Part Sixteen


-It's not possible Aren, how can you think of it? -. Engla claims me the moment Elena walks away with Dahila.

-You heard her is our key to the clan, to be the most powerful-. I explain for the thousandth time this time with my hand on my forehead.

-Engla, my life does not get involved in the affairs of the leader, okay? -. Einar intrudes.

-Leave me alone-. He dodges us.

-It's fine Engla, it's for the clan and because I love her! -. It stops

-You need something more important to try to convince me to protect her.,

-She suffered all her life, I care about Engla, she is special-. She doesn't stop and keeps walking.

-Einar, and your mother?! -. Daven yells from the boat.

-I'm looking for her! -. He runs to the direction of his house.

I walk with my things to my house and I think how my people will receive it.

-Aren, do you think they will receive her with open arms? -. Daven asks me worriedly.

-I don't know, I'm afraid of being hurt, more by women than men-.