He screamed internally.

Then Karya took a while and tried to explain better the idea behind the training. It was then that Tahru stopped looking at her with weird look and started contemplating the idea.

Meanwhile Ymir didn't think further as such way of training was something that back in the Freljord some used.

Irelia was trying to think a way for her to use it with her magic, but reached a short end and couldn't think further of more ideas.

Hyuna was in the same position as Irelia, as she wasn't able to use some sort of magic. After all, her abiliets could resume in swordsmanship.

When Irelia point out her inability to train such method, Hyuna also added her own circumstances and Renzo offered to daily use his power in a small magnitude with them in exchange for Hyuna teaching him how to wield a sword and Irelia teaching about her blade magic.

He wasn't interested in the blade dance itself but gaining more information about magic.

After all, Karya and Zan Zhei also shared with him how they used magic and how to feel it.

Renzo was having a problem with that as it seemed the concept of magic was escaping his hands. He was starting to believe that it has to be with his approach, as he couldn't help but always think about in a empirical formula when hearing their experiences.

'Maybe mixing magic and science isn't a good idea as I first thought.' He thought to himself but even this notion was unappealing to him.

After all it was due to using his brain that he could come up with feats such as walking in the air and other uses for his fruits.

Heck, he even suspected that if he ever awakened his fruit, he could make atoms or the electron vibrate, furthering expanding the capacity of his powers.

At such, when he heard about the different magics and the probabilities they could reach, he couldn't contain his excitement.

Thus along the path he started to exchange more of information and knowledge with Karya.

It was near the dusk when they reached the last village and take a break. They talked with the villagers and looked for news or something that was worth mentioning.

The most notorious information they got was regarding the defeat from the Noxian army in the north, the resistance was able to defeat once again the remaining troops, although the Noxians didn't lose too many men this time.

Still, it was good news for everyone.

They also got a wind of more people starting to raise their weapon in resistance after hearing the victory from the Placidium of Navori.

The effects from that battle were still echoing around the main Island and was yet to reach the furthest parts in Navori.

Meanwhile when someone heard about Irelia's name being mentioned in the group, she was instantly assaulted by various villagers who started praising at her.

Thus, they were forced to retreat from the village and move towards the Placidium that could be seen from afar from their place.

It was after midnight they finally reached the Placidium and were warmly welcomed by the defenders and people inside.

Many recognized both Renzo and Irelia as they were directed towards Master Baijo position, who after two days of hard work was finally able to take a break and enjoyed a bit of quietness amidst the chaotic times.

When the group appeared in front of the old man and the various others monks and sages they quickly took seat and greeted him.

"It's nice to see you doing well, we already received the news of the victory." Said the old man with a kind smile.

Renzo and the rest didn't smiled back after hearing him, they only nodded with solemn expression on their faces.

Master Baijo realized that they are most likely affected by the battle and decided to change of theme.

"Well, is there something I can help you?" He asked with a kind smile and Irelia answered him.

"Yes Master Baijo, we came here to seek for information regarding one person, and to also bother you for sharing a message to everyone on Ionia." Her tone was calm and collected.

Master Baijo was surprised by the thing about the information, but also he have a vague idea of what kind of message they wanted him to share.

"That can be done, if I happen to know something about the person you are interested I'll tell you what I know." He said as he gesture her to continue talking.

Irelia nodded her head and continue "We believe he's called Souma, an elder from a sword school that can use the wind technique." When Irelia finished her words, Master Baijo had a thoughtful expression while he started nodding.

"Oh yes, I certainly know Master Souma. A very talented individual, what do you wish to know about him?" He asked with interest.

Renzo and the rest sighed in relief as they looked at him, Irelia smiled briefly at him and nodded, she then turned her head towards Master Baijo and said "We wish to know his current location, there's a few things we wish to discuss with him."

When Master Baijo heard her request he laughed briefly and said "Oh if that's only then there's no problem young Irelia. They live in a village in west at four to five days walking called Kiheji, they lived inside the village school." As he said that Renzo quickly wrote the name in a piece of white rock he brought with him previously with a small red pebble.

"Please send to him my regards. Also, what is the message you want me to rely on the various places where we could get?" Said Master Baijo after smiling at Renzo's antic. Noticing that he was most likely the person who asked this.

Irelia bowed her head and said "Of course Master Baijo, is the least we can do for your help. And the message we wish to be known is regarding our own group that will be recruiting anyone who's willing to fight for Ionia. In a month we'll be coming back at the Placidium to retrieve all of those who wished to join us."

As Irelia said the latter the people around the room started to whisper among each other about the content behind them.

It was already known in the Placidium what happened between Renzo and Master Yenma, many knew that another faction had been created.

A few started wondering what kind of attitude and view would this new faction would have, as when they eyed the six members in front of them, it was clear as the day that they were too young.

Master Baijo smiled with a knowing smile and he nodded his head "Very well, I'll relay your message to be spread around, I wish you all luck in this new endeavor." He said with a kind tone.

Renzo and the rest bowed their head in appreciation for his words while Irelia said to him "Thank you for your kind words Master Baijo, and I'm sorry for troubling you with our request."

Master Baijo just laughed and dismissed her words while saying "Not a problem young child, well if that's all you can go and rest."

The group nodded and took their leave in a calm manner, leaving behind the various sages and elders speaking each other regarding their new faction.

After all, they have two power houses and renowned war heroes on their lines. Two figures that were important pieces for the Brotherhood.

The power board in Ionia gained another powerful player.


After the group exited from the building where Master Baijo and the other sages were in, they followed Irelia as she moved towards her previous campment.

Here she took a few belongings that she quickly secured in a bag, and took a cart for them to carry during their travel.

They decided to rest for a while and see what they can do for tomorrow. As Renzo wanted to barter a few things for the needed material for his tattoo. At the same time they would start practicing his new training regimen.

Thus, with not much to cover themselves from the slight cold from the night, they sleep on the floor alongside the cart.

When the morning came, the first one to wake was Renzo, who was snuggling with Karya and being used as a pillow by Hyuna, who was hugging Irelia.

Tahru and Ymir were sleeping on their own at the sides.

As he moved his body, Hyuna was alerted by him and slowly woke up. Irelia still sleeping peacefully.

Meanwhile Karya started hugging tighter at Renzo in her sleep while the latter started to think of way to free himself without waking her. Just like he used to do with his cat back on Earth.

Remembering his little black cat, Cookie, Renzo couldn't help but feel a little pang of pain on his chest, wondering how she was doing without him.

He stayed awake for a while until Hyuna was the first of freeing herself and stand up, Irelia was awoken by this and followed her actions.

As they greeted Renzo, who only returned back the greeting, they went towards a stream to wash their faces and drink water.

Meanwhile Ymir and Tahru started to show signs of waking up while Karya remained glued to his embrace.

Poking her cheeks with his finger he started to whisper "...Karya wake up..." she just shrugged off and tried to keep sleeping.

But Renzo was relentless and after seeing her opening her eyes he said to her with a smile "So, you're finally awake!" After saying that he kissed her forehead and said "We have a long day ahead of us, so don't get too comfortable."

Karya grumped in orcish language as she moved her head on his chest while breathing deeply.

Just as Renzo was about to ask her to free him, she kissed his cheek and said to him "I can't help it when I sleep so well." She then broke free and started stretching her body.

Renzo sighed deeply while looking at her. He shook his head briefly and started to think of way to barter for the herbs necessary for preparing the ink.

' Where's the Noxians when you need them the most?' He couldn't help but wonder to himself.

Although the Ionians didn't used the armor and weapons from Noxus, they did melted them for creating their own armors, weapons and other tools.

At such, it was highly valuable and largely sought after when the resistance appear in a village or town.

As he stayed sitting thinking about what to do, the group went to do their things before their eat something and prepare for training.

Hyuna, Irelia and Katya were walking together while heading towards the various stands with products and started chatting among themselves.

"We have to buy food and herbs for healing, as Renzo told me that we would need them in large bulks" Said Karya while looking at the difference materials and herbs on the stand in front of them.

"We have to see wether we can have the means to aquire them, after all I don't they would barter them cheap to us, nor sell us." Answered Hyuna while inspecting a piece of rock in front of her.

The rest agree with her, after all they were still at war and many people would only barter their food or medical supplies for valuable things, in these during times food and medical supplies became commodities among the various villages.

"I don't know how he would pull out something to barter for the herbs for his Ink though." Commented Hyuna after remembering Renzo's words during their travel.

The trio keep wandering among the stands and after thirty minutes they were able to obtain food for at least two days of worth in exchange for the remaining coins in Karya bag.

They could have obtained more, since the villager just reached today the Placidium and wanted to sell some crops and food here, but they didnt have anything valuable for the villager to barter.

Like that, they returned towards their cart and put the food orderly on it, while they chatted with Tahru and Ymir.

Renzo was nowhere to be found, as it seemed that he went out of the Placidium to do something.

Ymir then started preparing a soup for them to eat while they waited for Renzo, who after near forty minutes appeared back with a scowl and cursing under his breath.

It seemed that he wanted to hunt something in the woods outside the Placidium, but the moment he spotted a boar he was too slow and noisy, thus the boar scaped from his sight.

After a mock from Ymir and a verbal argument between the two, the group was ready for starting their new training.

Renzo brought them to one side with not too many people around, as many were looking at them during all these time.

Without fearing for someone stealing their food and belongings, since this was the Placidium after all, they were in a relatively good spot and Renzo started ordering with Karya on his side.

"Okay, since only Tahru and Karya are the only ones capables of using some sort of elemental magic, you three will be under my care." he said while pointing at Irelia, Hyuna and Ymir.

The trio looked at him with eager eyes, minus Ymir who maintained her deadpan expression.

Renzo looked at them with a nervous expression, after all he just come up with the training and he didn't have any idea of what to do, so yesterday before sleeping he agreed with himself to make them do a regular training set.

Push up, squats, and sit ups, all of these with vibrations running amok in their bodies.

He didn't know if this training would work, he wished for a big yes since this could give him a path to strengthen his allies for the future.

'Please work anime logic.' He prayed inside his head while he started showcasing the three exercises to the trio.

When he finished showing the three work outs, he received various questioning gazes from the five people.

"Like I said, this is an experimental training since you three don't have elemental magic that could work. We would improve along the path if it proved to he successful." Said Renzo with closed eyes.

Ymir and Hyuna looked at each other with helpless looks while Irelia breathed deeply.

Thus, the first one to start making the training was Hyuna, Renzo put his hand on her back as he started channeling small vibrations on his palms while trying to direct them around her body.

During the first two push ups there's seemed to be no problem, however, it was in the middle of the third that she yelped in pain as her arms started to shake.

Renzo in fear stopped using the vibrations and asked her "Are you okay?" Hyuna just nodded and told him "Yes, it's only I felt a peng of pain in both my arms and weird. Don't worry and continue."

When Renzo heard her words he just nodded and channeled back the tremors, this time everyone could see that it was harder for Hyuna to make the push ups as she gritted her teeth in pain.

Renzo tried to focus the tremors in various micro vibrations around her body, it was a hard task since he couldn't feel exactly where his tremors were generating currently, so he was guessing while doing this.

Hyuna couldn't only do ten push ups before falling to the ground, grunting in pain with her skin red from the effort.

They could even see some parts of her arms visible moving after finishing her exercise. While this happened Hyuna expression was in agony as her face and whole skin was red and sweaty.

"C'mon Hyuna! There's still two more left!" Roared Renzo as she forced herself to get into squatting position.

As she started doing the first, another yelp of pain escaped from her mouth while Renzo maintained his hand on her back, however different from the previous moment he was looking at the side with a blushing expression as he counted each repetition loudly.

However Hyuna was unable to pass from the fifth repetition before her legs gave away, wabbling while trying to stand on her feet.

Thus, Renzo decided to let her rest and not doing the sit up. Thus Irelia went into position and the same thing happened over again.

She only completed seven repetitions in push ups, fifteen squats and forced herself to make one sit ups despite Renzo's recommendation for not forcing herself.

It was one sit up necessary for her to realize her body wouldn't answer anymore as it started to twich involuntarily.

When Tahru, Karya and Ymir saw this, they couldn't help but regret inside to agree for the madness.

Still Ymir went in position and started her training too, ten push ups and eight squats were too much for her for today, as she fell limply to the ground with pained expression on her face.

When Renzo turned to look at Tahru and Karya, both gulped loudly as Tahru sat on the ground and steeled his heart in resolved.

This time Renzo wouldn't use his powers unless it was necessary, he would explain first at Tahru with Karya what he was supposed to feel and do with his magic.

After signaling Renzo he was ready, Tahru took a deep breath and followed his instructions.

The idea was simple, at least on Renzo explication, Tahru and Karya would have to use their magic to scan their bodies. When Renzo explained this to Tahru the latter have a hard time trying to understand how he should scan, until he asked Renzo and heard a solution.

"Imagine your body as if it was something invisible, now with your magic you'll use each particle of energy or whatever you use as a peck of dust, with your magic you'll throw each peck of dust into the place where your body is suppose to be, in your case inside you. And by doing this you'll be able to see what was before invisible." That was the bad explanation given by Renzo.

Nonetheless it seemed to work, as after various minutes describing what he was seeing with his magic, he was able to localize and recognize his body muscles. All of them.

When he heard from Renzo's mouth that he have first to break them in microfisures, he couldn't help but open his eyes and look at him as if he was crazy.

The amount of time said thing would required... he didn't wanted to think about it, nonetheless Renzo said to him he must do this and make them same later on with his bones too.

However he then explained that within the bones they also have to nurture somehow with their magic the small holes within them and fill it the most they could.

He explained that with more robust bones, they would be able to take harder hits without breaking them. However the price for such action was a much slower swimming speed and top speed.

Still, Tahru and Karya started focusing and were slowly able to use their magic to such length.

Still, mistakes were bound to happen, Tahru lost control of his magic and cut clean his whole leg tendon. Thus, Karya was forced to look after a monk to heal him. It was after one hour that the monk finally finished healing him, when the trio that was resting on the ground was able to gather some strength and sit up.

Karya continue with her training as slowly and surely started creating more fissures on her muscles. It was by noon that she decided to call it for the day as she was sweating in pain while her whole body aching.

She realized that it would take time until she could do something among the lines of Renzo capabilities, since he could literally destroy every fiber on his body in just a second if he wished, meanwhile she could only procedure with just one at the time.

It was while thinking about how to come up with a solution, that she stumbled with an idea.

What if she tried to train herself to not only focus with one magic particle but various at the same time.

What she was thinking was about multicasting and parallel thinking, although she didn't knew about those terms.

She didn't voice out her idea as she first wanted to test it before telling Tahru and Renzo.

Thus, she watched Renzo cooking the meal for all of them, since no one besides him was in condition for moving. It wasn't only pain but literally no strength on their limbs and body.

After eating a bad meal, with Renzo apologizing, the group decided to take a nap while Renzo tried once again to hunt something.

Sadly for him, when he appeared back at night, he was empty handed. However on his face there was a thoughtful look as he pondered about something.

Making his way back to the camp, Hyuna and Ymir were preparing once again another soup with tired expression on their faces.

"Karya, before training tomorrow, can you please follow me to the woods? I saw a plant and I was wondering if it was poisonous or something, as I couldn't help but remember another plant I know that looked exactly like that." Renzo said to Karya while preparing himself to eat.

Katya nodded her head without too much thinking as she herself was deeply immersed in her own thoughts and theories.

Thus, after a quiet meal, Tahru washed the bowls and then, everyone went to sleep.

The following morning, Renzo was awoken by a groan on his embrace, as he opened his eyes he noticed he was spooning with Hyuna and the latter was groaning in pain while slightly moving her body, she then opened her eyes as she started to curse under her breath.

"Uuuugh, my body is killing me." Even with the cold morning she was sweating. Same could be seen with Irelia who was sleeping with a pained expression and the rest of the group.

"Hey, how much bad?" Renzo couldn't help but whisper to Hyuna with concern on broken Ionian.

The latter slowly moved her body as she turned around to look at him, but she was forced to stop herself to keep moving as she breathed deeply due to the pain.

"I don't think I'll be moving for today or even tomorrow." She said while glancing sideway to him. A wry smile on her face.

Renzo slowly moved from the spooning position as he moved towards Karya who was at his back, she was also sleeping with a pained expression, sighing deeply he sit up and looked at the rest, Ymir and Tahru were sleeping alongside each other, both with pained expression on their faces also.

As he glanced back at Hyuna, he couldnt help but noticed some swelling around her tights, arms and shoulders where the clothes weren't covering.

As he examinate Karya, he also saw some swelling although less serious when compared to Hyuna.

"...ah shit, it seemed that the anime training doesn't work like I was hoping for..." He couldn't help but lament under his breath.

As the day passed by, he was forced to act as a nanny as no one was able to stand on their feet.

It was worse in the case of Irelia who shed some tears from the pain of her legs.

Renzo was force to bring a monk later on, the latter unable to understand correctly what happened to the hero friends as he couldn't understand well his words.

Luckily Karya was able to explain to him as the monk started to treat them.

He also explained to them that such training was often used on the various monasteries to train the disciples, but not so savagely like this and they were also offered with the correct recovery and treatment afterwards.

Thus, after a brief lecture and leaving them a recipe to create a medicine to treat their bodies after training, he walked away leaving behind the group mocking themselves.

Nonetheless, they were somewhat hopeful after hearing the monk words, if they could continue training like this with the right resources, they would undoubtedly ended up getting stronger.

With their wounds now having being treated and being able to move, the group started to clean themselves and prepare for the travel towards the Dunpaeg Village.

While the rest were equipping themselves with their armors and weapons, Karya approached Renzo and said to him with a serious expression.

"We need to get a healer for the group."


Hey guys, I'm writing here for one thing.

How the hell can I call their group?

My naming sense isn't working with them currently, as only trash tier names are the only thing that I can come up with.

Leave a comment with your suggestion!