Seeking Advice Part Two

Cade tapped on the window. “Is that Sadia?”

I looked down out the window where he was pointing. “Fuck, she was probably worried I was lying. I guess she does expect me to be monogamous.”

“Of course she does, she's convinced herself she loves you.”

I raised my eyebrows. “What?” I hesitated. “No, she doesn’t.”

Cade laughed. “Are you kidding me? She obviously loves you or thinks she does. She’s liked you since you guys became friends, that much is sure. I could tell even then.” Not once did Sadia give me the impression that she had strong feelings for me.

“Before we got engaged? I know she has feelings for me now but there’s no way she did before. There’s no way she loves me either.” Love or feelings weren’t what our engagement was about. At least I didn’t think it was.