- Where were you? -.
-You know ... taking up what you asked of me-. I say with more enthusiasm than before.
-Yes… don't think I didn't see Aren chasing you through the bushes (I blush) it's none of my business, she chooses a dress, it's just… I don't want to look so ostentatious-. Both were white, beautiful in their details, the only thing that differentiated them is that one had silver details around the neckline in the shape of a heart and the waist ending with a blue gem, with bare shoulders and wide sleeves, the other had Gold, details in the square neckline that extends to the bottom of the dress, the wide sleeves, but the inside of the sleeves had gold fabric, both were perfect for the occasion.
-It's your wedding, after all, you deserve to be the center of attention… -. She smiles waiting for the dress with silver details. - And what matters what others say, take the first ... -.