Chapter 14: Alice’s POV

I hadn't seen Blair since class due to three annoying ass students who wouldn't leave my room after school. They had wanted help with their statistics homework and since I'm their teacher I couldn't really tell them I needed them to leave so I could flirt with one of my other students. Just as I was finally packing up my belongings a thin paper slid under my door and I curiously went over and picked it up reading: I see that you like to hook up with your students, I wonder what principal Davis would say about this. I gasped flipping over the paper, revealing a picture taken through my window of Blair and I kissing. It was blurry, barely even shadows and definitely not incriminating but the fact that someone knew had my skin crawling.

~3 Hours Later~

Blair had ignored my texts and calls and I had been pacing through my house since I got home trying to figure out what to do. I knew I had to end things, I couldn't keep this up now that someone was threatening to expose us but I couldn't bear the thought of losing Blair. I wouldn't use the word love but I definitely liked her as a lot more than a friend or a student and every time I came to the same conclusion I felt the tears sting as I tried to hold them back. I heard a soft knock on my door and I exhaled softly in relief that she had finally arrived.

I opened the door to reveal Amber with a sly grin on her lips "Hello Ms. Winters, I think we should talk."

Shocked to see her I started piecing it together and gulped "Come in."

Once she scurried inside I shut the door with a slam and turned to her "What the hell are you doing here?"

"What is Blair the only one allowed to come to your house?" She chuckled lowly as if mocking me with the information she knew

I sighed "What do you want Amber?"

"Hmm," she hummed "I want Blair, and you're going to make sure I get her."

I glared her down feeling my temper rise "Why would I do that?"

"Because otherwise I'll tell everyone that you're fucking one of your students." She stated rolling her eyes "Look, here's what's going to happen, you're going to tell her you can't see her anymore and you aren't going to mention this conversation to her. If I find out you did or even think you did then I'm going straight to Mr. Davis."

I shook my head and half screamed "You're such a bitch Amber, why can't you just leave us alone and stay out of it."

She smirked at me confidently "Because I love Blair more than you ever will and she deserves better than a teacher who can't even take her out on a date."

I huffed realizing she wasn't entirely wrong and sighed "Fine Amber just get out of my house."

She grinned deviously "I'm glad we could reach a compromise."

Interesting choice of words, I thought remembering how Blair and I had first met. She slipped out of my house without another word and I poured myself a tall glass of wine. I finished a few drinks, my hands shaking with anxiety every time I tipped the glass to my lips. A knock on the door had my heart beating fast, too fast, as quickly as it had the first time Blair and I had sex. I nervously stumbled to the door and opened it to find Blair standing on the steps with a suitcase in tow.

"Hey, I talked to my parents." She said smiling brightly at me

Unable to meet her gaze I tried to maintain my composure as I spoke "That's great Blair but you can't stay here."

"Why not?" She asked her voice cracking slightly

This is what I had been dreading "We can't see each other anymore Blair."

"Alice come on, you can't mean that." She said laughing slightly

"I do Blair, go home." I still had my eyes locked on the ground unable to face her

She huffed loudly "Fuck you Alice."

I heard her walk away and I glanced up watching her stomp in the direction of her parents house without looking back at me. It broke my heart, it felt as though it was shattered to splinters as I collapsed to the ground finally letting the tears I had held back fall relentlessly.

~The Next Day~

I hadn't slept, I knew my eyes were red from crying beyond the point that any makeup could fix. I probably looked like shit, pretty suiting considering how I felt. All day I had been dreading my last class knowing I would have to face her, knowing that I'd have to see how broken I had left her, if at all. As the bell rang my chest constricted and my palms started sweating from the nerves I couldn't get a grip on. Students began to fill the room and then I saw her, she wore an extremely short skirt and a crop top that barely even covered her bra. Usually it would turn me on, today it pissed me off knowing why she had dressed that way. She glanced at me, her eyes a cold gray, unreadable and distant in a way I had never seen.

Shaking her from my thoughts I stood "Alright class, please pull out your textbooks and turn to page 69."

"That's my favorite page." Blair chuckled causing the room to roar with laughter

She looked up at me with venom in her eyes, the joke had humor but the look in her eyes did not.

"Please keep your comments to yourself Miss Collins." I stated with as much confidence as I could muster up "Please do the even numbers on a separate sheet of paper and stop at 30. Once you have finished you may leave."

The room fell quiet as the students began to work through the problems and I focused on grading the papers in front of me. After only a few minutes Blair came up to the front and slammed her paper onto my desk without a word before leaving. I looked down and read her neat handwriting that I'd recognize anywhere, Fuck Statistics, Fuck You, and Fuck Page 69, If you Need Me I'll Be 69ing Elsewhere.