Twenty Years of Love Part Two

I went into my hotel room and cried. Gram held me the whole time. I decided to go out and have a good last day with Gram before she left that night.

Towards the end of the day Konn messaged me to meet up but I ignored him. After a while I had to talk about it one my time to gram. “I don’t get it… we spent so much time talking before. Why wouldn’t he push having a family into the conversation?”

“To leave the door open.” Betty answered. “Most men do it, but you’ll recover Mae.” She finished packing. “Do you still want to stay here?”

I nodded. “I have to Gram.” This place was still everything I wanted; I wasn’t staying for Konain.

She kissed my forehead. “I love you Mae, as much as the daughters I gave birth to. I hope your heart heals soon. You have so much love to give.”

I nodded and watched her leave with her bags. My phone rang and I saw that Konn was calling me. I took a deep breath and answered. “Yes?”