Jason's P.O.V
Today, I have a lunch meeting with my parents and I was feeling quite nervous about it. Because whenever my parents summon for a meeting together, it always means trouble. So I am always cautious whenever I am supposed to meet the together.
In the morning, as usual I had my breakfast and drove to office.I had many meetings in the morning without any break till lunch time. Then I went to the restaurant where my parents were waiting.
"Hey, mom!Hey, dad!"
"Hello son!How are you doing?"
"Fine mom. How about you and dad?"
"We are doing just fine. Well , how about we order food first son?"
"Yeah, sure mom."
After the waiter took our orders, I noticed that my parents were giving glances to each other and acting really weird.They kept on giving glances to each other and were not saying anything.At a point I became frustrated of their antics and decided to break the silence as they have no intention of doing it anytime soon.
"So, why did you guys wanted to see me all of a sudden?"
"Well, are you saying that we can't have the desire of seeing our son and have lunch with him!"my mom exclaimed dramatically and that point I was sure without any doubt that I was in huge trouble.
"No mom, I never said that. Anyways leave it and tell me why you guys have called me here."
"Well son , we have something very important to tell you."
"And that is?"
"You are getting married and you are meeting the girl next week."
"What!!!! No way. I am not getting married now anď definitely not to a girl I know nothing about."
"Well son too bad. You have only two choices either get married or you will not get the company. And I am sure your cousin Andrew is capable enough of taking over the company."
"So, I guess I will see you next week on Sunday. Don't be late, " my mother said kissing my cheeks.
After my parents left I was in utter shock and didn't know what to do. The whole situation was really frustrating for me and my newfound obessession with that girl was making the situation even more frustrating for me. And what about Nathan? Will the woman whom they chose like him and care about him. What if she hates him and starts treating him badly or what if she tries to torture him and tries to harm him tk get him out of our lives. No I can't let this happen to him.
Even if I do have to get married for the company I will make everything clear to her . I will tell her how important Nathan is to me and how she is supposed to behave with him. I can't let his childhood be traumatized because of my parent's stupidity. I will make it clear to her that she is not supposed to interfere with my or Nathan's life. She will live her life and we will live our. After all this is all a business deal and it will remain as such. Nothing more and nothing less.
And I am not changing my lifestyle after getting married and definitely not for some rich spoiled brat.I am going to continue my lifestyle the way it is and keep on having the fun of a bachelor life despite being a married man. This marriage will be nothing but a business deal .
And I am going to make it clear to the rich spoiled brat that my parents have chosen for me on the very first day.And I will also tell her to stay out of my way and live her life the way she wants and I will live mine. Because I can never fall in love and neither will I let any woman control my life or dictate my life or manipulate me.And it's not going to change just because of some golddigger my parents chose for me.
Finally it is Sunday and I went to my parent's mansion for dinner and the meet that girl as they decided. As soon as I entered the mansion I was escorted by the butler directly to the dinning area. There I was a girl sitting wearing a very revealing red dress with a face caked wjth heavy makeup. Beside her sat a older woman wearing sophisticated clothes and heavy make up and a man wearing Armani suit and looking polished each of them adorning their practised sweet smile to hide their greed behind the facade.
I greeted my parents to make my presence known to everyone.
"Hey mom! Hey dad!"
"Hey son! You are here. Come sit. Dinner is already ready and meet your fiance Alison Sanchez. And Mr.and Mrs. Sanchez."
My mom said pointing to each one of them. Then we all sat down for having dinner. As everyone began to talk I discovered that the Sanchez and Flores are going to merge the companies after the wedding and this was the reason the wedding was taking place. This proved my doubt about the wedding being a business deal and nothing else. So I decided to talk with Alison and make everything clear to me about our living arrangement.
"Hey Alison! Can I talk to you in private for a minute."
"Sure Jason. Let's go."
"Alison as you know our marriage was arranged by our parents O just wanted to make it clear to you that it is nothing but a business deal to me. We both will be living our separate lives and we will not interfere with each other's life. I will live my life as I want and you will live yours."
"Yeah sure Jason. I don't mind the arrangement at all. As long as I get whatever I want I don't care about what you are doing. "
" Oh Alison! There is one more thing that you should know before getting into this arrangement."
" Yeah tell me. What it is?"
"I have a son. His name is Nathan and he lives with me. You are also not allowed to interfere in his life. And never even dare to misbehave with him , mistreat him or cause him any trouble or harassment in any way. Or you will be in a lot of trouble. If you try to mess with him I will make sure to destroy your life. He means a lot to me, so try not to mess with him."
"I hope I made everything clear to you and I hope you understood everything properly."
"Yeah I completely understand. And I don't even care and neither I am interested in being your son's mother. And anyways I don't like kids much.
So I will stay away from him as much as possible. So don't worry."