Three clans. Part one.

Waking up by the fire, Longwei felt himself fresh and full of energy again. Stretching like a cat, he happily smiled and looked around. Lei wasn't there. Examining his body, his injuries, he did not feel any pain. Wearing his shoes he went out of the house.

The pale sky surprisingly enough looked very beautiful today. The weather was very calm and silent.

Thinking about what happened last night, he shivered and the happy mood gave way to the anxiety. Cautiously looking around he went towards the house but hearing Lei's steps he said, "Good morning teacher."

Holding two swords in his hand, Lei with his usual tensed expression just nodded his head and went in to the house. After some minutes he went out with his backpack. Wearing a long and heavy fur coat, his face was covered with deep scratches which were made by the beast. But still, after such an encounter, his proud and brave posture did not change at all. Without looking at Longwei he said, "Wear this. It'll get colder soon."

Giving him his fur vest, Lei stepped ahead.

"Teacher, about that beast. What was it? Is it one of the beasts in the battlefield?"

Lei quickly walking ahead frowned and replied, "No. It is not that kind of the beast."

"To be honest I got very scared of it. Especially its voice. I still can hear its cries. I have never seen such creature."

Lei slowing down his steps said, "Its voice contains millions of voices. And strangely enough it knows your sorrows and your pain. If you lost someone then it will know it. It can imitate anyone's voice. This beast is smarter than you think."

Longwei stopped, his face became sad and for a moment he was silent.

Slightly turning his head towards him Lei said, "That is why you heard your father's voice."

Without saying anything he just stepped ahead. Half of the way they did not speak. Only the singing of the birds was breaking the silence around.

The snowdrifts after night became even deeper. But luckily enough there was no blizzard.

When the forest finally have ended, they were on the field where Longwei was fighting. The snow there, still had a blood drops. In spite of the strong blizzard the snow on the field was still the same. Looking back, towards the forest Longwei said, "I can't believe that we are on the top of the mountain. All these forests, fields, everything is on the top of the mountain. And down there, so far away, lies something which no one had seen. Battlefield, lands, maybe other forests." Saying this like a real dreamer, Longwei looked around. Catching Lei's strange gaze on himself, he said, "What?"

Lei without taking his dark eyes off him replied, "You really can see the beauty in this world."

Blushing a little Longwei said, "See the beauty? I don't think that my words were towards the beauty. I think they were just the reflection of my feelings about this world. But I don't think that this world is beautiful. But my thoughts make it so."

Noticing a kind of smile on Lei's face Longwei said, "My words made you smile."

"To be honest in this cold reality, I had no one with whom I could talk about beauty, about world in general. Here, people are afraid of the poetic expressions. Here, no one cares about anything except the battlefield and beasts. Maybe that is right. But sometimes, human's heart needs to show itself, express itself by words."

Smilingly Longwei continued his walk.

When they almost have reached the village, Baofeng-Xue noticing Longwei and Lei rushed towards them.

"Brother! You're here! Teacher! What happened to your face? Teacher, give me your bag."

Taking the backpack and Baofeng-Xue with his usual energetic mood quickly went towards Lei's house.

When Longwei wanted to follow him Lei stopped him taking him by the shoulder. "About what had happened last night. About the beast, don't tell to anyone."

Longwei just nodded his head and ran after Baofeng-Xue.

"Brother, where were you? Where did you go with teacher? What kind of punishment did he make you endure?"

"We were just walking in the forest. He made me walk without any rest."

"For all night? With your injuries?! Is he crazy?"

"Yes, I was walking for all night. I think he is crazy a bit." Without hiding the smile on his face Longwei, strangely enough, had a good memories about last night.

"Why you look so happy? Aren't you tired?"

"I am not tired. I am just hungry."

"Let's go then. Soon, we'll have breakfast."

The moment when he stepped in to the canteen, everyone synchronically turned their heads towards him. Looking at him with curiosity, they started to whisper something.

Delun noticing him raised his hand up and loudly exclaimed, "Longwei! Over here! We are here!"

Approaching the long table by the window, Longwei felt hundreds of gazes on himself. And every whisper contained his name.

Lowering his head to Baofeng-Xue's ear he whispered, "Why is everyone looking at me like this?"

Delun, who was always loud and harsh loudly said, "You're famous now! Longwei, they talk about you and now, you will be the main topic among everyone. You'll get used to it."

"But why are they talking about me? Did I do something wrong?"

Holding a tray with a cup of hot water and bread with beans he said next to Baofeng-Xue. Feeling a bit awkward and uncomfortable because of such persistent gazes, he wanted to run away or hide himself.

Baofeng-Xue slightly pushed him and said, "Brother Longwei, relax. They are not blaming you or anything else. They are admiring you."

The young man named Eagle, who was wearing a brown fur hat, said, "Xue is right. You shouldn't be tensed like this. They are not against you. After yesterday's fight everyone thinks that you are the next warrior of the First clan."

Questioningly looking at him Longwei did not say anything.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Don't you remember me? I am your roommate. My name is Eagle."

"How can you forget him? There is no one uglier than him. Just look at his curved nose." Saying this Delun lifted up his tray like a shield and Eagle threw towards him his empty iron cup.

"You perfectly know why it is curved. You broke it when we were fighting. Remember? It was three years ago. After that I should have break your nose too. But strangely enough I was too kind to you."

"Of course. I am your only friend. There is no one who would appreciate you like me."

Sitting opposite to Longwei, a very handsome man with light brown curvy hair and grey eyes, with white perfect skin and delicate features said, "I hope you remember who I am?"

Longwei tried to remember his name but no matter how hard he tried all was in vain.

Delun already finishing his breakfast shouted out loud, "How can't you remember his name? He is the most handsome man in this world, well after Lei of course. And now, I think, after Longwei. Alright, alright, I am just kidding. There is no one more handsome than you. You are a real beauty. Longwei, don't you remember him? His name is Xiaoli. Our fragile Xiaoli."

Casting angry look at him Xiaoli said, "Not fragile, but smart and aristocratic."

Laughing, Eagle replied, "Fragile? Xiaoli? He looks fragile, but in truth, he is more beast than any other beast on the battlefield."

Breaking into laughter, the long table by the window attracted to it even more attention.

Baofeng-Xue eating an apple said, "Brother Longwei, after your fight without sword, in your first day, everyone was shocked. Because before, no one even dared to engage in fight without sword. And also, without a proper training, you were able to defeat almost everyone. That is why everyone's looking at you now. You have become very popular. Now everyone wants to become your friend."

Delun giving him a few cookies broadly smiled and said, "We are lucky that you are in our house. While I am here, no one will be able to harm you!" Saying this loud he angrily looked at everyone.

Xiaoli, playing with his bracelet made by a tiny stones looked at Longwei, his grey eyes were piercing him through. "Longwei, where have you been all this time? Were you hiding somewhere?"

"I was living very far away."

"I bet you did not want to join the army."


"Sometimes, we think that we deserve something more. That we can live a better life and create a future for ourselves, with these two hands. But sadly enough, the reality takes control over our dreams and in the end we realize that all we can do is to be the part of this blizzard and protect this cold mountain from the beasts."

Saying this Xiaoli stood up and walked away. His slim figure quickly went out of the canteen, leaving many questions in Longwei's head.

Baofeng-Xue, "I think he is still angry."

"Why is he angry?"

"He wanted to live another life. He wanted to change something. He even went to the heads of Three clans. But his wishes and thoughts left unheard."

"What did he wanted to change?" Curiously looking at Baofeng-Xue, Longwei said, "I am curious now."

Eagle loudly sighed and said, "Don't listen to him. He is little cunning creature. He just wants your heart and then when he gets it he'll break it. Xiaoli, is kind, but his only wish is love. So don't let him to break your heart."

Not knowing about love much, Longwei blushed a little and replied, "I am not that naïve. Me heart knows no love. And I don't want to know it. So don't worry, I won't be stupid."

Everyone broke into laughter which made Longwei blush even more.

Finishing their breakfast, everyone was about to go back to their houses but Lei stopped them. "The head of the First clan is awaiting all of you in the hall. Stand in a row and one by one follow me."

Noticing Longwei in front, he looked at him and wanted to say something but turned around and went ahead.

Following him, Baofeng-Xue whispered, "He is strange today. What really happened last night? Longwei, did you do something to him? Did you fight with him?"

"Brother Xue, nothing happened. I told you that we were just walking. By the way, walking in a dark forest is very scary. You can't imagine how much I got scared."

Suspiciously looking at him Baofeng-Xue added, "Something happened. I can see it. Alright, if you want to tell me, then don't tell."

Hearing their whisperings Lei angrily looked at them but did not say anything.

"Be quite. Brother Xue, your curiosity can cause you trouble."

"I am happy to see you all here today. Please have a sit." Xing-Fu said. His long leather coat with fur collar made his look even more majestic. Stroking his long white beard, he went up to Lei and they began to talk about something. Noticing Longwei standing in the corner of the hall he raised his hand and shouted, "Longwei, come here!"

"Look at him, he has become our Master's favorite. Just in one day! Can you imagine this!"

Whispering behind of his back, everyone was looking at him.

Xing-Fu putting his hand on his back said, "Longwei how are you? I was waiting for you yesterday. I thought that you would come to choose the sword. Well, it is my fault. I forgot to tell you that."

"I am pretty fine. And what about sword…"

Interrupting him Lei said, "He managed to win the battle without sword."

"Really?! That is very rare. You have a talent Longwei. I always knew it. I knew it since you were created."

Blushing, Longwei looked at Lei. Clutching the tip of his belt, Longwei said, "But if you don't mind, next time I prefer to fight with sword." Looking at Xing-Fu, he said this to Lei.

"After that, don't go. We'll choose the sword for you."

Breaking their conversation, the door loudly opened and the loud cheerful voice was heard, "Xing-Fu! Long time no see. Why are you hiding here? Or what? Didn't you miss me?"

Very tall man in a long dark green mantle who was much younger than Xing-Fu approached them.

Xing-Fu seeing him exclaimed, "Sun! Happy to see you again!"