-Stay away from Aren if you don't want me to finish you off-. He smirks at me as he releases my captive arm from his hand.
Immediately she reminds me of the desperate Isabel, memories of England come to my mind and all the atrocities that they told me, especially the aforementioned Isabel, are repeated.
Luckily I escaped alive from that hell but apparently I found another with the now called Janne.
-Shut up Janne, we come in peace and you are not going to interrupt our triumphant arrival and to finish you are the bastard, Understood?! -. Daven rebukes Janne to which we all fall into a deep awkward silence until Janne adds an interesting detail.
-Thank you for reminding me father, my appetite was taken away, I'm sorry Dahila-. Followed by the comment, he runs towards a small mountain of the town that was nearby.