Beginning of Training: Artemis

It was the next morning, and although the soldiers on each side still weren't fully amused or convinced with this new plan that the Lords had, they had to conform.

Artemis began her training early in the morning. Beforehand, she was woken up by her trainer practically yelling at her to "Get up! You begin your training today! Now!". She swore that his goal was not to wake her up but rather for all the people in the kingdom to hear him.

She got up and quickly got ready since this "trainer" was pressuring and hurrying her. To be honest he didn't even look like a trainer. At least not the best one. She would say he was around his late 40's. He was short and stubby, his hair messy, and his attire poor.

I wanna see this guy's job application and his experiences. Lord better have reviewed this guy carefully. If not, how do I fully know I could trust him? How could the Lord trust him? Is it really that simple? No.. I am sure he would be taking precautions, especially at this time since everyone is trying to get his back. Hm..

She watched the trainer carefully but hid it well with her fake expressions. After all, keeping a straight face and having certain expressions was also something that came in handy as a trained assassin.

This was another question of Artemis. Why would a top-trained assassin such as her need to retrain with someone who looks as if they only ate biscuits and pastries all their life? There was really no purpose to it. And trust me, she did not try to come off as rude or disrespectful but the main question was still in the back of her head.

What is his favorite food? He looks like he would go for a cheese danish which I wouldn't really blame him more. Or maybe a.. hm.. chocolate lava cake with vanilla ice cream and strawberries. mm~ that sounds amazing right about now. Perhaps I'll ask him after.

"Hello, Artemis Einar. My name is Magnus and I will be your coach for the next month. Now, I understand that you are a top-trained assassin, right?", he began.

She nodded and thought to herself, "Is that an accent I hear from him?".

"Good to hear. I know that you have many impeccable skills that you are able to use and control well but I have also been told by the Lord that you have certain.. issues I suppose?"

She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, "Issue? Meaning?".

He rubbed the back of his neck a bit and hesitantly said, "Well.. you see, the Lord has told me about you since I have to fully and properly understand you for the next month. I need to know your living style, your diet, as well as behavior. Whether it be due to emotions or just in general."

"With all due respect, Sir Magnus, but all of that is perfectly fine in my life. There's really not much to know about me."

"Ah, not quite. I was told that you tend to skip meals. You also don't get the average and recommended sleep time. You could stay awake for a couple of days then sleep for about 4 hours and you'll be completely fine. You have a soft spot but tend to not show it due to issues in the past. You move away from people to relax; you're an introvert and don't like all of the attention. You enjoy the fact that people are scared of you, you love the respect that is caused by the fear. There is a bit more but I don't want to creep you out."

Artemis blushed from slight embarrassment as she did not expect the Lord to know this much about her. I mean they were close. After all, she was protecting him and serving him for quite a while.


He chuckled a bit and shook his head.

"Anyways, let's began by stretching out."

And so they began to work. The stretching turned into full exercise, and that full exercise turned into fights. They kept training until about 5 p.m. in the evening as the sun began to slowly come down. She sat down on a bench, gulping down a bottle of water as the towel draped over her neck caught the sweat.

"May I be frank with you Ms. Einar?"

"Artemis is fine and honestly is the one and the only thing I want please."

He nodded and sighed a bit, before sitting down beside her.

"You are indeed extremely tough, but you need to learn to control that trait better. Once again, you are already skilled at doing so, but I've noticed that something causes you to go harder or more prominent than necessary. Is it anything in specific you would like to discuss?"

Furrowing her brows and grumbling a bit she replied by saying, "No. It's nothing. That's just how I fight". Although she knew well that this was not the reason or even close to the reason why she punched harder or applied more pressure or force to something. Aside from drawing or writing, fighting was another way she got her anger out.

When she was younger, she would constantly get into trouble for starting fights. Whether it be at school or outside on the playground, there was almost always a fight. Artemis claimed it was not her fault though. And she was right about that. She always cared about her friends more than herself. She would do absolutely anything to brighten up their mood even just a tiny bit or simply make them smile. One thing she hated would be to see them in distress so whenever someone would say something about them, she took action. Disrespect even in the slightest way towards the people she cared about was not tolerated. As the tough and overprotective friend, she took the initiation to mess up anyone who didn't respect her friends.

In this case, it felt as if she was protecting the Lord. Even though she still did not want to hurt Kai, she had no choice. But at this point, she knew what she had to do and why. She swore that she wouldn't get emotions mixed into this.

Magnus sensed that she was lying but decided to brush it off. They had a little break before parting ways.

"Thank you for allowing me to work with you, Ms. Einar. It is a great honor and I hope that I could help you become greater than you are."

"Once again, Artemis is fine. And I am already great but yes, thank you I suppose."

He chuckled, "Another detail. Thank you, Artemis. Now I know who I am dealing with."

She raised a brow and smirked before shaking his hand and going back to her room.