The Fist of Ionia.

I think in this chapter some of you might hate me.

However I'll stand firm with it! In my head does make sense!

Enjoy the chap!

Now if you excuse me I'll be hearing the voice lines of Kindred.


It was now dusk, the terrain around the City of Ionia, the only one in Navori, was under a suffocating silence.

Zed from the walls was seeing over the enemy camp location, he already received various reports from the reinforcements.

The air around the wall was somewhat hopeful and solemn.

The destiny of the thousands living in the city was resting on the outcome of the battle between the Noxian troops and the reinforcements from the Placidium.

Zed, unable to take a good look on the battlefield decided to create a shadow clone. Although he could only use a limited amount of them, he needed to see the battle for himself to decide the course of action he would take to aid the reinforcements.

At such, a couple of meters below the wall, a shadow clone appeared and moved quickly towards the forest, heading towards the enemy camp.

Meanwhile in the second squadron, they were marching slowly towards the enemy.

Master Yi, alongside Renzo were walking together.

Although Yi could simply dodge any incoming attack that wasn't fast as him, he would be in a tight spot if various attacks were launch in rapid succession towards his position.

Thus, with Renzo fist able to stop large amount of attack, they walked together while Renzo was having a hard time to distinguish anything in front of them.

Different from him, Yi was able to look clearly the surrounding area due to his helmet.

The rest of troops were walking a hundred meters behind them. The whole place reverberating with each footstep.

Thousands of feet were thundering the land, in a beat succession that ensure war.

Firm steps were marching, while hiding faltering hearts. They looked forward, not to death, but the hope of survival.

Others, seduced by power and violence were marching with eager hearts, not minding the threat of death prying upon them.

Ionia was marching together, yet separate. Unknown by them the two sides of a future conflict was sprouting amongst them.

And during this battle a clear division would be seen.

Still, none of that matter as they forefront leading figures of Master Yi and Renzo stopped.

Yi glanced at the front and said to Renzo "Start punching, we would need it." As soon as his words were heard by Renzo, a whistling sound came from the air as it illuminated the cloudy sky.

More whistles started sounding as Renzo raised his fist and with great strain, punched the air.

A cracking sound spread, quickly overcoming the incoming spells.

Renzo felt his fist touching something solid as cracking webs started appearing in front of him.

He saw briefly how the space in front of him started to move briefly, just like when the heat distorted the air.

This time however, large amount of energy spread from his fist epicenter, as the dozens of incoming spells started to slow down until the point were they stayed briefly in the air.

A few muffled explosions took place mid air, but the sound was unable to traverse through the waves spreading towards the Noxian Camp.

When Renzo relaxed his fist, he felt the phantom feeling that reminded him of the times he used to hit his house wall.

Not letting his thoughts further stray, he looked at Yi and asked in broken Ionian "What more?"

Yi took a moment to try understand what he mean and shook his head "That was a test possibly. Lets continue forward."

They started walking back, although this time they didn't wait too long until another barrage of attack was sent to them.

Renzo used his tremors to keep the attacks at bay while advancing.

Fifteen minutes of continue waves of attacks took approximately until they saw the lights in the Noxus camp.

"Shit, it's a hill." He heard someone cursing behind him.

There was a hill where the Noxus decided to took a camp. The various captains having angered expression on their faces.

It would be a disadvantage for them, as not only would they need to run uphill, but also being unable to take cover.

Let's not even mention the terrible advantage that the enemy would have if they decided to use cavalry.

The opening path or space leading towards the camp was a few hundred meters wide. They could easily fit Yi, Renzo and Irelia in various strong points while covering the flanks.

Knowing this, the various captains and officers started arranging the orders while Renzo keep punching in front of him, keeping the various ranged units attacks at bay.

Still, some attacks started to appear from the sides, where the forest was covering, passing through Renzo defense and attacking at the main army.

Yi, alongside two assassin squadrons could be seen moving fast around Renzo while various bodies started to appear with various cuts.

"KARYA, ASK THEM IF THEY FINISHED!" Renzo roared as he started feel his tendons on his arms starting tense.

It wasn't due to his power but the punches itself. He was using the vibrations as a medium to move with each punch the air in front of him. It didn't seems like much, but he was literally punching against hundreds if not tons of metric air with each punch.

Try punching your house walls repeatedly with great strength and not only would you feel your knuckles hurting like hell, bit your wrist, elbow, shoulder and the various tendons and muscles scream in pain.

The force behind each attack was not correctly disperse, his body force. Luckily for him the tremors didn't face the problem.

He was lucky that the fruit strengthen his body, as he didn't feel pain on his joints nor the bones on his hands.

As he heard Karya asking and receiving various screams, he decided to push forward.

With each step, he let out a punch, slowly but surely he advanced various meters. More and more bodies appearing alongside him, this time Yi moved towards his left flank as he was ordered by Yenma.

Meanwhile the assassin's from the Brotherhood were still working hand to prevent the enemies counterparts to reach him. A few of them laying dead among the enemies.

Hearing the clashing sounds, explosion and the ground shaking with each of his steps, he decided to just focus on his actions.

His eardrums were buzzing at the loud sounds around him.

It wasn't long until he felt a palm on his shoulder, Kaeri motioning him to stop attacking.

As he breathed air desperately. He stood on his spot for a few moments until the ground started shaking and the soldiers reached his place.

Gulping down heavily, he also started charging alongside his squadron.

As he started running, Hyuna throw at him a Rhomphalia, the weapon he started to take a like after seeing a soldier using it.

There was at least two hundred meters before reaching the shield wall from the Noxian troops.

Seeing this he started to sprint faster towards them, once he surpassed almost everyone, Renzo started climb through the air and after making sure with a quick glance that he wouldn't hurt anyone, he directed energy towards his feet and legs.

With a quick charge, he launched himself towards the enemy as he gritted his teeth from the pain.

Just now he felt his Achilles heel snap.

Cursing under his breath he decided to use his injured leg knee as support while redirecting the tremor on it.

With one leg working and half of other doing the job, he appeared in front of the Noxian lines and with a slash of the rhomphalia, that held some energy in the blade. He opened a path in front of him.


Shields, armor and bodies were slashed as if butter, while Renzo tried to regain his balance.

As he entered among the enemy lines, various seconds laters his companion followed behind him.

Renzo moved much slower at front while using his tremor rhomphalia against the enemy.

Meanwhile in the right flank, Irelia leaped through the air as she sliced through the front line, when she hit the ground, with a sweep of her hand the enemies where slashed in their chest, faces and throats.

She then started using her dancing abilities, killing everyone that was in front of her while giving her group and the column behind her a spot to slip through.

Yi however just simply decimated five entire columns in just the blink of an eye. When the enemy reached they were already slashed and fell to the ground.

In just a moment, a thousand soldiers die under the Wuju Arts.

Seeing the terrifying initial attack, the Noxian general a few hundred meters away, didn't doubt two times and ordered the mages alongside other ranged units to barrage the enemy, even if they have to kill their own troops.

As the mages start casting the large attacks, the archers, crossbowmen and shooters started opening fire.

Renzo, who asked Karya to order the men under his lead to not surpass him, was able to defend them from the first volleys of attacks.

Although he didn't have any crazy senses, he was able to see the arrows in the noxian troops. Thus, not doubting anymore he started punching in front of him.

In a instant, the center side of the Noxian lines was completely obliterated.

However, seeing where they shouldn't launch their attacks, the mages focused on the left and right flanks.

Due to Renzo's closeness the cone of his attacks didn't reach enough to cover those sides.

As the spell started raining over the Ionians, dozens started to fall as the mages in their sides started creating a defense.

Zan Zhei watching over this, used his spells and create various walls in front of the right flank. Thus, enabling Irelia side to continue the onslaught as she lead them to victory.

However, Yi's side wasn't that lucky, they quickly started to feel the various casualties as only a handful of soldiers were able to use some sort of protecting magic or skills.

Be it elemental or simple spiritual walls, they were able to cover themselves and a few around them against the attacks.

Yi helpless at the situation decided to simply advanced and eliminated the enemy.

The general, seeing the mage attack inflicting only casualties in one side, decided to take a crazy last attack.

He himself, being one mage, ordered three others that could serve to follow his actions.

Engulfing themselves in elemental magic, the four started to ignite themselves.

The general, a fire mage, another an ice mage, while the last two being poison and toxic magic related started to channel the magic.

The general would be the first to perish, as he would burn himself ablaze in a inferno that he hoped to engulf the enemies.

While the ice mage would protect himself and the other two mages.

Then, after the inferno finished, both poison and toxic mages would ensure to release two attacks that would kill everyone who's left. Meanwhile the ice mage would protect himself again and with a final ice coffin, ensure the enemy remain forever on this place.

They were willing to give their lives, after all they know what was expecting them after this failure would be terrible.

In this way, they would ensure that at least Noxus Honor could remain and leave a mark for the enemy to understand that even in defeat, Noxus would never surrender.

As the general started to engulf his body in a rising ball of fire, the ice mage took distance and started creating an ice dome.

As the temperature keep raising more and more, until the ground started melting away. The Ionian resistance finally noticed it.

Feeling for the worse Renzo launched a quick barrage of attacks, trying to kill whatever was doing that.

However, how could he knew that his attack could only worsen the things?

As the vibrations reached the general blazing body, the fire seemed to be excited and roared in a infernal flame.

To the unyielding general who received the shockwaves, didn't care as they destroyed some tissues, he would die anyways.

Seeing the temperature raising around them, Renzo didn't doubt anymore and roared.

"GET THE FUCK OUT! KARYA ORDER THEM TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS PLACE!!" As his voice roared through the whole place, even quelling the roaring sound of the fire, he didn't noticed how he used the tremors to intensify his voice.

Irelia, hearing the roar from Renzo and then seeing them retreating, did them same with her flank as they started to run away.


As her young and commanding voice roared through the battlefield the Ionians started to flee rapidly.

Yi did the same, it was too late to get near the enemy and he could only retreat, luckily for him, the remaining soldiers on his side were slightly more behind than the rest lines.

However, even with the haste retreat ordered by the different leaders, Renzo couldn't help but feel his hair raising from his back in fright.

"Ay no la puta madre..." He couldn't help but curse in spanish.

Without doubting any second, he punched with both hands so strong in front of him, that he felt how a few blood vessels around his eyes snapped as the sheer amount of strain put on his body.


An horrific quake shattered through the air as it clashed with another shock wave coming from the genersl position.

A giant ball of fire was burning, there wasn't any booming sound due to Renzo's tremor. However everyone watched in fright how a ball that was quickly ascending through the air with various hundreds of meters was clashing against a giant crack in the air.

Still, a violent breeze of hot air reached the troops, those that were unlucky felt their lungs burnt as everyone tried to cover themselves.

When the vibrations reached the fire after overcoming the explosion shockwave, something happened.

Something terribly wrong happened.

The vibration excited the elements that were already moving in such high speed. Releasing even more energy.

In that moment, Renzo felt an enormous explosion on the other side, he was thrown aback briefly but that was all that it took for a brief amount of energy to escape.


A ear shattering explosion resounded in the whole place.

Renzo, who couldn't hear anything else but a silent beep on didn't care about his wellbeing and used all the strength his body could muster.


With a right jab, he punched in front with everything he could. Pain assaulted his body as his right fist felt like punching a giant hot iron wall.

He felt something snapping above his elbow, the tendons on his right hand was shattered by his own strength when punching.

Crying in pain with the tears quickly evaporating, he mustered his will to throw another punch, this time with his only remaining hand.

Another punch, and this time no one was able to see what happened.

The light was so blinding that everyone has to cover their eyes.

Zed, back in the city saw a rising sun from the battlefield, illuminating briefly the whole sky as if it was daylight.

The whole ground shake as an earthquake reached their place.

Meanwhile, in the zero point the heat surpassed the millions grades due to the amount of energy liberated by the tremors and fire elements liberated by, the now erased, general of noxus.

The ice mage, clearly unprepared by both Renzo's attack and the sun beside them was clearly burn to ashes alongside the two mages.

Renzo, seeing that he couldn't hold anymore after feeling both arms tendons snap just let it go. He couldn't muster up more strength in both arms after all.

Channeling what he could, he fell to the ground and let his entire body be engulfed in tremors, his only hope to survive.

When the energy behind the epicenters stopped, the explosion quickly overwhelm what little remained and the energy left exploded outwards.


Luckily no one was able to heard such powerful sound.

Not even the two onlookers who were looking at the destruction in awe and surprise.

The Ionians could only cover themselves while throwing to the ground, the mages took those they could a form a ball.

Meanwhile almost everyone held their breath and closed their eyes, the immense heat could burn their orifices and respiratory system.

Zan Zhei keep spamming shields as he covered the second squadron alongside those he could.

The ground didn't stop shaking as the shockwaves hit them hard.

Those that were unlucky die by the hit of it as destroyed their internal organs head on.

However, the people who took the worse side of the explosion were the defenders in the walls of the city.

After all, Renzo was only covering the reinforcements side with his tremors.

Thus, after a couple seconds, a wall of burning air hit them. Those who have their bodies exposed suffered serious burnt injuries.

While they were also hit back by the shockwave.

The unluckiest that were at the wall border fell from nine meters with burnt bodies.

Zed, who was also in the wall was fast enough to cover his face. Still, he also held some degrees of burning even behind the armors and clothes.

Those who screamed or opened their eyes feel their orifices burn and held some injuries.

It was a tragic sight.

It wasn't until one minute later that the column of fire raised various dozens of kilometers in the air and the sky dimmed.

The result was fire burning the various forests around that could survive the shockwaves.

Hundreds of deaths in the city of Ionia and thousands more injured.

Meanwhile, in the zero point, only burned bodies beyond recognition was left behind. As the Ionian troops raided from their covers.

Those who touched the ground quickly burn their hands as the ground was scorching hot.

No one could speak nor hear whatever they say.

Everyone was deafened by the explosion.

As they moved around, they tried to help those who were worse. The monks among their ranks quickly started saving the lives of those who needed while leaving their injuries for lather.

No one have time to see the devastation caused by the explosion, they were more focused in helping the who needed while looking for other survivors.

From the eighth thousands troops that traveled here, only two thousand remained.

And that number would only decreased as the time pass.

As Karya raised from her cover, she tried to regain her balance as she tried to call for Renzo. Unable to hear even her voice she tried to look around despite the heat that was invading her eyes and nose.

Unable to localize herself as the whole terrain was burn beyond recognition, she tried to see something that could help her.

After a few moments, she was able finally to regain clarity and distinguish the hill, the fire in the sky was slightly illuminated everything around so that much she could do.

Moving her body with difficult she went forward looking for Renzo, Shun Ti and Hyuna doing the same.

It was then that she spotted a body and she froze on her spot. Feeling a knot on her throat she walked over it and saw something she was familiar with.

The mask that Kirae gifted him on almost charcoal.

What little was left behind she looked over it with horror and unwillingness.

He couldn't be that pile of burned meat.

That was she said to herself but quickly tried to see if he was alive.

Not minding the burned meat sticking to her fingers as she tried to localize his neck, she looked over for him pulse.

It was faint, but there was still pulse.

Jumping over her feet's she tried to scream, but no one looked over her, as they couldn't hear her.

She decided to run over a monk, and took him by his arm. The monk was surprised and angered by her actions but seeing the crying female and desperate expression he followed behind her.

Master Yi, seeing Karya acting like that moved towards her, he then looked over Shun Ti and Hyuna who were looking with horror a body.

Recognizing the mask, he felt a shudder running through his back as he only thought of something 'He died.'

Still, he followed behind Katya and saw her explaining frantically with her hands that he was alive.

The monk tried to use his techniques on him with little hope while Yi decided to do the same.

He went over the other side of Renzo, as he tried to use the Wuju Arts to help him survive.

When Irelia saw the devastation and horror in front of her, she couldn't help but shudder in terror.

Her breath started to rag as her heartbeat increase. She stood frozen in fear and shock on her spot.

And she wasn't the only one.

Only half of the people was able to move and function under the sight. The others were unable to move or react and could only cry in despair on watch the scene around them.

The battle has been won, but at what cost?


The figure who was a two kilometers away still maintained a shield around it.

It was hard to believe, but it was something that the figure knew was entirely possible.

"...To think that such destruction could be replicate even after all these years... It's a pity for that guy to die this soon, but at least two others figures are still standing " Said the figure in a hoarse voice as it's eyes landed over Yi and Irelia.

"I guess there's nothing else to see here." As it said that, it quickly disappeared in elements.

This battle doesn't only destroyed the Noxus forces, but also crippled the numbers in Ionia resistance.

And they even lose an important figure.

"Hahaha, the fist of Ionia only lasted two days..." a female maniacal voice resounded through the air.