Chapter 11

There was a cry of young girls in the church, who were unfortunately waiting for death. I'm leaving today too. Whether it's death or redemption, I don't know.

We went home slowly. The old woman's annual scandal was on the way.

„Isn't that enough for you ?! You're making life uncomfortable for others! ”My mother shouted at her.

„You'll be told when your kid is still alive," the old woman said.

„And did you forget that two were dead ?! My daughters have been buried for several years! What were you saying then? That it can only happen to bad people as punishment! "

People around nodded in agreement.

„Border with a witch!" A woman shouted.

„Border with her!"

Some grabbed the woman by the shoulders and took her to the border, where they often burned people.

„Wait, wait," the pastor confronted the large crowd.

„We want to burn her, she doesn't deserve to live, so don't stand in our way!"

„You can't burn it without discipline, I'm going with you," the pastor said in a calm voice.

He doesn't mean it!

They tied her up and put dry rye under her, which they immediately set on fire.

„Let us pray for the soul of a mad woman who dies a natural death from burning, which has been assigned to bad people."

„Aaaaa," the burning woman shouted.

The smell of burning meat hit me right in the nose. I also saw the girl on fire in the fire that night.

„You will burn in hell like I will burn in your flames," the woman shouted.

The smoke rose high in the clouds, and with it her soul.

After the woman exhaled for the last time, the people moved away. I stood there watching the body rot. Smoke kept rising from the body.

Did you really deserve this?