Twenty Years of Love Part One

Konn was free to hangout two days later and we decided to meet up in the kingdom I was staying in. We went to a local cafe. “Did you fly all the way here?” I asked after sitting down at a small table.

Konn sat down across from me. “Yeah, it probably wasn’t as far a flight as you think. Plus, it’s nice to visit the neighboring kingdoms.”

I was so nervous. “Being here is a dream come true for a human witch. My mentor Betty would tell me all about this place. We planned this trip a year ago, but we’ve talked about it for years. Is it weird that I went looking for you even after ten years?” I blushed.

Konn chuckled. “I guess it was unexpected, you weren’t exactly a witch when we met.”

“Yeah, I didn’t start learning spells or anything about magic until I was fifteen… If you knew our chances of meeting again were slim because I’m human, why did you say you’d come back?” I asked. I waited for him for so long.