Chapter 5

The mother held her sister's chest the whole time and cried. I didn't want to hurt her or anything like that.

Slowly, people moved to churches. We knelt before the pastor, who blessed us and repeated the same thing around.

„God accompanies you, open your heart to him, just as he accompanies you. Clear your mind so he can look into it and help you. "

There was another funeral again, it was a girl who used to be opposite us. When I was little, I liked to play with her by the lake.

I looked at 3 empty graves, but there were four of us alive.

I myself do not know if I am reconciled to death, but I will fight to the brink of my strength. I won't give up when I'm so close.


My father, brother and I went to the woods in the woods.

The father kept the horse, which was harnessed to the wagon, under control. As always, I was carried away by the beautiful trees that reached up to the sky.

„Lia, look, a bush full of raspberries. Take a basket and go collect it, "my father preached and I ran away.

So far, they have gone on. I know this forest well, so I'm not afraid of getting lost.

I put one in the basket and the other in my mouth. So sweet.

Do you like them ...?

I hesitated for a moment if I should answer at all.

„Yes, they're great jam," I smiled a little.

I picked up an almost full basket and ran after my father and brother. The father always cuts the wood behind the dam.

I put the basket in the car and went to help my father.


I helped my mother make jam from the raspberries I picked up today. But she could be seen to be nervous. They argued with their father about it again today.

I painted little Sandra a loaf of bread with raspberry jam.

Unfortunately, the sky was already black and blue.

I went to bed and fell asleep immediately.


I woke up to a familiar sound. I went out where there were already three girls.

I want you to bring me moss that grows deep underwater ...

All three girls ran to the lake, apparently unaware that its bottom was made of clay.

I ran into the woods to the dam. It is done by man's hand, but there are stones at the bottom and moss growing on them.

I stopped for the dam and immediately jumped into the water. It was cold, and even though the moon was shining, there was almost nothing to see.

I swam to the bottom, but I don't see anything. I started to look for a stone where he could feel moss. I was running out of oxygen pretty quickly, but luckily I found one such stone.

I emerged and breathed hard and coughed.

I looked at the stone in my hand and smiled. I ran to the road, where two girls were desperately standing.

„Where did you find the moss?"

„Go to the dam, you'll find a lot at the bottom," I told her.

They scattered away into the woods.

„What should I do with that moss?"

Put him at the door and go to bed ...


I knelt before the pastor, who again blessed our souls.

I looked at the chest, but I didn't see the girl's body there.

„Let you ..."

Three breathless men broke into the church.

„Mr. Parson, we found the girl."

The girl's mother got up immediately.

„Where is the?! Is he alive ?! "

Well, one of the men shook his head.

„Where did you find her?" The pastor asked.

„At the bottom of the lake."