Chapter 15: Blair’s POV

(A/N) WARNING this chapter contains sexual content!


"Yes!" Some blonde screamed due to fact that my tongue was now between her legs

I had found her in the hall and quickly convinced her to follow me to the empty locker room. She was cute and all but she wasn't Alice and that was completely ruining the mood for me. I moved back causing her to sigh and I wiped my face before standing up.

"What's wrong?" She asked lust still evident in her eyes since I hadn't let her finish

I shook my head and sighed "Nothing I need to go."

"But we didn't even finish." She whined grabbing my hand

"Let go." I growled pulling my hand from her grasp

I looked back at her and she looked shocked as she quickly pulled her pants back on with a huff "Why did you even start this if you weren't going to finish."

I rolled my eyes at her and she frowned "It's complicated."

"Well tell me about it then." She said smirking at me from the bench I had just been eating her out on only moments ago

I shrugged "I don't even know your name, why would I tell you my secrets?"

"I told you my name," She grumbled "but it's Sam."

"Well Sam," I started before sitting down next to her "I was fucking this woman, and I started to like her but then she just ended things out of nowhere."

"She sounds like a bitch." She said giggling softly

I rolled my eyes "I guess, it was just so weird and random."

"Have you asked her why she ended things?" She questioned curiously

I shrugged looking down at the blue tiled floor "Like I said it's complicated."

"You should talk to her." She said with a soft smile "Also you should really refrain from getting a girl so close to cumming and then stopping because of another girl, it's not very nice."

I laughed "I'll try not to but I've gotta go."

I stood up and looked at her and she smiled softly, she really was a sweet girl and I felt bad for using her.

"I'll see you around Blair." She smirked

I rolled my eyes laughing "You too Sam."

Once out of the locker room Sam's words were all I could hear in my head, you should talk to her. Lost in my own thoughts, I ended up outside of her room and took a deep breath before opening the door. The last bell had already rang and the room was empty except forAlice who was focused on some papers she was grading. I quietly closed the door and took a few more careful steps toward her.

She still hadn't noticed me so I broke the silence "Hey can we talk?"

When she looked up her eyes looked conflicted as if debating something "Sure."

I sat in my old favorite seat across from her and looked at the ground as I spoke "Why did you end things between us Alice?"

"It's complicated Blair." She whispered softly, her voice cracking slightly

I rolled my eyes "Then try to explain, I think you at least owe me that much."

"Can you meet me somewhere later?" She asked her voice low as though someone were listening

"I guess," I mumbled "Where?"

She wrote something on a sheet of paper before handing it to me "I'll see you at five Blair."

I looked down at the paper reading it, McConnor Park, the bench closest to the playground. Did she want to meet here because she didn't want me at her house or because she wanted to meet somewhere public in case I tried something?

My head was spinning by the time I finally replied "Yeah, I'll see you then."

I stood up and just before I exited the room her voice rang out "Blair, be safe, I still care about you, you know that right."

I nodded unable to respond and then exited the room before closing the door behind me.

"Blair?" A familiarly annoying voice rang out

I turned seeing Amber only ten or so feet away "Hello Amber."

"Are you okay?" She asked as she approached me

"Yeah I'm fine, what's up?" I asked rolling my eyes

She grinned "I was wondering if I could have your number?"

"Why?" I questioned raising an eyebrow at her

She rolled her eyes and then smiled at me "Because I like you Blair, duh."

"Will you leave me alone if I give you my number?" I asked irritated by her persistence

"I mean, I'm going to text you of course." She shrugged seeming nervous for my next response

I grumbled "Fine, give me your phone."

She grinned deviously as she handed over the phone.

I quickly added myself to her contacts before handing it back to her "Alright, I need to go now."

"Bye Blair." She giggled before disappearing down the hall

I rolled my eyes, annoyed that she had chosen today of all days to flirt with me and headed to my locker where Callie was patiently waiting.

"Why have you been so off today?" She questioned not even trying to ease into the conversation

I groaned and threw my books into my locker "I'll tell you in the car."

"You drove to school?" She questioned curiously

I laughed softly "Yeah, I'm going to look at an apartment but you can come with me."

"I guess we do have a lot to talk about." She chuckled as we headed for the parking lot

I smirked "You have no idea, I told my parents I was moving out last night but Sarah started crying and saying she loved me so I guess it went better than expected."

"She cried?" Callie asked as we got into my car

I chuckled "Yeah like a baby, I mean it's nice that she cares but it's a tad late."

"So what's going on with Ms. Winters?" She asked as soon as I started the car

I closed my eyes trying to stay calm "She ended things between us last night."

"What? Why?" She asked curiously

I rolled my eyes "I have no idea, she wants to meet at the park tonight to talk, it's just so sketchy."

"Maybe something else happened?" She said as more of a question than a statement

"Maybe." I replied as we headed towards the apartment I intended on moving into

The apartment was more beautiful than it looked in the pictures, small, but very nice. It was a two bedroom one bath with a small living area and kitchen that were both quite modern. My new landlord, Jason, had given me the keys after I signed the lease as well as paid the deposit and first month's rent. It was weird when he left allowing me and Callie to check the space out freely but it was exciting to finally have my own space. As four thirty rolled around I felt my anxiety building and I both was excited and nervous to hear what Alice had to say.