Family Issues: Part Two

I didn’t have a relationship with Konn before, so I didn’t have the same feelings as they did. “It was like a normal lesson,” I answered while staring down at the paperwork. “I think I upset him.” It was better for me to open up instead of what I was doing before. Cade was my older brother so I felt like I should get advice rom him and to do that I have to open up

Cade stopped writing and looked at me. “What do you mean? He’s not very expressive of how he feels, maybe you misunderstood.”

I read through the first document then spoke. “I think I’m stressing him out by being here. He said things were hard and that we all were trying to adjust.” I put my elbow on the desk and rest my head in my hand. “Things would be easier if you or Gray were the holder instead of me. Then Konn never would have had to come get me.”