Chapter 107

By the time Reid is finished with me, I’m sprawled across the mat drenched from head to toe with sweat, certain that I’ll never be able to move again. My first hour and a half here had been spent learning and practicing four new defensive moves, which had proved to be exhausting enough on its own. But the worst part of it all was when he had me spend the last 30 minutes running endless laps. According to him; running fast, as well as being able to do it for lengths at a time, is a useful skill to have and can save my life.

As I lay here with the ground spinning underneath my body of jello, I come to the conclusion that, if it comes to running or dying, the only running I will be doing is into the arms of death. I hear Reid snicker and open my eyes to find him standing above me. He offers a towel and bottle of water to me, but I barely get my arm lifted up a centimeter before giving up and dropping it back to the mat with a groan.