Beginning of Training: Kai

He had woken up a bit before sunrise from the birds chirping outside his balcony. Stretching his arms up and yawning he made his way to his bathroom. Kai looked at himself in the mirror, noticing the slight eye bags and dark circles which were caused by his lack of sleep throughout these past days.

After completing his morning routine, he put on his training clothing and went down to the common room in which there was surprisingly breakfast already waiting for him. He sat down and began to eat, looking over at the big clock beside the door out of the room.

Although Kai did not acknowledge this much, it was obvious that he was treated as the king more than the actual Lord was. He was fed three full meals a day, bought new clothing whenever he preferred, gotten the weapons he dreamt of, and had been catered for throughout most of his time in the kingdom. Of course, he did not complain. I mean, why should he? He is getting all he wanted. Now, please do not confuse this fact and state that he is spoiled. Yes, he may be given all the goods, and being spoiled, he is not spoiled himself. He was extremely respectful and almost any chance he could help out anyone--whether it be the poor or a random villager-- he would help. This was surprising and unlikely.

Anyways, Kai had finished his food by the time that his trainer had come and settled in the training room. The trainer introduced himself as "Sir Barrett from Islayprimo".

"Hm.. Barrett meaning strong as a bear, in German, right? I haven't heard of any German trainers from Islayprimo in a while. With all due respect sir", Kai had rambled on a bit while shaking Sir Barrett's hand.

"Ya ya, this happens all the time. Do not worry Sir Kai, I will make sure to work you well. Now, I am fully aware of how good you are in this area, but I was told to keep helping you", Sir Barrett responded.

Kai sighed a bit but nodded in response.

"Right, of course. I understand."

"Good, then, let's get to work shall we?"

Sir Barrett smirked and walked over to a large wooden containment with a lock on it. Taking out a key, he unlocked it and opened the big wooden doors, revealing all sorts of weapons. It went from bow and arrows to swords and daggers.

"Daggers.. That one looks like hers. Tch.." he rolled his eyes and shook the thought out of his head.

"So Sir Kai, what weapon shall we practice with first? Any preferences? We have crossbows as well if you'd like", Sir Barrett said, taking out and presenting a new and clean crossbow with fine arrows.

"Whatever you think is better. Since it will be a ball, I do not see the point of using a sword, bow and arrow, or crossbow. It will make a big scene and that's something that we're trying to avoid. Anyways.. I think it would be wiser to practice more with the dagger."

Sir Barrett hummed and nodded, "Good. I was hoping you'd say that. That is something that many assassins and "hero's" lack. Common sense and thought", he chuckled, "Most pick some extra fancy weapon to show off, such as the sword or bow and arrow. Although they may be powerful and definitely useful in many battles, it would be wiser for public ones to use a smaller weapon."

Kai nods in response and begins to study the different daggers before him. Eyeing each little and specific detail about them. He finds a ruby red one with a similar stone to what Artemis's emerald green dagger had.

Well, she is my enemy.. Might as well defeat her with the same stone that she takes so much pride in.. God, I feel like the villain...

"This one," Kai lifted up that same dagger he was thinking about. Holding it carefully yet tightly, he kept examining it.

"Very well, would you like to practice with it or have another dagger to use for this time being?"

"Another one, I'm saving this one for the final defeat."

Sir Barrett chuckled once again and shook his head, carefully taking the dagger out of Kai's hands and putting it away in a red and black decorated box with soft padding inside to keep the dagger together.

"You sure are a confident one, Sir Kai."

Sapphirus smirked and crossed his hands against his chest, "Guess you could say so".

And so they began to train. A simple hour turned into two and then into three. Whether it be the move he was doing or the technique he was practicing, he seemed to be amazing at it all. Sir Barret also did not quite understand why he needed to train Kai. I mean, practice, yes. But it seemed as if Kai did not need practice. He was strong and swift on his own. Anyway, both of them were given an order and so they had to conform to it. All of them had to conform to any arrangements that were set.

After some time, the sun began to set and Sir Barrett said his 'goodbye/night' for the evening and went off to the room he was provided with for his stay here.

Kai went over to his bathroom, beginning to undress and stepping into the shower. He let the warm water hit his skin and felt himself relax. Sighing as thoughts came flooding back into his head again.

I'm terrible about this. What kind of monster am I to say that? 'I'm saving this for the final defeat'. I really have to kill her, don't I? Damnit.. Damn all of it.

He continued standing there, trying to wash off all the negative energy and keep his mind fixated on the mission rather than his own feelings. After a few more minutes he walked, drying himself off and changing into some simple clothing to walk around in. Feeling himself getting hungry, he decided to go downstairs, and little did he know, the dinner was already prepared for him.

"Damn I'm, spoiled," he chuckled to himself before taking a seat and beginning to eat. As he was eating, he watched the big clock ticking its hand second by second, minute by minute. He hadn't noticed as his Lord came up and sat down beside him.

"How was training Sapphirus?" he questioned, knowing exactly how it went since he received a report from Sir Barrett.

"It was good my Lord," Kai responded short, he was too mesmerized by the clock moving.

"Alright. Anything you would like to ask, suggest, or discuss?" the Lord raised an eyebrow and looked over to where Kai was looking, noticing the clock.

"No my Lord.."

"What are you staring at my dear Kai? Is there something wrong with the clock?" the Lord finally asked.

"No my Lord.. It's nothing.."

He continued to watch the clock moving as the minutes kept moving by.