Three clans. Part two.

Approaching Xing-Fu, the head of the Second clan named Sun bent his head slightly and said, "Xing-Fu, it's been a long time. A very long time indeed. And you did not change at all."

Scratching his forehead, the man named Sun whose features were sharp and rude, was much younger than Xing-Fu. And his high position among others was thanks to his heroic deed on the battlefield. Because in his young age, he saved his army all by himself, when everyone was severely injured. But after that, he did not go to the battlefield anymore. Maybe when he became the head of the clan, replacing the previous head of the clan, he satisfied so much that he forgot about everything else.

But in spite of his slim body and absence of muscles, he was powerful enough to destroy several beasts with his hands.

His small deep eyes were always showing cheerfulness and a kind of cunning smirk even though his mouth was always curled in a kind smile. But the presence of deep scar on his forehead made his look, one could say, even angry and scary.

Xing-Fu embracing him happily said, "Where were you? I haven't seen you for such a long period."

"I've been very busy these days. You know that I have an army now. So I have to teach my soldiers everything I know. These days, you can't just sit and enjoy with the blizzard, these days you must work hard for the future of our children."

"Speaking of children, soon, we are gonna celebrate the creation of children of my clan. You know, in my clan there are so many young men who will turn 25 soon."

Interrupting him Sun said, "Children are the future. We must work hard in order to provide a better life for them. I envy you brother, in my clan all soldiers are older than yours. Their children is all grown ups now, but you have so many young future warriors. You have so much future in your hands." Looking at Longwei who was standing not so far from them he smiled and cunningly said, "I guess this young man is younger than 25. And he is a newcomer here." Approaching him, Sun looked at him from head to toe and then nodded his head as if he was approving him. "What is your name?"

Longwei seriously answered, "Longwei."

"Longwei. You are quite interesting man." Strangely looking at him, Sun went back to the conversation with Xing-Fu.

Xing-Fu looking towards the door said, "I wonder where is On. Before, he had never been late."

"I guess he forgot about our meeting. Because you know, he had become too selfish these days."

"Yes, after that incident in the forest."

"But this incident was quite dangerous and On was very brave."

Longwei standing next to Lei whispered, "What incident they are talking about? And who is On?"

Lei stepped closer to him and replied, "On is the head of the Third clan."

"I have never heard about him. Is he a hero?"

"Not a hero but very brave soldier."

Sun noticing Longwei curiousity approached him, putting his hand on his shoulder he said, "Longwei, I guess everything is new for you. You look like you know nothing about this place. Xing-Fu, you don't know hospitality? Why didn't you tell him the history of three clans? Look at him, he looks so lost."

Xing-Fu did not say anything. But it was evident that he wasn't enjoying with this conversation.

Sun not taking his eyes off Longwei, pretended as if he did not notice Lei.

"Brother Xing-Fu, I guess you did not give him his sword? What happened to you? All your soldiers have a great quality swords. Longwei, you can tell me if you're feeling uncomfortable here, I can easily take you to my clan. You know, in my clan…"

Interrupting him Longwei sharply replied, "I am feeling uncomfortable next to you."

Pretending like it was a joke, Sun laughed out loud but his eyes were showing some kind of anger.

Not wanting to be next to him anymore, Longwei bent his head and went away.

Baofeng-Xue catching him whispered, "Do you know with whom you have just talked? He is the head of the Second clan, the warrior Sun. I think your behavior and your words weren't that kind towards him. You don't know what kind of man he is. He never forgets anything. Brother, you should be more careful with your words."

"I don't think that he is scary enough to make me behave politely."

"You should apologize. Longwei, you really don't know what kind of man he is."

"Apologize? But I didn't say anything bad."

Sighing loudly Baofeng-Xue walked away, leaving him alone.

"So brother Xing-Fu, why did you gather us here today? Are there any news?"

Sitting to his high chair, Xing-Fu stroked his beard and replied, "It's been a long time since we were gathering everyone like this. You know, nowadays, I have become very nostalgic and sentimental. Maybe that is because most of the time I spend here, all alone. But in the past, we used to gather here and talk. Sometimes we even had a fight, but after we were always eating or playing. I just missed these times."

"Nowadays, everything is different. I don't think that we can act like this now. There are more and more beasts out there. And we are losing more and more soldiers. Now, all we have to do is hope for the better future and try our best to protect these mountains. Xing-Fu, you can't be sentimental, you must be brave, cold and powerful."

"You're right. Maybe I am getting too old. The older you get, the more nostalgic and sentimental you are."

"The head of the Third Clan has arrived!" Exclaiming this loudly, a soldier in silver armor stepped in and everyone turned their heads towards him. A soldier with a very cold expression stepped away and not so tall, average height, elderly man entered to the hall. His full of wrinkles face was very cold too, as if he never knew emotions in his life. Holding a silver sword he looked like he was ready to fight at any minute. Looking around with his almost invisible eyes, he made a strange sound and seeing Xing-Fu walked towards him.

Everyone around was so silent that it was like no one dared to breathe.

With the appearance of the head of the Third clan, the room filled with cold wind which was piercing through the skin. Bringing an unpleasant coldness with himself he approached Xing-Fu and slightly bowing his head quietly said, "Xing-Fu." Surprisingly enough in spite of his appearance, his voice was very pleasant and gentle.

"Brother On. Happy to see you."

Looking at Sun, On just bowed his head but did not say anything. Looking away, Sun stepped aside.

"Brother, what is the reason of this meeting? Did anything happen?"

"Nothing happened. I just wanted to see you all."

On sitting to a chair extended his hand and his servant in an armor gave him a cup of hot tea. "Brother Xing-Fu, last time when you gathered everyone wasn't a good sign. Because after, you went to the battlefield and almost died there. It was like your farewell meeting. But then when I heard that you want to see us all, I got really scared. Maybe you are feeling something bad is coming? This time, you must tell me. Don't be so confidant, you're not young. You must rely on others."

Laughing, Xing-Fu replied, "Don't worry brother On. The reason of this meeting is just my loneliness. To be honest, I have missed you."

On looked around again, stopping his gaze on Lei, he waved his hand and said, "Lei, come here."

Carefully examining him On said, "Now, you finally look like a real warrior. Your injuries seem fresh. Did you just arrive from the battlefield? Did this old man send you there again? Without allowing you to rest for a while?"

Standing straight Lei's eyes were looking somewhere ahead, "I didn't go to the battlefield for almost a year. I have been busy by training soldiers."

"Yes, but who left such terrible scratches on your face? I know that you've been knowing for your ability to remain without any injuries no matter how horrible the fight is. But seeing you like this is very unusual."

Listening to him Longwei looked at Lei. Remembering his words, he knew that he wants to keep what happened last night in secret so he stood up from his chair and headed towards On.

Bowing, he replied, "My apologies, but it was me. This injuries were made by me. I had a fight with my teacher last night because he was rude with me on my first day."

Not knowing the reason for such behavior Longwei stood with his head bent down.

The silence filled the hall. Everyone's attention was on him.

On thinking about something did not take his eyes off Longwei. "Lift your head." Leaning back to a chair he said, "So you fought with your teacher? You disobeyed him?"


Xing-Fu added, "He is a newcomer. He doesn't know our rules."

On looked at Lei, his expression suddenly changed and became more friendly. "If he made all this injuries on your face then you must punish him even harder."

"He had already endured his punishment." answered Lei.

��You're the best warrior of our times, you are a real hero. You're a magician Lei. There is no one else like you. Your abilities always made me wonder and admire you more and more. But why do I feel like that you are acting strangely. Why do I feel like that you can't punish this young man, particularly, this soldier. I know you too well Lei. Before, you were cruel, your punishments were so hard to endure that most of the soldiers left an army and became slaves of the blizzard. Or what? Do his abilities better than yours? Or did you finally find for yourself a proper opponent and that is why he is still here?" Saying this On stood up and stepped closer to Lei. Piercing him with his pale eyes, On added, "What makes this young man differ from others?"

"It is because of yesterday's fight! He showed his martial skills like no one else. He defeated all of us without a sword." Shouted out a man who was standing in the corner of the hall, all alone.

Turning his head towards Longwei On looked at him from head to toe and then looked back at Lei. "Is it true Lei? Did he really defeat everyone without a sword?"

Thinking about this conversation Longwei scratched his head. Wonderingly looking at On and Xing-Fu, he thought that this conversation was somehow strange. Very strange. So he joined it, "Excuse me, but why are you all concentrated on swords? I mean, isn't it a normal and usual things, to be able to fight with just two hands and legs. I mean, the sword doesn't give you power. In fact, it can slower your movements because of its weight. I just don't understand why you look surprised because I could defeat all these soldiers without any sword." Gently smiling, he looked at Lei who was as usual very tensed.

Everyone was silent. Only Baofeng-Xue closed his face and loudly sighed.

Examining him, On did not take his eyes off him. There was something horrifying in his pale, cold, almost invisible tiny eyes.

Breaking the silence apart, Xing-Fu laughed out loud even though he was a bit nervous too. Approaching Longwei, he took his hand and said, "Longwei, he is a son of…"

"I know whose son he is. I knew it since the moment I saw him. He has his father's eyes and his nose. And also his voice." Said On.

"Then you must remember that his father too, was able to fight without sword. Longwei, he is just like him. I even think that he is gonna be the next great warrior, after Lei of course. Or maybe even better than Lei." Nervously laughing, Xing-Fu pushed him slightly and when Longwei looked at him he nodded his head and looked towards the soldiers.

"Your father was a great man. Even though I wasn't his friend. But I always admired him. Your father, he had a rare talent." Looking somewhere at the ceiling he sank into deep memories but then waking up he became cold again. "And now, you are standing in front of me and I feel like it is not you but he is standing in front of me right now. Longwei… You must be very proud of your father. He saved many lives and his heroism will never be forgotten."

"Yes, but his talent and his heroism led him to death."

On looked at Xing-Fu and was about to say something, but Xing-Fu loudly said, "On, Sun, I want to show you something, why don't we go to the library now?"

Finally when three of them went away and hid behind of rows of columns, Baofeng-Xue ran up to Longwei, grabbing him by the hand he angrily said, "Brother, why were you talking with him? Why didn't you stay next to me? You must be careful. Careful at everything, including your words."

"What did I do? I did nothing and my words were nothing but truth. Did you hear his words about my father? He said it like it was a good thing that he died. I couldn't stay still and remain silent. I don't think that On or Sun, or Moon, who else is there, can scare me or shut my mouth. And anyway I will leave soon. Why I should act accurately?!"

"I didn't know that you are stupid." Said Baofeng-Xue and walked away.

Feeling a bit cold, Longwei went towards the fireplace, sitting in front of it, he closed his face and thought about what he had said, but couldn't find anything unusual or strange. "But why did I say that it was me who left all these scars and wounds on Lei's face? Why did I even care?" he thought and the next moment he felt a strong hand on his back. It was Lei.

"Thank you." he said. In the light of fire, his face looked very handsome even though he still showed no other emotion except the seriousness.

"For what?"

"For keeping that beast in secret. I didn't think that you would keep it in secret."

"I know what it is like when you want to keep something in secret. I know this feeling. Secrets, they can eat you alive and they can make your life a bit interesting. Sometimes they can a motivation. Because sometimes only secrets can keep you alive. Because you will do anything just to keep your secret from others. Even though I don't understand why you want to keep the strange beast in secret, but now it became my secret too. Now, I have some kind of motivation to be here. Now I must protect your secret from getting revealed."

Extending his hands towards the flames of fire Longwei looked at Lei. When their eyes met, they felt strange and synchronically looked away.

"Anyway, thank you again." Lei said and with a quick steps walked away.

When the day came to an end, Xing-Fu with other two heads of the clans came back from the library. This time, On and Sun looked very happy, but Xing-Fu's face was sad and very serious, like he was worrying about something.

Sun, who stopped talking the moment when On had arrived, now became talkative again. Addressing to On, he was energetically saying something.

"Brother Xing-Fu, I am glad of today's meeting. It's been a long time since we've talked like this. I am glad that between three of us there is still some friendly connection." Said On wearing his mantle.

"You will be welcome here at any time."

When three of them approached the soldiers, all of them stood in a raw.

"Xing-Fu, I admire your soldiers. They are very brave, smart and well-mannered. What is your secret brother? Why are all your students like this? Why can't I reach the same harmony with my soldiers?" Friendly embracing him, On said, "Your army was always the best one. Sometimes I even envy you."

"They are like this because they eat a good food and because I am better than you of course." Saying this he broke into laughter.

Interrupting their fun, Sun added, "I don't think that they are good enough brother On. If a newcomer could defeat all of them, then I don't think that they are capable of anything."

"Capable of not, we'll see it in the next battle which will be so soon." replied On without looking at him. "Am I right brother Xing-Fu? You remember that the battle between our clans will be very soon? Or did you forget?"

"How can I forget it?!"

"You must choose the best soldier who will fight against my soldiers. I wonder who will it be." Looking at Longwei Sun said, "I think you should choose him."

Xing-Fu without saying anything just smiled and showing towards the exit went ahead.