Arriving at my house, I sit on the bed, the tears begin to flow again, Thomas is one of the causes of everyone's death and also a cause of my suffering and he was not even sincere with me, not in the war. .. I feel guilty for having believed in him, I should never have allowed him to come near me. That and more I think at night, looking at nothing.
Some rays of sunlight that hit me directly in the eyes make me realize that it is already morning, finally I begin to close my eyes due to the dream that I could not have.
- You will not believe me! -. Engla exclaims, suddenly entering my house.
-Do not do that-. I say touching my eyes.
- Didn't you sleep all night? -.
-No ... I couldn't-.
-Right on this day when you must be wide awake-.
- What day is today? -. He takes a seat across from me.
-It's the day of my marriage to Einar, isn't it exciting? -.
-Yes ... very exciting (makes a face) well, you wake me up to attend your wedding so ... good night-.