Chapter Six: Kiss Me Like You Miss Me

Easton wasn't telling the whole truth. I knew him long enough to see when he was lying through his teeth. There was a reason why Elizabeth was still in his life after all this time, and it wasn't just because his father had wanted her there.

The truth was in the way he looked at Zeke sleeping peacefully on my bed.

"You have a kid, don't you?" I asked, peering at him over the fake succulent on my little table.

His eyes widened and he looked like I caught him off guard. Good. Less time for him to think up another lie. "Yeah." His gaze fell to his hands on his lap. "Her name's Cara. She's 9. I wanted to tell you, but I wasn't sure how you would take it."

Tears itched behind my eyes, but I ignored them.

"She was pregnant that night?" I knew the answer but asked anyways.

"She told me the next day." I really hadn't wanted to be right. "I swear I had broken up with her, Max. I was fully ready to commit to you. But when my parents found out…well my dad wanted me to do right by her. Be a responsible for my actions."

I nodded, unsure if I could trust myself to talk right now.

"When Cara was born, I made Elizabeth get a paternity test done." He continued. "She's not mine but she is my daughter. That day, I looked into her big, blue eyes and knew I couldn't walk away from her. Despite everything between us."

I cleared my throat and looked away for a minute, trying to compose myself. "So, you're raising that little girl, even though she's not yours?" I didn't wait for him to respond this time. "You and Elizabeth…you married her?"

"No," he shook his head. "We've been engaged for 8 years now. I think we both have been coming up with reasons to put off the wedding."

My heart stammers, I want to believe him so badly. But then I remember that awful text Elizabeth sent me and mention it to him, gaging his reaction to see if he knew.

Easton grabs my hands, eagerly. "I swear, Max, if I had known she sent that I would never have stayed with her. I would have come to you right away. I'm so sorry you had to grieve alone."

His face is open and honest and there are even tears in his dark eyes. I swallow, hard. "So, what now? Are you going to end the engagement? It's been 10 years, Easton. Are you going to choose me, finally?"

"I want to tell you the answers you want to hear but," I see the pain in the clench of his jaw. "I can't. Not right now. There's so much to figure out."

I nodded, unsure of how to feel. He still has my hands in his and I want to pull them away, desperately, but at the same time, I'm relishing in the feeling of his skin on mine, once more.

"Elizabeth has her lovers and I've been consumed with work. Neither of us love one another. Most days, we barely tolerate the other's company. We stay because of Cara. She doesn't know the truth, Maxie. She's innocent. I have told Elizabeth, however, that it's time that we make a real decision." His gaze is hard and nearly cold. "Now that I've seen you again, Max, I won't let you go. Elizabeth likes her lavish life and I know she will make it difficult for me. I don't want to lose my daughter. So, I'm asking you to be patient with me while I get this settled, once and for all."

What can I say to that? I've been patient all this time, what's a little longer? I agree which makes him smile. It's a sight I never thought I would see again. His eyes light up and the corners crinkle. He's older and time hasn't been that kind but damn, if he isn't still as hot as the man who fucked me on that swing set. I would jump him right this second if it weren't for the fact that my toddler was asleep a few feet away from us. Sucks living in a studio, sometimes. No privacy.

We say our goodbyes. He holds me close, and it feels like even he doesn't want to let me go. I close my eyes and let his scent overcome me. He still smells the same. He lifts my face up and I feel the light touch of his lips on my forehead, then my closed eyelids, then my cheeks, my nose which causes me to giggle, before finally embracing my mouth. We stay there, our lips gently pressed together. It's like time has stood still and doesn't want to interrupt this flawless moment. It's sweet, gentle, and wet. Not because it's a battle of tongues. No, because I'm crying.

He pries my lips apart with his and his tongue meets mine, timidly. We slowly get to know one another again. He's exploring my mouth, caressing my tongue, licking the walls, flicking at my teeth. We have never kissed like this. It was hot and fast, that last time. This time, it's like coming home.

And, in a way, that's exactly what it is.

Before I know it, he's gone and I'm still standing in the same spot, eyes closed, lips still slightly open. I feel like if I move, it'll all go away. Like a twisted dream.

I don't want any of this to be a dream.

I finally found my prince charming again. And no way in hell, is anyone going to take him away from me.

But luck has never been on my side.