How Did This Start? Part Two

Surprisingly, Sadia took my advice. I told her she should slowly befriend members of the pack and that’s what she did. The problem was she befriended Rubens’s future Beta, Calvin. I didn’t love that since Ruben wasn’t the fondest of me anymore. It was mostly fine because it's not like I had to hang out with him. Sadia preferred to hangout one on one anyways. I wasn't really sure why, but she didn't even really want Cade around. As time went on, she made friends with another wolf named Tam. “You were right Lexus, I just had to focus on one at a time instead of trying to befriend everyone at once. You’re the best.” I loved seeing her happy. “Oh, and that girl who likes Cade and works in the garden, Vella I think we’re becoming friends. She wants to hang out with me soon. I think things are looking up for me.”