A Chance Meeting Part One

Mae’s POV

When I was nine, I didn’t have many friends. I spent my time running through the woods when my parents thought I was with friends or at the park. I’d make up adventures and create a whole new world in my head.

One afternoon I went a little too far, I didn’t want to admit I was lost to myself at the time, but I was. “Why are we here grandpa?” A boy my age asked.

“Son, your grandfather's intuition is telling him that one of the lost gemstones is in the human world. It’s our job to investigate. You’re the one who insisted on coming along with us on our assignments.” His father seemed excited. “You’ll see how important the last lost gemstone is.”

I hid behind a tree and watched. The three seemed strange. They called this the human world which only piqued my interest more. “There’s a human close.” The Grandfather said. “They’re harmless, a child. I see her with my third eye.”

The boy started looking around. “Where?”