The Breaking Point Part One

I asked Sadia to meet me in the woods near the pack house. We walked to a field. “Being engaged to someone you didn’t date has been kind of weird right?” I started.

Sadia chuckled. “We were best friends before, and I told you I always liked you. It’s not so weird.”

I sighed. ”It’s been weird for me Sadia, it’s been confusing.”

Sadia walked around a tree while staring at me. “Well, you like me now don’t you? We’ve been going on dates and having sex. We didn’t do those things before we were engaged.”

“I know Sadia.”

She stopped walking and stood in front of me. “Do you like me Lexus?”

“Why do you expect me to Sadia? I didn’t ask you to marry me because I liked you. I asked you to marry me, so you’d be happy. You were miserable with the idea that you had to stay in the pack house.”