Introduction To A New Plan

"What?!", Artemis exclaimed as her eyes widened in slight shock.

"This is what has been decided. Our people are in danger and they are the cause for it. I am not going to sit here any longer and have you fool around with him! That ball is exactly in a month and you will assassinate him then and there. No questions asked," her Lord stated back.

"B-But I don't fool around with him! We just-"

Artemis looked down at her boots and gripped her dagger, remembering what Kai had told her about being serious. She had agreed to it, she said it herself, didn't she? So then why am I acting like this is a big deal? This is what I have to do either way.. This was the mission all along..

Her Lord put one hand on her shoulder and sighed, "It is for the people. It is for their safety as well as yours and mine."

"It is for their safety and yours.. as well as mine", she restated which made the Lord smile and nod.

"Good then. Now that this is settled, I have assigned for you to train more over this next month. I trust your abilities right now but if we are trying to fully put a stop to this all, we need you ready. Understood?"

She shook the emotions out of her and nodded back, "Yes my Lord. Understood."


"That is our final decision. No complaining, no questions, or comments. Just do as you're told Sapphirus", the opposing Lord sighed and looked at Kai from his throne.

"In a month?! Can it not be prolonged?", he argued. Although he did state himself that they should be serious, it just seemed to him as if a month was not enough. If he really would have to assassinate her, he'd prefer to at least get more time in order for them to 'fool around'.

Fool around.. Tch.. All we are doing is fighting each other. Is that not what they want us to do? Fight each other? No.. they want an end to the fighting, that's what's different. Isn't it?.. Fine then, if that is what they all want then that is what they will all get.

"Kai.. listen to me please, will you? It is for I to be protected, it for our men to be protected. They don't like us and we don't like them. We are enemies and this is how it works. You are supposed to assassinate her, not play hide and seek in the woods", the Lord tried to calm himself down a bit as well as he rubbed his temples. "I apologize but this is what has to happen to protect the people in our kingdom. Now, you will be training hard until the day of the ball. Is that understood?".

Kai scoffed a bit, "Do you not even think I am strong enough to fight her as I am? Is the extra training necessary?".

The Lord nodded and Kai groaned a bit.

"Let us not wait any longer. You have the rest of today to calm down and relax, but starting tomorrow, you will train more. Got it?"

"Yes my Lord."


After the conversation ended Artemis went straight to her room, grabbing her rucksack and shoving in a writing and drawing pad as well as some art materials. She changed into her casual attire and attached the emerald dagger to her thigh strap. Walking out of her room, the Lord watched her and sighed a bit.

"Do not go too far and don't come back late. You do have training early morning tomorrow."

She grumbled a bit in response but nodded and bowed before walking out, "Yes my Lord."

After a couple of minutes walking in the woods, she returned to the same field she was originally on. She listened to the birds' chirp and the squirrels create noises in the branches of the trees. Beginning to draw, she felt a calm sensation hit her. Once again, she felt at peace and not disturbed by the troubles of her life and this world.

The wind hit her face, making her jet black hair flow gracefully. Artemis continued to draw, pouring out her feelings onto the piece of paper. What she drew wouldn't make sense most of the time. Her drawings could have simply seemed like just a bunch of lines and shapes smushed together, but there was a deeper meaning to those lines and shapes in reality. That was her way of expression that she stuck to throughout most of her life. Talking wasn't really her thing.

Anyways, her mind went blank, but in a good way. She finished her drawing and looked at it before writing some things down. The writing was another way for her to feel better, it was a hobby of hers that she enjoyed a lot. There was no pressure put on her while doing either thing.

'By Artemis Einar, September 13th', she signed at the bottom of the paper before putting it back in her bag and simply sitting on the field, watching the view.


Kai went down to the training room and began to work. His mind went clear as well as he began to punch the training bag, not focusing on bettering his skills but rather getting the emotions out.

A couple of hours passed by as he continued to train and work out, letting everything go. He sat down and drank some water before all the thoughts came flooding back. He took a towel and wiped the sweat that was rolling off of his forehead and down his sharp jawline. Trying to forget about all those thoughts he looked to the side, glaring at himself through the mirror.

Why did I ever.. Tch, not this sh*t again. Why am I still thinking about this?! It's done and settled, I even said it myself!

He shook his head in an attempt for the thoughts to suddenly fall away, but they didn't. More thoughts flooded through his head as he clenched his jaw and tightened his fists, throwing a punch at the training bag. He looked at his fists and groaned a bit, seeing some blood from the pressure he was applying onto the bag. Walking over to a small area, he opened up a small aid kid and wrapped his knuckles in a long bandage-like tape.
