Chapter 3

A desperate mother cried from outside.

I went outside, where my mother and father were still.

„My daughter! My daughter! "A crying woman shouted around.

There are only six of us now. My mother hugged me tightly.

„She didn't deserve this, she lost her last child," his father said.

„What about our Lia ?! I've already lost two girls and I don't want to lose my Liu either! "She walked around her father and went to the cottage.


We all met at church at exactly twelve o'clock. Six chests were stacked side by side in front of the cross.

That's pretty morbid.

Unfortunately, an innocent girl with black braids was already lying in one chest.

„Kneel down and exaggerate," the pastor preached.

We all knelt down. But I didn't pray because I'm not as stupid as the others and I don't believe that praying will help me.

I raised my head and looked at the poor girl's chest.

After a long time, they took the chest and placed it in the ulcer of the open grave.

I looked at it in horror. Six open graves, several hundred rows.


The sky was slowly turning dark blue to indicate that the day was over. My father gave me a mint leaf and a cross under my spirit again.

My mother and I embroidered the tablecloth again so that I would forget about my problems for a while.

Unfortunately, the tension that was in this house could not be covered.

„Lia, please go get at least two or three woods," my father asked me.

I went outside, but I stopped immediately at the strange sound. I looked behind me, but I didn't see anyone. That it would be the devil?

After quite a long time of thinking, I decided that it must have been a forest animal and I was just paranoid. I took three logs from the large pile of chopped wood into the oven and went back to the cottage.

Today, do not put mint under the spirit ...

I stopped at his words and stared into space.

„Okay, as you wish," I replied, going inside.

I laid the wood next to the oven and sat down next to my mother.

„It's been many hours, you should go to bed. Take care, "my mother smiled at me.

I sat down on the bed and picked mint leaves under the spirit, but I left the cross there.


I heard the same sound again as yesterday that woke me up. I sat on the bed and went out on a path where the girls were slowly meeting. Unfortunately, there are one less of us today, and after this lesson we will be one less.

Something that belongs to you is hidden deep in the woods ...

I was wondering what it could be?

When you find it, tear off the first branch you see and go back to bed and put it under the spirit...

I went straight to the forest. Why does it have to be in the forest and not in the meadow?

Just like yesterday, some girls just stood there crying out loud, I'm not surprised that the one with the black hair died, if they just did this, it would be their turn.

Everywhere I saw only the darkness that haunted me while I tried to escape from it.

I looked everywhere, but I didn't see anything.

„How do I find it when I don't see anything ?!"

Try to remember ...

So I won't survive this night.

I wandered through a dense, dark forest. I wanted to give it up, but suddenly I saw my cross on the branch, which I left under the spirit.

I took the cross, but also the branch on which the cross was. I returned to the path where a girl was crying on the ground, crying.

„Why are you here? Go and seek what was taken away from you. "

The girl looked at me with teary eyes.

„I cant."

„Why couldn't you?"

„Because I disobeyed him and left the mint under the spirit."

„Why didn't you do it ?! Do you want to die now ?! "

„I don't want to, but my parents told me to leave her there. "

AnnaSalia, go back to bed. Don't pity her ...

Sadly, but also angrily, I went to bed and put a branch and a cross under my spirits and closed my eyes.