The village on the coast.

Our entourage was now moving through a mountain forest along the path, the weather was now cold as the altitude was 2km at least.

I looked back at the large column that the entourage created, our numbers grew considerably during these five days.

From the previous sixty one members, we were now three hundred and eighty nine.

Along the path these days, we've passed through a lot of villages, more than thirty if my memory didn't fail me.

We and the rest successfully negotiate and added under our banner nineteen villages, of which eight agree to plant hemp and flowers while the rest provided with food supplies, clothes, medical herbs, tools, leather and their own transportation.

At the same time we obtained more than three hundred helping hands to establish our supply line of fish and salt.

All in all, they were good numbers, more so when some villages weren't with all their members when we visited them.

However, something that concerned both Karya and me, was the various Vastaya tribes that didn't wished to talk with us nor establish relationships. Even more so when Tahru tried to exlain them who we were, but still refused to further talk.

It was a reminder for all of us that even amidst the good results, there was a lot of work for us ahead. And we needed to do things right.

"We should rest here for a bit and eat something warm." I said to Karya, who nodded her head and walked towards the teacher and informed him.

The cold was starting to become a problem and I didn't wanted people to suffer hypothermia nor any kind of illness that could drag us.

There was also the fact that Karya, Irelia, Hyuna, Ymir and Tahru were having a hard time moving due to the training.

Although the teacher knew healing magic, we didn't bother him most of the times as we didn't wanted to he annoying.

Still, I was starting to get worried about their health, after all I've been helping them destroy their muscles almost everyday. Some damage has to been done.

Nonetheless, they were stubborn in continuing so I could only help them in the meantime. I wonder myself how much longer they could keep up with this rithym.

As I looked over Irelia who was protecting herself from the cold with a clock, I assured myself that it was a good decision to take a break.

The only person on the entire team that wasn't affected by the weather was Ymir, who was still wearing her normal clothes that didn't covered her legs, shoulders and arms.

I wasn't surprised after hearing her explanation regarding of their people body constitution. Freljordian were blessed and made for the cold and harsh conditions after all.

"Halt! Prepare your stuff to eat something and warm yourself, we continue later!" I heard the voice of the teacher booming around the area, loud enough so everyone could heard him.

At the same time I took some bags and a tent from our cart, after all these days I already learned how to build a tent correctly.

Karya returned back and helped me with the tent, as we quickly made it she continue helping me with Ionian words from the tent and other stuff.

I looked briefly around and saw Hyuna and Irelia finishing with theirs, both Ymir and Tahru doing the same.

"There you have it. Now, we would wait for the cooks to deliver to us, or should one of us go and make something?." Said Karya while looking at me, her eyes moving towards the tent and making me understand of what she wanted.

I smiled at her and said "Let them bring to us today, now let's enter before we continue freezing our ass here!" I took Karya arms and brought her with me inside the tent.

She smiled at my words while shamelessly entering with me inside.

Once we both made our way inside the small but comfortable tent, she took out her black cloak that I first met her with.

"Thank God that you decided to stop, my feet were starting to freeze out there!" She said while taking out her boots and using her hands to warm her foots.

I laughed at her behavior, although I could understand her "Put back your boots, it's going to be worse for you after." I said while grabbing a blanket and surprisingly myself with it.

She pouted at my remark but followed nonetheless, I opened the space within my embrace and said to her "Come here."

She briefly looked at my eyes and simply nodded and saying "Um." She sit between my feet as I closed the blanket and embraced her.

Then, a silence prevailed in the air while I enjoyed the warm that her body brought.

She broke the silence while asking "What's been going around you and Hyuna?" the tone of her voice was low and somewhat shaky. As if afraid from asking that.

I sighed as I knew this question sooner or later will reach me. Honestly I was somewhat conflicted with how to answer her.

Hyuna was a beautiful girl that checked on almost every point I search for someone to be with.

The sole reason that I didn't make a move towards her was Karya. I knew that our relationship developed from more than simple friends, she was the person that I was closest with and due to the amount of time we spend together, I noticed that I've started to feel attracted to her too.

Now it seemed that I could no longer kick this bomb ahead. I have to give an answer to Karya and Hyuna.

Hugging her tightly I answered to her " A couple of thing happened, however I was still doubting what to do about such thing." I answered her with honesty.

As Karya heard my words, I feel her body tensing ang grabbing my hands tightly. She then asked " What were you doubting about?"

Not wanting to talk about such thing without looking at her face, I turned her around with gentleness.

Her face was lowered but I was able to see some tears on her eyes, at such I gently put my hand on her left cheek and caressed her.

Just as I was about to answer her, we heard someone loudly screaming "ENEMY ATTACK!"

Both Karya and I jolted from our position and exited outside. I was able to see the rest of the group doing the same while only Tahru missing.

I then moved my gaze towards the rest of our entourage and I was able to see the apprentices facing both left and right while leaving in the middle the villagers and tents.

"Wheres the enemy!? Tell Irelia to go alongside Ymir and you towards the left side while Hyuna, Tahru and I took the right." I shouted amidst the noise towards Karya who quickly relayed my words.

"Tomura! Where's the enemy!?" She shouted to the teacher after relaying my orders to our team.

Teacher Tomura pointed towards the forest on the left and right while exclaiming "They're on both sides! A sentinel spotted them trying to amb-" He couldn't finish his words as we saw dozens of individuals exiting the forest and charging towards our position.

I scoffed at their poor tactics and lack of coordination, as some ranged units were shooting towards us but were forced to quickly suppress their fire to prevent friendly fire.

Shaking my head at the sight I run towards the enemy on the right side with Hyuna behind me.

The ten apprentices on that side were eager to fight, at such they also charged towards the enemy.

As I locked my eyes on the enemy, I quickly inspected their equipment, it was a mix between Noxian and Ionian armor, weapons and clothes. However surprisingly some of them had Ionian features, while others were clearly foreigners.

'Bandits.' I thought to myself. It was clear that they weren't a formal battalion, it was most likely some of the Noxians between them were deserters and the Ionian people who allied with them.

Nonetheless, I wasn't planning on showing mercy, with a leap powered by the tremors I shot myself towards them, my left arm ready to erupt with force.

The guy in front of me tried to trust his spear in order to stop me before touching him, still it was useless as I moved his spear with my left arm and connected a punch with my right fist.

The force behind it moved his head backwards so violently that snapped his neck and left it hanging.

I didn't stop there and quickly defended my back from being stabbed by the bandit just behind the previous one, channeling the tremors around my back I was quick enough to prevent the blade to connect my body.

Rolling forward and positioned myself and channeled the tremors on my palms, without wasting any moment and punched forward the bandit who attacked me previously, bending his armor and chest onwards while he fly away like a broken doll through the place, hitting another bandit on the process.

The bandits continue rushing as I punched and broke their bodies with my fist, I didnt wanted to use the tremors with so many trees nearby.

Still, by the time I was able to look around, Hyuna was decapitating another bandit while Tahru snapped one guy back in half with his arms.

The apprentices were also finishing the remaining bandits, who after suffering our initial attack was quickly devastated and broke their morale.

In a matter of five minutes the battle in the right side was over, I raised my hand to prevent the apprentices and rest following the fleeing enemy, there could be traps on the forest and I didn't wanted to risk.

I glanced briefly at the apprentices and saw that the ten survived through this battle, although one was being parched up by his buddy while sitting, a deep gushing cut on his shoulder staining his blue robes from the school.

The rest were pretty much okay, they were also bloodied so I wasnt able to distinguish wether they were wounded.

"Good job." I patted Hyuna shoulder while she cleaned her katana, with a bright smile she answered to me "Just doing my job."

I also did the same with Tahru but the latter just nodded back at me.

I didn't ordered the apprentices to help the left side, after all we needed to remain alert in case of anything amiss.

Luckily the battle on the other side ended a few moments later, we clean the battlefield while taking the armors, weapons and everything useful in the bandits bodies.

Our group stayed overlooking the forest in case of any figure lurking around.

Nonetheless, after a hour, there wasn't any signal of the enemy returning nor being near, thus I ordered through Karya to have some apprentices looking over while we went to talk with teacher Tomura.

"So what's the results and spoil?" Asked Karya to the blood stained Tomura, the latter signaled with his hands towards a small mountain of armors, weapons, shields, and other belongings.

"There's eighty pieces of chest armor, ranging from Noxian to Ionian, fifty helmets, a hundred pieces of pauldrons, one hundred and twenty boots, from which sixty seven are heavy armor iron boots, forty light leather armored boots, and thirteen sandals." He paused briefly to water his mouth and then continue "Thirty five arm plates, twenty eight leather gauntlets, seventy swords from different varieties, eleven axes, sixty nine spears, four polearms, one hundred and twenty seven daggers and a hundred and four shields."

After pointing out the exact numbers we're all have beaming smiles on our faces, it was a big catch. Although the spoils weren't entirely from Noxus, they would still fetch a good price.

' Although it would really be helpful to equip our units later on.' I couldn't help but think also, nonetheless we have already agree to make our own faction armor and uniforms, from which we'll be asking later on.

"Secure the spoil in a cart, if it's needed make some people wear it, but we would not left behind such things." Said Renzo as Karya conveyed his orders.

"What about the woundeds? Is there anyone who was fatally injured or fall in battle?" I asked, and Karya took the time to answer me.

"From our side two apprentices were injured, but they would be okay, and no one died that we know." She said and looked over Tomura who reported the status of the villagers "Apparently some archers were able to hit three villagers, still they woukd be okay as they took the hits on their arms and only one on his back near his shoulder." As he said that he pointed towards six figures among the people moving everywhere.

Three were sitting on the ground while the others treat their wounds.

I sighed in relief and said to everyone in Ionian "Good job everyone! Let's rest." In return I received smiles from the group while Tomura nodded.

We then returned towards our tents position while Irelia and Karya complained from the blood on their clothes and armors.

We then sat in front of our tents while chatting with each other and commenting the battle. Minutes laters our meals were brought to us and we devoured heartily the warm soup.

Although some were sweaty from the battle, they quickly cool off and felt even more cold from the sweat and blood. Thus, it was more than welcomed the warm food.

After finishing the meal we rested for an hour inside our tents, Karya and I didn't brought the conversation we were talking before but I told her that after reaching the coast we'll talk about it.

She only nodded at my words as we hugged each other and regained our energy and strength to continue walking forward.

After resting enough, we continue our path forward, different from before this time everyone was looking warily around the forest.

Luckily the path started going downwards while from the open spots around the tall trees we were able to see the sea in the far horizon.

With high spirits after seeing this, we marched faster and before night we descended a little bit the mountain until we found a village.

As we made our way into the village, we attracted the attention from everyone and caused a commotion, after all we were more than three hundred people with various being armed and others wearing armors.

Luckily after Tomura, Karya and Irelia requested speaking with the village chief, they were greeted by five elders that acted as the figure heads in the village.

After explaining our situation on who we were, the elders looked more relaxed and started cooperate with us, when they were informed that the bandit group was defeated and suffered heavy losses, they seemed to be elated by the news.

Those bandits seemed to been attacking the various caravans and groups that passed along thr path. Making more difficult to obtain various related needs in the village.

As Karya mentioned our intention of creating a fishing point in the coast while making a supply line, they offered their help by providing beast and mounts for our use.

They seemed to be a village that specialize on taming and raising mounts, beasts of burden and livestock.

We were surprised by this, since at first glanced the village didn't seemed like so, more when you take into account that they were living in high altitude along the mountain path.

However, after moving towards the back of the village, we were able to see various buildings and large corrals.

They were built downwards, in a favorable position for the villagers to look after them and seeing the tree lines.

Thus, we agree for a cooperation, they would provide with mounts and beasts of burden for our faction, while at the same time taking charge of transporting the salt and fish provisions.

In exchange, they would obtain food supplies, salt for their livestock, and a discount for the beasts and mounts food.

With smiles on everyone faces, we decided to wait the night here and leave at first the first ray in the morning.

The elders also told us about other villages, it seemed that the next village also raised animals, although they mostly focused in mounts.

As I finished eating from my bowl, I started to walk forward a stream near the tree lines, not only to clean the bowl, but also clean the robes that were stained in blood.

Although it was cold, I didn't mind soaking myself for a while, more so when I brought with me a change of clothes.

As I breathed heavily while cleaning the rinse and dry blood from my body with haste due to the cold, I didn't noticed a small feline cub playing with my clothes.

It was only after finishing that I saw the white ball of fur, at first I stopped on my spot until my heart mealed and with a girlish "Kyaaa~" I went near the cub, who was slightly starled by my scream but rubbed himself at my palms when I pick him up.

Not minding the cold, I looked with fervor and fascination at the white lion-tiger cub. It was from the size of a small dog.

On its forehead a red jewel was planted, while it's blue eyed showed appreciation at my hands petting it's neck and spine.

The cub got another jewel or gem on its back, it was much more bigger than the one on its forehead.

Another surprising thing was the two tails that it got. I was fascinated by the cub and continue petting it while speaking to him with the familiar high pitched and dumb tone that humans used when speaking to their pets.

After noticing my body shaking, I placed the cub on the ground while starting wearing my clothes, the whole time speaking to it while petting the cub neck when my hands were available.

"How should I call you?" I wondered to myself as I took the cub in my arms after finishing wearing my boots and putting the wet clothes on the clean bowl.

Making my way back, towards the campment, I continue playing with the cub while continue pondering for its name.

Noticing that I didn't knew about its gender, I raised the cub and looked for it's private places, the cub meowed at me while urging to continue petting it.

Finally I was able to discern it was a him.

Remembering about his previous cat, he decided to not name this cub with his weird fashion sense of pet name, after all he didnt thought that his cub should be called "Arturo".

'I wonder which parameters should I choose for picking one.' I wondered while continue thinking further.

With nothing on my mind that was tasteful for my liking, I made my way towards the campment while the cub started played with my finger.

"Renzo, what it's that?" Suddenly I heard the voice of Hyuna, who peeked over my shoulder with curiosity as I was about to enter the tent.

When I turned around and smiled while showing the cub, I saw her expression changing greatly in surprise and lovestruck.

"Oh the spirits, where did you find such cute thing!?" She practically jumped towards me, however the cub seemed to sense her approaching and showed his fangs towards her with an angry expression.

She stopped just before touching as she put pained expression on her face while saying "...Aw c'mon, why it is reacting like that towards me?"

I laughed at her remarks while I pat again the cub to calm him down, being successful as he closed his eyes and meowed in delight.

Irelia who was meditating suddenly opened her eyes and walked towards us, looking at her with intrigue I saw her looking at the cub with a solemn look and then moving her gaze towards me.

"What?" I blurted out, unable to understand her gaze.

"Irelia! Look how cute it is!!!" Hyuna said at the same time while grabbing her arms and pointing at the cub.

However Irelia continue looking at me and asked "Where did you found that spiritual beast?"

As Hyuna heard her words she opened her eyes widely and looked back again at the cub while muttering " way!..."

I was at lost, although I briefly recall having hear of the spiritual beast before in a crash course with Karya, I couldn't help but tilt my head in question while saying to Irelia "Spiritual beast?"

She sighed and shook her head while saying "Nevermind, but if you're planning to take that beast with us, you better take care of it by yourself and look after his actions." With that she glanced once again at the cub and walked back to her tent.

Hyuna continue looking at it with bewilderment and said to me "Can I sleep tonight with you?"

Taken aback by her question I simply looked at her, then at the cub and said "Yes."

She raised her fist in celebration while smiling at me and entered the tent, while I started letting my wet clothes dry on a pole at the tent side.

After a couple minutes I entered the tent, and let the cub on the bed while I looked over Hyuna who was looking at me with a knowing smile.

I sighed deeply and sat down while letting the cub play with one hand "Does it's have a name?" She asked suddenly while pointing with her chin towards the cub.

"Not yet." I answered to her while I started opening the blanket and making space.

"Do you have something in mind? If not I can help you choosing one." She said to him while looking fascinated at the cub amidst the dim light.

"Nothing for now." I answered and finally lay on the bed, "Here." I patted beside me and Hyuna lay on my embrace.

I left the cub on my other side as I didn't wished to bite or scratch Hyuna.

As we both embraced each other, I lowered my head towards Hyuna and said to her "We need to talk, you and I, and Karya."

I felt her body tense for a bit and then she answered "Yes, I guess we should do that."

We remained silent for a while, until I started caressing her hips and back with my fingers. Feeling it she asked with a shaky tone "W-what is it?"

Hearing her, I chuckled and rested my forehead with her. Continuing caressing her but without saying anything.

"c'mon, wh-what do you want?" She asked nervously, breathed deeply heavily and grabbing my chest with both of her hands.

"I want you." I said to her with a low tone while looking at her eyes, even in the dark.

I didn't let her said anything as I took her lips with mine, focusing on remembering her taste and softness.

She then answered back the kiss while moving her hands around my neck, I bit her lower lips as I opened my eyes and broke the kiss, intending to look ger eyes.

She did the same and amidst ragged breath I said to her "I dont want you drunk, I want you like this." and then took her lips once again, this time invading her mouth while dancing with her tongue.

As we both lose ourselves in the kiss, she grabbed with her hands my head while my hands clutched her rear bottom.

Knowing how this would end, I decided to follow my rational side and wait for the right opportunity.

'I can't do that after speaking with Karya, the least I can do is being honest.' I thought to myself and broke the kiss, Hyuna who was so lost into it tried to resume the kiss but with a swift motion, my hand was on her neck and gently stopped her.

As she was about to ask something, I couldn't contain myself and kissed her one last time.

"We need to talk first, let's sleep." I said amidst my ragged breath while maintaining my eyes on her soft and tender lips.

Hyuna seemed to regain clarity with my words, and although unwilling, she agree with them. Thus, after a peck on my lips she turned around and spooned with me.

"Good night." She muttered with a sultry voice that stirred something I didn't knew I have within me.

After breathing deeply, I answered back at her "Good night." And kisses her cheek.

However, she seemed to take her revenge teasing me as I felt her plump and big rear pressing against my crotch.

It took a lot of willpower and useless thoughts until my friend down there calmed down and I was able to finally rest with the cub sleeping on my neck at the other side.

When I woke up the next morning, soft lips greeted me while Hyuna whispered "Good morning, Ren."

I smiled at her while returning the greet, although the previous night was somewhat hard, in various ways, I couldn't deny that I sleep wonderfully.

Taking Hyuna on my embrace I started caressing her back and ass while enjoying her warmth. She did the same while caressing my hair and calming my mind.

'I wasn't even aware of how much I needed this.' I thought to myself.

Enjoying the little piece of heaven that Hyuna brought to me, we were forced to wake up when I remembered of our responsability and duties.

Hyuna nodded her head and after a passionate kiss she stretched out and headed outside, leaving me behind and the sleeping cub.

Sighing at my situation, I closed my eyes and sat up.

After folding the blanket, I took the sleeping cub in my arms, thr latter was slightly disturbed on his sleep but continue nonetheless.

"...Morpheus..." I muttered under my breath unconsciously. Thinking about the good of dreams.

Seeing the name fitting with him, at least in my own reasoning, I decided to name it like that.

Heading outside of the tent with the cub on my arms, I was greeted by the group who was already dressed, except Hyuna. And fully prepared to continue onwards.

When the group saw Morpheus on my arms, they couldn't contain their curiosity and started asking me about him while I answered their questions. At the same time I asked if they could help me with the tent as I didn't wanted to bother the sleeping cub on my hands.

Tahru and Irekia helped me and dismounted the tent while throwing me my boots. I saw on the cart with my barefoot as I watched Hyuna exited her tent, fully clothed and armored.

She smiled back at me and after a few minutes, we continue our path towards the coast.

We have to get our breakfast along the path, as we were already slightly late from the agree hour that we were supposed to head out.

Morpheus woke up only to eat alongside me, thus I was forced to take out more rations for myself after giving him the rest of the food.

While chatting and playing with Morpheus, we finally reached the next village after a couple hours walking.

Like the previous village, we reached another agreement and also received a couple mounts alongside thirty working hands.

The deal was also the same, salt, food and discount for their animals food. In exchange they would provide mounts and equipment for them.

Thus, after finishing the details we continue the path as we continue descending the mountain, this time we fully view of the coast, and a large village nearby.

The village seemed to be at four hours to travel, such by afternoon we finally reach the the gates of the village.

However by our surprise and concern, we saw foreigners amidst the Ionians in this place.

It seemed like the Noxians were living on this village.


2 chapters ahead on my Patre*n.
