Family Issues: Part One

I wasn’t looking forward to my second class of the day since it was just Konn teaching me how to do his job. “I do a lot more than just advise. While the king and queen run the kingdom, I help them out by running the castle so that everything else is easier for them. The guards report to me if they see or deal with anything out of the ordinary. I deal with it then I report what’s important to the king and queen. I also filter a lot of their work out from most important to least important and take care of whatever other tasks they give me.” He was making their job a lot easier on them.

Lexus called me this morning and made sure I took my medication, so I was able to concentrate well. The reason I wasn’t looking forward to this was because of yesterday and how I got upset about not being included in his family. “Noted.” I said without physically taking notes.

“You’re not interested?” Konn asked so I guess I wasn’t doing the best job hiding my emotions.