Orphans and Siblings Part One

Aqua’s POV

The full moon ball was tomorrow so Stewart asked me to help them with last minute tasks for the ball. The organizers were working hard making sure everything was perfect.

I didn’t see Lexus at all yesterday and I hoped I wouldn’t see him today either. “I think Prince Lexus was coming on to me.” One of the organizers said.

“When?” Stewart asked.

“Like a month and a half ago when we first started organizing the ball.” So, before I came here. “He’d stare at me and wave whenever we passed each other. Other workers say he doesn’t even acknowledge them. He even stopped me in the hall once to have a conversation. He said, ‘Maybe I can get some advice from you about how to properly plan a party.’ That was definitely him coming onto me.”

Stewart rolled his eyes. “You’re a party planner and he has a wedding coming up.”