Chapter 4

In the morning I woke up alive and well. So for now. My mother was relieved, I don't know which night I will live.

We went out, where again there were a lot of villagers and a crying mother of a girl who did not put mint away with under the clergy. My mother led me into the house and straightened my hair. I left the house. I sat on the stump and stared at the ground.

Is this good for anything? After all, young innocent girls are dying.

Today will be the second funeral of the girl I tried to help, but it was too late.


We knelt down and were to pray, as the pastor had commanded.

All the girls clasped their hands and prayed. Only I looked at the chest where the poor girl lay.

Is there a chest for me too?

The dead girl's mother ran to the chest, but her husband stopped her. I have seen these scenes every single year since I was five, when they first chose my sister, who died on the fourth night.

We arrived at the front grave, slowly inserting a chest there. Some took a handful of clay and threw it into the pit.


Today I decided to go for a walk to the lake, which is near the meadow, which is just behind our cottage.

The sun was pleasantly warming and bouncing off the lake, with which the spring breeze was playing and creating small but regular ripples.

„I wonder what lesson awaits me today," I told myself.

Riddle ...

„A riddle?"


I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes. I tried to clear my mind, but my thoughts only went around one thing.

We'll have a riddle tonight. I don't know anything yet, but it worries me.

I heard the familiar sound again. I sat on the bed and went out on the road where there were already 4 girls.

Each of you will get a different riddle ...

Some girls were scared, others cried again, only I stood there staring into space.

Underground memories,

above the ground flames.

We put flowers on it,

you shed a tear ...

It's a cemetery!

Some stood still, others went away. I went to the cemetery. A cool place, full of pain and suffering.

I stopped in front of the cemetery gate. I reached for the gate, but hesitated.

Dont worry...

I don't know if it was an intention, but it gave me courage and I opened the gate. I found myself in a cemetery.

„And now what should I do?"

Go talk to loved ones ...

„Who's that?"

„With us."

I turned in horror to see two female figures.

„Don't be afraid of us, sister."

„Isabella?" I spoke to her in astonishment.

„Don't forget about me, Lia," she smiled kindly at me.

„You were tiny when I was 18," she said.

„Then you must be Lisa," I said to the other sister I had never seen.

„You were three years old when you last saw me. Understandably, you don't remember me. "

„I'm going to die too, am I right?"

„Not today, you did your job," Bella said.

That didn't help me much.

„We'll take a walk," Lisa said.

„Has anything changed at home?"

„Two children have joined the family, little Sandra is six years old and Matej is already sixteen years old."

„Mom's definitely happy and she forgot about us," she said, a little sad.

„No, that's not true. Your mother goes to your grave every Sunday to give you flowers and talks to you, don't you know? "

„We were called to earth just for you."

„But I'm glad she didn't forget about us," Bella smiled.

We stopped in front of our home.

„It looks exactly like when I left it."

„Is that true?"

„What's the truth?"

„That you're here with me."

„Of course I do."

„Then tell me something so I know it's not just a dream."

„When I was fifteen, my mother gave me a black necklace, which I put in my chest. I liked to wear it to church. "

„It's getting dawn, go to bed and wake up."

„Will I ever see you again?"

Well, no one was there anymore.

I went into the cottage and went straight to bed. I lay down and closed my eyes. After a while, I opened them. The sun was already on the horizon.



„Have you ever had a black necklace for Lisa?"

She grabbed her heart and tears welled up in her eyes.

„How do you know?"

„I was with them, she told me."

„I gave it to her when she was fifteen. She put it in her chest and pulled it out only when she went to church. "