Searching for Answers Part Two

“I was getting there Fairy,” Konn continued. “The king and queen found out I had another child, so I had to bring her back. She’s been living in the castle with us for about three weeks.”

Mae glared at him. “Three weeks? My daughter has been here for three weeks and you didn’t tell me? Why would you bring her to them? I don’t want her working for them… no offense.” She mumbled the last part.

Lexus leaned down to my ear and whispered. “Do you notice anything different?” I wasn’t sure what he was referring to, so I shook my head.

“Who’s he?” Mae asked.

Lexus walked to her. “I’m Lexus.” He put his hand out to shake but she didn’t so he put it back down.

Mae frowned. “Oh, the prince, that’s… great,” she said sarcastically then walked to me and we hugged. “There so much I want to say to you… I’m so sorry.”

I didn’t want to let go but I had to eventually. “You seem so different than our family already, but I guess that makes sense…”