Searching for Answers Part One

Aqua’s POV

I was in the great hall sitting across from Konn. “Okay now what was so important Aqua?”

I pulled out the photograph. “Don’t get mad at me, okay?” I didn’t want this to seem like an interrogation for Konn. I was worried about my mother’s disappearance. The dream didn’t exactly let me know if she was safe prior to the dream’s conversation. She could be in danger. I pushed the photo to him on the table. “Does she look familiar?”

Konn raised his eyebrows. “Where’d you get that from?”

Things were looking good judging by his reaction to the photo. “Is this my mother Mae?”

“Answer my question first.” It was clear to me that it had to be.

“I went back to the human world to visit my younger siblings.” I was afraid of how he was going to react to that. “I saw this in my adoptive parents photo scrapbook. She looks just like me. You sent me to live with my mother’s adoptive family.”